You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

659 lines
15 KiB

function AMapWX(a) {
this.key = a.key;
this.requestConfig = {
key: a.key,
s: "rsx",
platform: "WXJS",
appname: a.key,
sdkversion: "1.2.0",
logversion: "2.0"
this.MeRequestConfig = {
key: a.key,
serviceName: "https://restapi.amap.com/rest/me"
AMapWX.prototype.getWxLocation = function(a, b) {
type: "gcj02",
success: function(c) {
c = c.longitude + "," + c.latitude;
key: "userLocation",
data: c
fail: function(c) {
key: "userLocation",
success: function(d) {
d.data && b(d.data)
errCode: "0",
errMsg: c.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getMEKeywordsSearch = function(a) {
if (!a.options) return a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: "\u7f3a\u5c11\u5fc5\u8981\u53c2\u6570"
var b = a.options,
c = this.MeRequestConfig,
d = {
key: c.key,
s: "rsx",
platform: "WXJS",
appname: a.key,
sdkversion: "1.2.0",
logversion: "2.0"
b.layerId && (d.layerId = b.layerId);
b.keywords && (d.keywords = b.keywords);
b.city && (d.city = b.city);
b.filter && (d.filter = b.filter);
b.sortrule && (d.sortrule = b.sortrule);
b.pageNum && (d.pageNum = b.pageNum);
b.pageSize && (d.pageSize = b.pageSize);
b.sig && (d.sig =
url: c.serviceName + "/cpoint/datasearch/local",
data: d,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(e) {
(e = e.data) && e.status && "1" === e.status && 0 === e.code ? a.success(e.data) : a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: e
fail: function(e) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: e.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getMEIdSearch = function(a) {
if (!a.options) return a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: "\u7f3a\u5c11\u5fc5\u8981\u53c2\u6570"
var b = a.options,
c = this.MeRequestConfig,
d = {
key: c.key,
s: "rsx",
platform: "WXJS",
appname: a.key,
sdkversion: "1.2.0",
logversion: "2.0"
b.layerId && (d.layerId = b.layerId);
b.id && (d.id = b.id);
b.sig && (d.sig = b.sig);
url: c.serviceName + "/cpoint/datasearch/id",
data: d,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(e) {
(e = e.data) && e.status && "1" === e.status &&
0 === e.code ? a.success(e.data) : a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: e
fail: function(e) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: e.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getMEPolygonSearch = function(a) {
if (!a.options) return a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: "\u7f3a\u5c11\u5fc5\u8981\u53c2\u6570"
var b = a.options,
c = this.MeRequestConfig,
d = {
key: c.key,
s: "rsx",
platform: "WXJS",
appname: a.key,
sdkversion: "1.2.0",
logversion: "2.0"
b.layerId && (d.layerId = b.layerId);
b.keywords && (d.keywords = b.keywords);
b.polygon && (d.polygon = b.polygon);
b.filter && (d.filter = b.filter);
b.sortrule && (d.sortrule = b.sortrule);
b.pageNum && (d.pageNum = b.pageNum);
b.pageSize && (d.pageSize = b.pageSize);
b.sig && (d.sig = b.sig);
url: c.serviceName + "/cpoint/datasearch/polygon",
data: d,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(e) {
(e = e.data) && e.status && "1" === e.status && 0 === e.code ? a.success(e.data) : a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: e
fail: function(e) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: e.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getMEaroundSearch = function(a) {
if (!a.options) return a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: "\u7f3a\u5c11\u5fc5\u8981\u53c2\u6570"
var b = a.options,
c = this.MeRequestConfig,
d = {
key: c.key,
s: "rsx",
platform: "WXJS",
appname: a.key,
sdkversion: "1.2.0",
logversion: "2.0"
b.layerId && (d.layerId = b.layerId);
b.keywords && (d.keywords = b.keywords);
b.center && (d.center = b.center);
b.radius && (d.radius = b.radius);
b.filter && (d.filter = b.filter);
b.sortrule && (d.sortrule = b.sortrule);
b.pageNum && (d.pageNum = b.pageNum);
b.pageSize &&
(d.pageSize = b.pageSize);
b.sig && (d.sig = b.sig);
url: c.serviceName + "/cpoint/datasearch/around",
data: d,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(e) {
(e = e.data) && e.status && "1" === e.status && 0 === e.code ? a.success(e.data) : a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: e
fail: function(e) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: e.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getGeo = function(a) {
var b = this.requestConfig,
c = a.options;
b = {
key: this.key,
extensions: "all",
s: b.s,
platform: b.platform,
appname: this.key,
sdkversion: b.sdkversion,
logversion: b.logversion
c.address && (b.address = c.address);
c.city && (b.city = c.city);
c.batch && (b.batch = c.batch);
c.sig && (b.sig = c.sig);
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/geocode/geo",
data: b,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(d) {
(d = d.data) && d.status && "1" === d.status ? a.success(d) : a.fail({
errCode: "0",
errMsg: d
fail: function(d) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: d.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getRegeo = function(a) {
function b(d) {
var e = c.requestConfig;
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/geocode/regeo",
data: {
key: c.key,
location: d,
extensions: "all",
s: e.s,
platform: e.platform,
appname: c.key,
sdkversion: e.sdkversion,
logversion: e.logversion
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(g) {
if (g.data.status && "1" == g.data.status) {
g = g.data.regeocode;
var h = g.addressComponent,
f = [],
k = g.roads[0].name + "\u9644\u8fd1",
m = d.split(",")[0],
n = d.split(",")[1];
if (g.pois &&
g.pois[0]) {
k = g.pois[0].name + "\u9644\u8fd1";
var l = g.pois[0].location;
l && (m = parseFloat(l.split(",")[0]), n = parseFloat(l.split(",")[1]))
h.provice && f.push(h.provice);
h.city && f.push(h.city);
h.district && f.push(h.district);
h.streetNumber && h.streetNumber.street && h.streetNumber.number ? (f.push(h.streetNumber
.street), f.push(h.streetNumber.number)) : f.push(g.roads[0].name);
f = f.join("");
iconPath: a.iconPath,
width: a.iconWidth,
height: a.iconHeight,
name: f,
desc: k,
longitude: m,
latitude: n,
id: 0,
regeocodeData: g
} else a.fail({
errCode: g.data.infocode,
errMsg: g.data.info
fail: function(g) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: g.errMsg || ""
var c = this;
a.location ? b(a.location) : c.getWxLocation(a, function(d) {
AMapWX.prototype.getWeather = function(a) {
function b(g) {
var h = "base";
a.type && "forecast" == a.type && (h = "all");
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/weather/weatherInfo",
data: {
key: d.key,
city: g,
extensions: h,
s: e.s,
platform: e.platform,
appname: d.key,
sdkversion: e.sdkversion,
logversion: e.logversion
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(f) {
if (f.data.status && "1" == f.data.status)
if (f.data.lives) {
if ((f = f.data.lives) && 0 < f.length) {
f = f[0];
var k = {
city: {
text: "\u57ce\u5e02",
data: f.city
weather: {
text: "\u5929\u6c14",
data: f.weather
temperature: {
text: "\u6e29\u5ea6",
data: f.temperature
winddirection: {
text: "\u98ce\u5411",
data: f.winddirection + "\u98ce"
windpower: {
text: "\u98ce\u529b",
data: f.windpower + "\u7ea7"
humidity: {
text: "\u6e7f\u5ea6",
data: f.humidity + "%"
k.liveData = f;
} else f.data.forecasts && f.data.forecasts[0] && a.success({
forecast: f.data.forecasts[0]
else a.fail({
errCode: f.data.infocode,
errMsg: f.data.info
fail: function(f) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: f.errMsg || ""
function c(g) {
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/geocode/regeo",
data: {
key: d.key,
location: g,
extensions: "all",
s: e.s,
platform: e.platform,
appname: d.key,
sdkversion: e.sdkversion,
logversion: e.logversion
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(h) {
if (h.data.status && "1" == h.data.status) {
h = h.data.regeocode;
if (h.addressComponent) var f = h.addressComponent.adcode;
else h.aois && 0 < h.aois.length && (f = h.aois[0].adcode);
} else a.fail({
errCode: h.data.infocode,
errMsg: h.data.info
fail: function(h) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: h.errMsg || ""
var d = this,
e = d.requestConfig;
a.city ? b(a.city) : d.getWxLocation(a, function(g) {
AMapWX.prototype.getPoiAround = function(a) {
function b(e) {
e = {
key: c.key,
location: e,
s: d.s,
platform: d.platform,
appname: c.key,
sdkversion: d.sdkversion,
logversion: d.logversion
a.querytypes && (e.types = a.querytypes);
a.querykeywords && (e.keywords = a.querykeywords);
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/place/around",
data: e,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(g) {
if (g.data.status && "1" == g.data.status) {
if ((g = g.data) && g.pois) {
for (var h = [], f = 0; f < g.pois.length; f++) {
var k = 0 ==
f ? a.iconPathSelected : a.iconPath;
latitude: parseFloat(g.pois[f].location.split(",")[1]),
longitude: parseFloat(g.pois[f].location.split(",")[0]),
iconPath: k,
width: 22,
height: 32,
id: f,
name: g.pois[f].name,
address: g.pois[f].address
markers: h,
poisData: g.pois
} else a.fail({
errCode: g.data.infocode,
errMsg: g.data.info
fail: function(g) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: g.errMsg || ""
var c = this,
d = c.requestConfig;
a.location ? b(a.location) : c.getWxLocation(a, function(e) {
AMapWX.prototype.getStaticmap = function(a) {
function b(e) {
c.push("location=" + e);
a.zoom && c.push("zoom=" + a.zoom);
a.size && c.push("size=" + a.size);
a.scale && c.push("scale=" + a.scale);
a.markers && c.push("markers=" + a.markers);
a.labels && c.push("labels=" + a.labels);
a.paths && c.push("paths=" + a.paths);
a.traffic && c.push("traffic=" + a.traffic);
e = "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/staticmap?" + c.join("&");
url: e
var c = [];
c.push("key=" + this.key);
var d = this.requestConfig;
c.push("s=" + d.s);
c.push("platform=" + d.platform);
c.push("appname=" + d.appname);
c.push("sdkversion=" + d.sdkversion);
c.push("logversion=" + d.logversion);
a.location ? b(a.location) : this.getWxLocation(a, function(e) {
AMapWX.prototype.getInputtips = function(a) {
var b = Object.assign({}, this.requestConfig);
a.location && (b.location = a.location);
a.keywords && (b.keywords = a.keywords);
a.type && (b.type = a.type);
a.city && (b.city = a.city);
a.citylimit && (b.citylimit = a.citylimit);
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/assistant/inputtips",
data: b,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(c) {
c && c.data && c.data.tips && a.success({
tips: c.data.tips
fail: function(c) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: c.errMsg ||
AMapWX.prototype.getDrivingRoute = function(a) {
var b = Object.assign({}, this.requestConfig);
a.origin && (b.origin = a.origin);
a.destination && (b.destination = a.destination);
a.strategy && (b.strategy = a.strategy);
a.waypoints && (b.waypoints = a.waypoints);
a.avoidpolygons && (b.avoidpolygons = a.avoidpolygons);
a.avoidroad && (b.avoidroad = a.avoidroad);
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/direction/driving",
data: b,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(c) {
c && c.data && c.data.route && a.success({
paths: c.data.route.paths,
taxi_cost: c.data.route.taxi_cost || ""
fail: function(c) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: c.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getWalkingRoute = function(a) {
var b = Object.assign({}, this.requestConfig);
a.origin && (b.origin = a.origin);
a.destination && (b.destination = a.destination);
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/direction/walking",
data: b,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(c) {
c && c.data && c.data.route && a.success({
paths: c.data.route.paths
fail: function(c) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: c.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getTransitRoute = function(a) {
var b = Object.assign({}, this.requestConfig);
a.origin && (b.origin = a.origin);
a.destination && (b.destination = a.destination);
a.strategy && (b.strategy = a.strategy);
a.city && (b.city = a.city);
a.cityd && (b.cityd = a.cityd);
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/direction/transit/integrated",
data: b,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(c) {
c && c.data && c.data.route && (c = c.data.route, a.success({
distance: c.distance || "",
taxi_cost: c.taxi_cost ||
transits: c.transits
fail: function(c) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: c.errMsg || ""
AMapWX.prototype.getRidingRoute = function(a) {
var b = Object.assign({}, this.requestConfig);
a.origin && (b.origin = a.origin);
a.destination && (b.destination = a.destination);
url: "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/direction/riding",
data: b,
method: "GET",
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
success: function(c) {
c && c.data && c.data.route && a.success({
paths: c.data.route.paths
fail: function(c) {
errCode: "0",
errMsg: c.errMsg || ""
// module.exports.AMapWX = AMapWX;
export default AMapWX