You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.7 KiB

* 全局配置文件
export default {
title: 'TWMS',
logo: 'S',
key: 'TWMS', //配置主键,目前用于存储
indexTitle: 'TWMS Admin',
clientId: 'saber', // 客户端id
clientSecret: 'saber_secret', // 客户端密钥
tenantMode: true, // 是否开启租户模式
tenantId: '000000', // 管理组租户编号
captchaMode: true, // 是否开启验证码模式
switchMode: false, // 是否开启部门切换模式
lockPage: '/lock',
tokenTime: 3000,
tokenHeader: 'Blade-Auth',
statusWhiteList: [],
setting: {
sidebar: 'vertical',
tag: true,
debug: true,
collapse: true,
search: true,
lock: true,
screenshot: true,
fullscren: true,
theme: true,
menu: true,
fistPage: {
name: '首页',
path: '/wel/index',
menu: {
iconDefault: 'icon-caidan',
label: 'name',
path: 'path',
icon: 'source',
children: 'children',
query: 'query',
href: 'path',
meta: 'meta',
// 流程设计器类型(true->nutflow,false->flowable)
designMode: true,
// 流程设计器地址(flowable模式)
designUrl: 'http://localhost:9999',
// 第三方系统授权地址
authUrl: 'http://localhost/blade-auth/oauth/render',
// 报表设计器地址(cloud端口为8108,boot端口为80)
reportUrl: '',
// 单点登录系统认证(blade-auth服务的地)
ssoUrl: 'http://localhost:8100/oauth/authorize?client_id=saber&response_type=code&redirect_uri=',
// 单点登录回调地址(Saber服务的地址)
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:1888',