You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1122 lines
33 KiB
1122 lines
33 KiB
<template> |
<basic-container> |
<div class="avue-crud"> |
<el-row v-if="!search" style="padding: 6px 18px"> |
<!-- 查询模块 --> |
<el-form :inline="true" :model="query"> |
<el-form-item label="配送车次:"> |
<el-input v-model="query.trainNumber" placeholder="请输入配送车次"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="配送日期:"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="query.taskTime" type="date" placeholder="选择日期"> |
</el-date-picker> |
</el-form-item> |
<!-- <el-form-item label="配送类型:">--> |
<!-- <el-select v-model="query.businessType" placeholder="请选择业务类型">--> |
<!-- <el-option--> |
<!-- :key="'1'"--> |
<!-- :value="'商配'">商配--> |
<!-- </el-option>--> |
<!-- <el-option--> |
<!-- :key="'2'"--> |
<!-- :value="'市配'">市配--> |
<!-- </el-option>--> |
<!-- </el-select>--> |
<!-- </el-form-item>--> |
<el-form-item label="配送种类:"> |
<el-select v-model="query.deliveryKind" placeholder="请选择业务类型"> |
<el-option :key="'1'" :value="'自主配送'">自主配送 </el-option> |
<el-option :key="'2'" :value="'外协配送'">外协配送 </el-option> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="配送司机:"> |
<el-select |
v-model="query.driverName" |
filterable |
placeholder="请输入司机名称" |
:loading="loading" |
> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in driverData" |
:key="item.dictKey" |
:label="item.dictValue" |
:value="item.dictValue" |
> |
</el-option> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="配送车辆:"> |
<el-select |
v-model="query.vehicleName" |
filterable |
placeholder="请输入司机名称" |
:loading="loading" |
> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in vehicleData" |
:key="item.dictKey" |
:label="item.dictValue" |
:value="item.dictValue" |
> |
</el-option> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<!-- 查询按钮 --> |
<el-form-item> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="searchChange">搜 索</el-button> |
<el-button icon="el-icon-delete" @click="searchReset()">清 空</el-button> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-form> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="24" class="rows"> |
<!-- <el-col :xl="14" :lg="7" :md="8" :sm="24" >--> |
<!-- <span style="padding-left: 10%" >配送总车次:{{statistics.vehiclesNub}}/总包件数:{{statistics.deliveriesTotal}}/总库存品数:{{statistics.dinventoryTotal}} </span>--> |
<!-- </el-col>--> |
<el-col :xl="10" :lg="7" :md="8" :sm="24"> |
<span |
>市配总车次:{{ statistics.marketNub }}/总包件数:{{ |
statistics.marketTotal |
}}/总库存品数:{{ statistics.minventoryTotal }}</span |
> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row style="margin-top: 30px"> |
<div class="avue-crud__header"> |
<!-- 头部左侧按钮模块 --> |
<div class="avue-crud__left" style="margin-top: 20px"> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-plus" @click="printBatchOrder" |
>批量打印</el-button |
> |
<!-- <el-button type="danger" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="handleDelete" plain>删 除</el-button>--> |
</div> |
<!-- 头部右侧按钮模块 --> |
<div class="avue-crud__right"> |
<el-button icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="searchChange" circle></el-button> |
<el-button icon="Operation" @click="showdrawer(true)" circle></el-button> |
<el-button icon="el-icon-search" @click="searchHide" circle></el-button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</el-row> |
<el-row> |
<!-- 列表模块 --> |
<tablecmt |
:columnList="columnList" |
:tableData="data" |
:loading="loading" |
@inputTxt="inputsc" |
@timeCheck="timesc" |
@btnCheck="btnsc" |
@selectCheck="selectsc" |
@selection="selectionsc" |
> |
<template #default="slotProps"> |
<el-text size="small" @click="editsolt(slotProps.scope)">查 看</el-text> |
<el-text size="small" @click="editmap(slotProps.scope)">地 图</el-text> |
<el-text |
size="small" |
v-if=" |
slotProps.scope.row.deliveryStatusName !== '已完成' || |
slotProps.scope.row.deliveryStatus !== '3' |
" |
@click="handleEdit(slotProps.scope)" |
>编 辑</el-text |
> |
<!-- <el-button size="small" @click="costadd(slotProps.scope)">费 用 增 项</el-button>--> |
</template> |
</tablecmt> |
<!-- <el-table ref="table" v-loading="loading"--> |
<!-- @selection-change="selectionChange"--> |
<!-- :data="data"--> |
<!-- :height="height"--> |
<!-- style="width: 100%"--> |
<!-- :border="option.border">--> |
<!--<!– <el-table-column type="selection" v-if="option.selection" width="55" align="center"></el-table-column>–>--> |
<!-- <el-table-column type="expand" v-if="option.expand" align="center"></el-table-column>--> |
<!--<!– <el-table-column v-if="option.index" label="#" type="index" width="50" align="center">–>--> |
<!--<!– </el-table-column>–>--> |
<!-- <template v-for="(item,index) in option.column">--> |
<!-- <!– table字段 –>--> |
<!-- <el-table-column v-if="item.hide!==true"--> |
<!-- :prop="item.prop"--> |
<!-- :label="item.label"--> |
<!-- :width="item.width"--> |
<!-- :key="index">--> |
<!-- </el-table-column>--> |
<!-- </template>--> |
<!-- <!– 操作栏模块 –>--> |
<!-- <el-table-column prop="menu" label="操作" :width="220" align="center">--> |
<!-- <template #="{row}">--> |
<!--<!– <el-button type="primary" text icon="el-icon-view" @click="handleView(row)">查看</el-button>–>--> |
<!-- <el-button type="primary" text icon="el-icon-view" @click="handleViewBlank(row)">查看</el-button>--> |
<!-- <el-button type="primary" text icon="el-icon-view" @click="handleViewBlank(row)">查看地图</el-button>--> |
<!-- </template>--> |
<!-- </el-table-column>--> |
<!-- </el-table>--> |
</el-row> |
<el-row> |
<div class="avue-crud__pagination" style="width: 100%"> |
<!-- 分页模块 --> |
<el-pagination |
align="right" |
background |
@size-change="sizeChange" |
@current-change="currentChange" |
:current-page="page.currentPage" |
:page-sizes="[30, 50, 80, 120]" |
:page-size="page.pageSize" |
layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" |
:total="" |
> |
</el-pagination> |
</div> |
</el-row> |
<!-- 表单模块 --> |
</div> |
<el-dialog |
v-model="dialogVisible" |
title="增值服务" |
width="30%" |
:model="addvalue" |
:before-close="handleClose" |
> |
<el-form-item label="增值服务" prop="freightMark"> |
<el-checkbox-group v-model="form.addvalueType" @change="handleCheckedCitiesChange"> |
<el-checkbox |
style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 3%" |
v-for="(item, index) in addvalueServeTypeData" |
:key="item.dictKey" |
:label="item.dictKey" |
>{{ item.dictValue }} |
<span v-if="index === 0 || index === 6 || index === 2 || index === 4" |
> 件数: |
<el-input |
type="number" |
v-model="item.f" |
:disabled="this.form?.freightMark?.indexOf(item.dictKey) == -1" |
@change="textbox($event, index, 1)" |
style="width: 20%; border: none; border-bottom: 2px solid #eee" |
/> |
</span> |
<span v-if="index === 1" |
>公里: |
<el-input |
type="primary" |
v-model="item.a" |
:disabled="this.form?.freightMark?.indexOf(item.dictKey) == -1" |
@change="textbox($event, index, 2)" |
style="width: 20%; border: none; border-bottom: 2px solid #eee" |
/> |
</span> |
<span v-if="index === 3" |
>距离: |
<el-input |
type="number" |
v-model="item.b" |
:disabled="this.form?.freightMark?.indexOf(item.dictKey) == -1" |
@change="textbox($event, index, 3)" |
style="width: 20%; border: none; border-bottom: 2px solid #eee" |
/> |
</span> |
<span v-if="index === 5" |
>人数: |
<el-input |
type="number" |
v-model="item.c" |
:disabled="this.form?.freightMark?.indexOf(item.dictKey) == -1" |
@change="textbox($event, index, 4)" |
style="width: 20%; border: none; border-bottom: 2px solid #eee" |
/> |
</span> |
<span v-if="index === 0" |
>楼层: |
<el-input |
type="number" |
v-model="item.d" |
:disabled="this.form?.freightMark?.indexOf(item.dictKey) == -1" |
@change="textbox($event, index, 5)" |
style="width: 20%; border: none; border-bottom: 2px solid #eee" |
/> |
</span> |
<span v-if="item" |
>预计费用: |
<el-input |
type="number" |
v-model="item.e" |
:disabled="this.form?.freightMark?.indexOf(item.dictKey) == -1" |
@change="textbox($event, index, 6)" |
style="width: 20%; border: none; border-bottom: 2px solid #eee" |
/> |
</span> |
</el-checkbox> |
</el-checkbox-group> |
</el-form-item> |
<template #footer> |
<span class="dialog-footer"> |
<el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">取消</el-button> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="aaa"> 确定(增值服务) </el-button> |
</span> |
</template> |
</el-dialog> |
</basic-container> |
<edittablehead |
@setcolum="setnewcolum" |
@closce="showdrawer" |
:drawerShow="drawerShow" |
:columnList="columnList" |
></edittablehead> |
<el-dialog title="二维码" :visible.sync="isShow" width="780px" v-model="isShow"> |
<div> |
<div v-html="html"></div> |
<!-- <div v-for="(item,index) in qrCodeObj"> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="24" > |
<el-image width="10" height="10" w-full :key="index" :src="item " alt="Preview Image"/> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</div> --> |
</div> |
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> |
<!-- <el-button type="primary" @click="ddd">导 出</el-button>--> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="printTemplate">打 印</el-button> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="isShow = false">确 定</el-button> |
<el-button @click="isShow = false">取 消</el-button> |
</span> |
</el-dialog> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
getList, |
getDetail, |
add, |
update, |
remove, |
getPage, |
getstatistics, |
printBatch, |
} from '@/api/distribution/distributionDeliveryList'; |
import option from '@/option/distribution/distributionDeliveryList'; |
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'; |
import { getDictionaryBiz } from '@/api/system/dict'; |
import { addIncrement } from '@/api/distribution/distributionStockArticle'; |
import { getVehicleList } from '@/api/basicdata/basicdataVehicle'; |
import { getDriverList } from '@/api/basicdata/basicdataDriverArtery'; |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
height: 0, |
// 弹框标题 |
title: '', |
// 是否展示弹框 |
box: false, |
// 是否显示查询 |
search: true, |
// 加载中 |
loading: true, |
// 是否为查看模式 |
view: false, |
// 打印模版 |
html: '', |
// 是否显示打印模版 |
isShow: false, |
// 查询信息 |
query: {}, |
//数据统计 |
statistics: {}, |
drawerShow: false, |
// 分页信息 |
page: { |
currentPage: 1, |
pageSize: 30, |
total: 40, |
}, |
//配送类型 |
deliverytypeData: [], |
//配送种类 |
deliverykindData: [], |
//配送状态 |
deliveryliststateData: [], |
// 表单数据 |
form: {}, |
// 选择行 |
selectionList: [], |
columnList: [ |
{ |
prop: '', |
label: '序号', |
type: 0, |
values: '', |
width: 55, |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'trainNumber', |
label: '车次', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: true, |
sortable: true, |
// head: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'taskTime', |
label: '配送日期', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: true, |
sortable: true, |
// head: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'warehouseName', |
label: '仓库', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'kindName', |
label: '配送种类', |
type: 3, |
values: '', |
width: '180', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'typeName', |
label: '配送类型', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '180', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'vehicleName', |
label: '配送车辆', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '180', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'driverName', |
label: '配送司机', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'distributionCompany', |
label: '配送公司', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'deliveryStatusName', |
label: '配送状态', |
type: 3, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
// { |
// prop: 'deliveryListLoadingStatusName', |
// label: '装车状态', |
// type: 3, |
// values: '', |
// width: '150', |
// checkarr: [], |
// fixed: false, |
// sortable: true |
// }, |
{ |
prop: 'customersNumber', |
label: '配送客户数', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'price', |
label: '配送价格', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'fee', |
label: '增值服务', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'orderNumber', |
label: '订单总数', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'deliveryNumber', |
label: '配送件数', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'inventoryNub', |
label: '配送库存品件数', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'scannedNumber', |
label: '扫描件数', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'loadingTeamName', |
label: '装车班组', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'loadingTeamName', |
label: '装车班组', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: '', |
label: '操作', |
type: 6, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: 'right', |
sortable: false, |
}, |
// 更多列的配置... |
], |
// 表单配置 |
option: option, |
//增值服务弹窗 |
dialogVisible: false, |
//增值服务字典列表 |
addvalueServeTypeData: [], |
//增值服务列表 |
addvalueServeType: [], |
//配送方式字典列表 |
deliveryWayData: [], |
//增值服务对象 |
addvalueObj: {}, |
//订单行数据 |
orderInfo: {}, |
deliverId: null, |
//费用列表 |
feeList: [], |
//楼层 |
floorList: [], |
// 表单列表 |
data: [], |
driverData: [], |
vehicleData: [], |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.getvehicleData(); |
this.getDriverData(); |
this.queryDictionary(); |
this.init(); |
/** |
* 初始化获取本地缓存的编辑隐藏的列表 |
* 固定搭配,不能更改 |
*/ |
let checkListnewarr = this.$functions.getStorage(window.location.pathname + 'checkList'); |
let flexListnewarr = this.$functions.getStorage(window.location.pathname + 'flexList'); |
let sortlistnewarr = this.$functions.getStorage(window.location.pathname + 'sortlist'); |
if (checkListnewarr) { |
| => { |
item.head = false; |
}); |
| => { |
| => { |
if (ite == item.label) { |
item.head = true; |
} |
}); |
}); |
} else { |
let arr = []; |
| => { |
if (item.head) { |
arr.push(item.label); |
} |
}); |
this.$functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'checkList', arr); |
} |
if (flexListnewarr) { |
| => { |
item.fixed = false; |
}); |
| => { |
| => { |
if (ite == item.label) { |
if (item.type == 6) { |
item.fixed = 'right'; |
} else { |
item.fixed = true; |
} |
} |
}); |
}); |
} else { |
let arr = []; |
| => { |
if (item.fixed) { |
arr.push(item.label); |
} |
}); |
this.$functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'flexList', arr); |
} |
if (sortlistnewarr) { |
| => { |
item.sortable = false; |
}); |
| => { |
| => { |
if (ite == item.label) { |
item.sortable = true; |
} |
}); |
}); |
} else { |
let arr = []; |
| => { |
if (item.sortable) { |
arr.push(item.label); |
} |
}); |
this.$functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'sortlist', arr); |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
...mapGetters(['permission']), |
ids() { |
let ids = []; |
this.selectionList.forEach(ele => { |
ids.push(; |
}); |
return ids.join(','); |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
getvehicleData() { |
return new Promise((rv, rev) => { |
getVehicleList(1, 10, '').then(res => { |
const data =; |
let po = []; |
data.records.forEach(item => { |
let a = { |
dictKey:, |
dictValue: item.vehicleNub, |
}; |
po.push(a); |
}); |
this.vehicleData = po; |
console.log('^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^',; |
rv(; |
}); |
}); |
}, |
getDriverData() { |
return new Promise((rv, rev) => { |
getDriverList(1, 10, '').then(res => { |
const data =; |
let po = []; |
data.records.forEach(item => { |
let a = { |
dictKey:, |
dictValue:, |
}; |
po.push(a); |
}); |
this.driverData = po; |
console.log('===============>',; |
rv(; |
}); |
}); |
}, |
showdrawer(value) { |
this.drawerShow = value; |
}, |
/** |
* 弹窗的勾选回调,用于更改头部数组 |
* 固定搭配,只需要更换 columnList |
*/ |
setnewcolum(newarr, headarr, type) { |
// console.log(newarr,'+++++++++++') |
if (type == 1) { |
this.columnList = newarr; |
this.$functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'checkList', headarr); |
} else if (type == 2) { |
this.columnList = newarr; |
this.$functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'flexList', headarr); |
} else if (type == 3) { |
this.columnList = newarr; |
this.$functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'sortlist', headarr); |
} |
}, |
handleCheckedCitiesChange(value) { |
if (value) { |
this.form.addvalueType = value; |
} |
console.log('>>>>>', this.form); |
if (value.length < 1) { |
this.costList = []; |
this.costListName = []; |
} |
this.deliveryWayData.forEach(i => { |
if (value.includes(i.dictKey)) { |
console.log(i); |
i.pitch = true; |
this.costListName = value; |
} |
}); |
}, |
editmap(scope) { |
const { row } = scope; |
console.log('row>>>>>>xxxx', row); |
this.$router.push({ |
path: '/distribution/reservation/atlas1', |
query: { |
item: JSON.stringify(row), |
type: '2', |
}, |
}); |
}, |
textbox(e, index, a) { |
if (a === 6) { |
this.feeList[index + 1] = e; |
return; |
} |
if (a === 5) |
if (index === 0 && a === 5) { |
this.floorList[index + 1] = e; |
return; |
} |
this.costList[index + 1] = e; |
//费用列表 |
}, |
aaa() { |
let addvalueInfos = []; |
this.form.addvalueType.forEach((item, index) => { |
let addvalueInfo = {}; |
addvalueInfo.addvalueId = item; |
if (item == 1 || item == 3 || item == 5 || item == 7) { |
addvalueInfo.number = this.costList[item]; |
} |
if (item == 2) { |
addvalueInfo.kilometer = this.costList[item]; |
} |
if (item == 4) { |
addvalueInfo.distance = this.costList[item]; |
} |
if (item == 6) { |
addvalueInfo.peopleNum = this.costList[item]; |
} |
if (this.floorList.length > 1) { |
addvalueInfo.floor = this.floorList[1]; |
this.floorList = []; |
} |
addvalueInfo.fee = this.feeList[item]; |
addvalueInfos.push(addvalueInfo); |
}); |
let params = {}; |
| = this.deliverId; |
params.addvalue = addvalueInfos; |
params.relatedId = 2; |
console.log('params>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>', params); |
addIncrement(params).then(res => { |
this.dialogVisible = false; |
this.$message({ |
type: 'success', |
message: '操作成功!', |
}); |
}); |
this.onLoad(; |
}, |
selectionsc(value) { |
// 筛选出所有被选中项的id |
this.selectionList = =>; |
}, |
delectsolt(scope) { |
const { row } = scope; |
console.log(row); |
}, |
handleClose(done) { |
this.$confirm('确认关闭?') |
.then(_ => { |
done(); |
}) |
.catch(_ => {}); |
}, |
editsolt(scope) { |
const { row } = scope; |
console.log(row); |
this.$router.push({ |
path: '/distribution/deliverylist/distributionDeliveryListedt', |
query: { |
data: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(row)), |
name: row.trainNumber + '-查看配送', |
}, |
}); |
}, |
costadd(scope) { |
const { row } = scope; |
console.log('row>>>>>>>>>>', row); |
this.deliverId =; |
//查询订单的增值服务, |
this.addvalueServeType = []; |
this.addvalue = {}; |
this.dialogVisible = true; |
this.costList = []; |
this.feeList = []; |
this.floorList = []; |
// this.orderInfo = row; |
}, |
btnsc(index, row) { |
console.log(index, row); |
}, |
selectsc(index, row) { |
this.query[row.prop] = index; |
if (!index) { |
delete this.query[row.prop]; |
} |
if (row.prop === 'deliveryStatusName') { |
this.query['deliveryStatus'] = index; |
} else if (row.prop === 'kindName') { |
this.query['kind'] = index; |
} |
this.onLoad(; |
}, |
timesc(index, row) { |
console.log(index, row); |
}, |
inputsc(index, row) { |
this.query[row.prop] = index; |
if (!index) { |
delete this.query[row.prop]; |
} |
this.onLoad(; |
}, |
queryDictionary() { |
// getDictionaryBiz('delivery_type').then(res => { |
// this.deliverytypeData =; |
// }); |
getDictionaryBiz('addvalue_serve_type').then(res => { |
this.addvalueServeTypeData =; |
}); |
getDictionaryBiz('delivery_way').then(res => { |
this.deliveryWayData =; |
}); |
//配送状态 |
getDictionaryBiz('distribution_delivery_status').then(res => { |
this.$functions.checkcColumnList('deliveryStatusName', this.columnList).checkarr = |
| => { |
item.value = item.dictKey; |
item.label = item.dictValue; |
return item; |
}); |
}); |
//配送种类 |
getDictionaryBiz('distribution_deliverylist_kind').then(res => { |
this.$functions.checkcColumnList('kindName', this.columnList).checkarr = |
item => { |
item.value = item.dictKey; |
item.label = item.dictValue; |
return item; |
} |
); |
}); |
this.onLoad(; |
}, |
init() { |
this.height = this.setPx(document.body.clientHeight - 340); |
}, |
searchHide() { |
| = !; |
}, |
searchChange() { |
if (this.query.deliveryKind) { |
let deliveryKind = this.query.deliveryKind; |
switch (deliveryKind) { |
case '自主配送': |
this.query.kind = '1'; |
break; |
case '外协配送': |
this.query.kind = '2'; |
break; |
} |
} |
this.onLoad(; |
}, |
searchReset() { |
this.query = {}; |
| = 1; |
this.onLoad(; |
}, |
handleSubmit() { |
if (! { |
add(this.form).then(() => { |
| = false; |
this.onLoad(; |
this.$message({ |
type: 'success', |
message: '操作成功!', |
}); |
}); |
} else { |
update(this.form).then(() => { |
| = false; |
this.onLoad(; |
this.$message({ |
type: 'success', |
message: '操作成功!', |
}); |
}); |
} |
}, |
handleAdd() { |
this.title = '新增'; |
this.form = {}; |
| = true; |
}, |
handleEdit(scope) { |
const { row } = scope; |
this.$router.push({ |
path: '/distribution/turndelivery/deliveryMarket', |
query: { |
deliveryId:, |
name: row.trainNumber + '-编辑配送', |
}, |
}); |
}, |
handleView(row) { |
this.title = '查看'; |
this.view = true; |
| = true; |
getDetail( => { |
this.form =; |
}); |
}, |
// handleViewBlank (row) { |
// this.$router.push({ |
// path: '/distribution/deliverylist/distributionDeliveryListedt', |
// query: { |
// id:, |
// name: row.trainNumber +'-查看配送' |
// } |
// }); |
// }, |
handleDelete() { |
if (this.selectionList.length === 0) { |
this.$message.warning('请选择至少一条数据'); |
return; |
} |
this.$confirm('确定将选择数据删除?', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning', |
}) |
.then(() => { |
return remove(this.ids); |
}) |
.then(() => { |
this.selectionClear(); |
this.onLoad(; |
this.$message({ |
type: 'success', |
message: '操作成功!', |
}); |
}); |
}, |
rowDel(row) { |
this.$confirm('确定将选择数据删除?', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning', |
}) |
.then(() => { |
return remove(; |
}) |
.then(() => { |
this.onLoad(; |
this.$message({ |
type: 'success', |
message: '操作成功!', |
}); |
}); |
}, |
beforeClose(done) { |
done(); |
this.form = {}; |
this.view = false; |
}, |
selectionChange(list) { |
this.selectionList = list; |
}, |
selectionClear() { |
this.selectionList = []; |
// this.$refs.table.clearSelection(); |
}, |
currentChange(currentPage) { |
| = currentPage; |
this.onLoad(; |
}, |
sizeChange(pageSize) { |
| = pageSize; |
this.onLoad(; |
}, |
onLoad(page, params = {}) { |
this.loading = true; |
this.query.type = '2'; |
getPage(page.currentPage, page.pageSize, Object.assign(params, this.query)).then(res => { |
const data =; |
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty |
// for (let i = 0; i < data.records.length; i++) { |
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty |
// for (let j = 0; j < this.deliverytypeData.length; j++) { |
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty |
// if (data.records[i].type == this.deliverytypeData[j].dictKey) { |
// data.records[i].type = this.deliverytypeData[j].dictValue; |
// } |
// } |
// for (let j = 0; j < this.deliverykindData.length; j++) { |
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty |
// if (data.records[i].kind == this.deliverykindData[j].dictKey) { |
// data.records[i].kind = this.deliverykindData[j].dictValue; |
// } |
// } |
// for (let j = 0; j < this.deliveryliststateData.length; j++) { |
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty |
// if (data.records[i].state == this.deliveryliststateData[j].dictKey) { |
// data.records[i].state = this.deliveryliststateData[j].dictValue; |
// } |
// } |
// } |
| =; |
| = data.records; |
this.loading = false; |
this.selectionClear(); |
}); |
getstatistics(page.currentPage, page.pageSize, Object.assign(params, this.query)).then( |
res => { |
this.statistics =; |
} |
); |
// getDetail( => { |
// this.form =; |
// }); |
}, |
/** |
* 批量打印 |
*/ |
async printBatchOrder() { |
console.log(11); |
if (this.selectionList.length === 0) { |
this.$message.warning('请选择至少一条数据'); |
return; |
} |
this.isShow = true; |
const res = await printBatch({ ids: Array.from(this.selectionList).join(','), type: 2 }); |
console.log('res :>> ', res); |
const { |
data: { code, data }, |
} = res; |
if (code === 200) { |
// 初始化打印页面 |
this.html = ''; |
data.forEach(item => { |
this.html += item.templateHtml; |
}); |
} |
}, |
/** |
* 打印 |
*/ |
printTemplate() { |
print(); |
}, |
}, |
}; |