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//==本JS是加载Lodop插件或Web打印服务CLodop/Lodop7的综合示例,可直接使用,建议理解后融入自己程序== |
//用双端口加载主JS文件Lodop.js(或CLodopfuncs.js兼容老版本)以防其中某端口被占: |
var MainJS ="CLodopfuncs.js", |
URL_WS1 = "ws://localhost:8000/"+MainJS, //ws用8000/18000 |
URL_WS2 = "ws://localhost:18000/"+MainJS, |
URL_HTTP1 = "http://localhost:8000/"+MainJS, //http用8000/18000 |
URL_HTTP2 = "http://localhost:18000/"+MainJS, |
URL_HTTP3 = ""+MainJS; //https用8000/8443 |
var CreatedOKLodopObject, CLodopIsLocal, LoadJsState; |
//==判断是否需要CLodop(那些不支持插件的浏览器):== |
export function needCLodop() { |
try { |
var ua = navigator.userAgent; |
if (ua.match(/Windows\sPhone/i) || |
ua.match(/iPhone|iPod|iPad/i) || |
ua.match(/Android/i) || |
ua.match(/Edge\D?\d+/i)) |
return true; |
var verTrident = ua.match(/Trident\D?\d+/i); |
var verIE = ua.match(/MSIE\D?\d+/i); |
var verOPR = ua.match(/OPR\D?\d+/i); |
var verFF = ua.match(/Firefox\D?\d+/i); |
var x64 = ua.match(/x64/i); |
if ((!verTrident) && (!verIE) && (x64)) return true; |
else if (verFF) { |
verFF = verFF[0].match(/\d+/); |
if ((verFF[0] >= 41) || (x64)) return true; |
} else if (verOPR) { |
verOPR = verOPR[0].match(/\d+/); |
if (verOPR[0] >= 32) return true; |
} else if ((!verTrident) && (!verIE)) { |
var verChrome = ua.match(/Chrome\D?\d+/i); |
if (verChrome) { |
verChrome = verChrome[0].match(/\d+/); |
if (verChrome[0] >= 41) return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} catch (err) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
//==检查加载成功与否,如没成功则用http(s)再试== |
//==低版本CLODOP6.561/Lodop7.043及前)用本方法== |
export function checkOrTryHttp() { |
if (window.getCLodop) { |
LoadJsState = "complete"; |
return true; |
} |
if (LoadJsState == "loadingB" || LoadJsState == "complete") return; |
LoadJsState = "loadingB"; |
var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement; |
var JS1 = document.createElement("script") |
,JS2 = document.createElement("script") |
,JS3 = document.createElement("script"); |
JS1.src = URL_HTTP1; |
JS2.src = URL_HTTP2; |
JS3.src = URL_HTTP3; |
JS1.onload = JS2.onload = JS3.onload = JS2.onerror = JS3.onerror=function(){LoadJsState = "complete";} |
JS1.onerror = function(e) { |
if (window.location.protocol !== 'https:') |
head.insertBefore(JS2, head.firstChild); else |
head.insertBefore(JS3, head.firstChild); |
} |
head.insertBefore(JS1,head.firstChild); |
} |
//==加载Lodop对象的主过程:== |
(function loadCLodop(){ |
if (!needCLodop()) return; |
CLodopIsLocal = !!((URL_WS1 + URL_WS2).match(/\/\/localho|\/\/127.0.0./i)); |
LoadJsState = "loadingA"; |
if (!window.WebSocket && window.MozWebSocket) window.WebSocket=window.MozWebSocket; |
//ws方式速度快(小于200ms)且可避免CORS错误,但要求Lodop版本足够新: |
try { |
var WSK1=new WebSocket(URL_WS1); |
WSK1.onopen = function(e) { setTimeout("checkOrTryHttp();",200); } |
WSK1.onmessage = function(e) {if (!window.getCLodop) eval(;} |
WSK1.onerror = function(e) { |
var WSK2=new WebSocket(URL_WS2); |
WSK2.onopen = function(e) {setTimeout("checkOrTryHttp();",200);} |
WSK2.onmessage = function(e) {if (!window.getCLodop) eval(;} |
WSK2.onerror= function(e) {checkOrTryHttp();} |
} |
} catch(e){ |
checkOrTryHttp(); |
} |
})(); |
//==获取LODOP对象主过程,判断是否安装、需否升级:== |
export function getLodop(oOBJECT, oEMBED) { |
var strFontTag = "<br><font color='#FF00FF'>打印控件"; |
var strLodopInstall = strFontTag + "未安装!点击这里<a href='install_lodop32.exe' target='_self'>执行安装</a>"; |
var strLodopUpdate = strFontTag + "需要升级!点击这里<a href='install_lodop32.exe' target='_self'>执行升级</a>"; |
var strLodop64Install = strFontTag + "未安装!点击这里<a href='install_lodop64.exe' target='_self'>执行安装</a>"; |
var strLodop64Update = strFontTag + "需要升级!点击这里<a href='install_lodop64.exe' target='_self'>执行升级</a>"; |
var strCLodopInstallA = |
"<font color='#FF00FF'>Web打印服务CLodop未安装启动,点击这里<a href='' target='_self'>下载执行安装, <b color='#FF00FF'> 打印机驱动地址</b>:<a href='' target='_self'>点击下载<a></a>"; |
var strCLodopInstallB = "<br>(若此前已安装过,可<a href='CLodop.protocol:setup' target='_self'>点这里直接再次启动</a>)"; |
var strCLodopUpdate = |
"<br><font color='#FF00FF'>Web打印服务CLodop需升级!点击这里<a href='' target='_self'>执行升级</a>"; |
var strLodop7FontTag = "<br><font color='#FF00FF'>Web打印服务Lodop7"; |
var strLodop7HrefX86 = "点击这里<a href='Lodop7_Linux_X86_64.tar.gz' target='_self'>下载安装</a>(下载后解压,点击lodop文件开始执行)"; |
var strLodop7HrefARM = "点击这里<a href='Lodop7_Linux_ARM64.tar.gz' target='_self'>下载安装</a>(下载后解压,点击lodop文件开始执行)"; |
var strLodop7Install_X86 = strLodop7FontTag + "未安装启动," + strLodop7HrefX86; |
var strLodop7Install_ARM = strLodop7FontTag + "未安装启动," + strLodop7HrefARM; |
var strLodop7Update_X86 = strLodop7FontTag + "需升级," + strLodop7HrefX86; |
var strLodop7Update_ARM = strLodop7FontTag + "需升级," + strLodop7HrefARM; |
var strInstallOK = ",成功后请刷新本页面或重启浏览器。</font>"; |
var LODOP; |
try { |
var isWinIE = (/MSIE/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) || (/Trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent)); |
var isWinIE64 = isWinIE && (/x64/i.test(navigator.userAgent)); |
var isLinuxX86 = (/Linux/i.test(navigator.platform)) && (/x86/i.test(navigator.platform)); |
var isLinuxARM = (/Linux/i.test(navigator.platform)) && (/aarch/i.test(navigator.platform)); |
if (needCLodop() || isLinuxX86 || isLinuxARM) { |
try { |
LODOP = window.getCLodop(); |
} catch (err) {} |
if (!LODOP && LoadJsState !== "complete") { |
if (!LoadJsState) |
alert("未曾加载Lodop主JS文件,请先调用loadCLodop过程."); else |
alert("网页还没下载完毕,请稍等一下再操作."); |
return; |
} |
var strAlertMessage; |
if (!LODOP) { |
if (isLinuxX86) |
strAlertMessage = strLodop7Install_X86; |
else if (isLinuxARM) |
strAlertMessage = strLodop7Install_ARM; |
else |
strAlertMessage = strCLodopInstallA + (CLodopIsLocal ? strCLodopInstallB : ""); |
document.body.innerHTML = strAlertMessage + strInstallOK + document.body.innerHTML; |
return; |
} else { |
if (isLinuxX86 && LODOP.CVERSION < "") |
strAlertMessage = strLodop7Update_X86; |
else if (isLinuxARM && LODOP.CVERSION < "") |
strAlertMessage = strLodop7Update_ARM; |
else if (CLODOP.CVERSION < "") |
strAlertMessage = strCLodopUpdate; |
if (strAlertMessage) |
document.body.innerHTML = strAlertMessage + strInstallOK + document.body.innerHTML; |
} |
} else { |
//==如果页面有Lodop插件就直接使用,否则新建:== |
if (oOBJECT || oEMBED) { |
if (isWinIE) |
else |
} else if (!CreatedOKLodopObject) { |
LODOP = document.createElement("object"); |
LODOP.setAttribute("width", 0); |
LODOP.setAttribute("height", 0); |
LODOP.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;left:0px;top:-100px;width:0px;height:0px;"); |
if (isWinIE) |
LODOP.setAttribute("classid", "clsid:2105C259-1E0C-4534-8141-A753534CB4CA"); |
else |
LODOP.setAttribute("type", "application/x-print-lodop"); |
document.documentElement.appendChild(LODOP); |
CreatedOKLodopObject = LODOP; |
} else |
LODOP = CreatedOKLodopObject; |
//==Lodop插件未安装时提示下载地址:== |
if ((!LODOP) || (!LODOP.VERSION)) { |
document.body.innerHTML = (isWinIE64 ? strLodop64Install : strLodopInstall) + strInstallOK + document.body.innerHTML; |
return LODOP; |
} |
if (LODOP.VERSION < "") { |
document.body.innerHTML = (isWinIE64 ? strLodop64Update : strLodopUpdate) + strInstallOK + document.body.innerHTML; |
} |
} |
//===如下空白位置适合调用统一功能(如注册语句、语言选择等):======================= |
LODOP.SET_LICENSES("","4AE3961B0A17F2B39DCDA3787D40445D677","",""); |
//=============================================================================== |
return LODOP; |
} catch (err) { |
alert("getLodop出错:" + err); |
} |
} |