You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
109 lines
4.2 KiB
109 lines
4.2 KiB
import { createApp } from 'vue'; |
import website from './config/website'; |
import axios from './axios'; |
import router from './router/'; |
import store from './store'; |
import i18n from './lang/'; |
import { language, messages } from './lang/'; |
import * as ElementPlusIconsVue from '@element-plus/icons-vue'; |
import ElementPlus from 'element-plus'; |
// import 'element-plus/dist/index.css'; |
import Avue from '@smallwei/avue'; |
import '@smallwei/avue/lib/index.css'; |
import crudCommon from '@/mixins/crud.js'; |
import globalc from '@/api/basicdata/globalc.js'; |
import { getScreen, getHtmls } from './utils/util'; |
import functions from './utils/functions'; |
import './permission'; |
import error from './error'; |
import avueUeditor from 'avue-plugin-ueditor'; |
import basicBlock from 'components/basic-block/main.vue'; |
import basicContainer from 'components/basic-container/main.vue'; |
import thirdRegister from './components/third-register/main.vue'; |
import NfDesignBase from '@saber/nf-design-base-elp'; |
import flowDesign from './components/flow-design/main.vue'; |
import tablecmt from './components/tablecmt/tablecmt.vue'; |
import webCamera from './components/webCameraIMG/webCamera.vue'; |
import SelectBox from './components/SelectBox/SelectBox.vue'; |
import edittablehead from './components/edittablehead/index.vue'; |
import WaybillPrintTemplate from './components/WaybillPrintTemplate/WaybillPrintTemplate.vue'; |
import ArteryPrintTemplate from './components/ArteryPrintTemplate/ArteryPrintTemplate.vue'; |
import TripartiteTransferPrintTemplate from './components/TripartiteTransferPrintTemplate/TripartiteTransferPrintTemplate.vue'; |
import ImgList from './components/ImgList/ImgList.vue'; |
import MyPrint from './components/MyPrint/MyPrint.vue'; |
import MyUpload from './components/MyUpload/MyUpload.vue'; |
import { message } from './utils/resetMessage'; |
import FileslicingPlugin from './utils/Fileslicing.js'; |
import App from './App.vue'; |
import 'animate.css'; |
import dayjs from 'dayjs'; |
import 'styles/common.scss'; |
// import './styles/custom-theme.scss' |
import './styles/index.scss'; |
import './styles/custom-theme.scss'; |
// 业务组件 |
import tenantPackage from './views/system/tenantpackage.vue'; |
window.$crudCommon = crudCommon; |
window.axios = axios; |
const app = createApp(App); |
for (const [key, component] of Object.entries(ElementPlusIconsVue)) { |
app.component(key, component); |
} |
app.component('basicContainer', basicContainer); |
app.component('basicBlock', basicBlock); |
app.component('thirdRegister', thirdRegister); |
app.component('flowDesign', flowDesign); |
app.component('tenantPackage', tenantPackage); |
app.component('tablecmt', tablecmt); |
app.component('webCamera', webCamera); |
app.component('edittablehead', edittablehead); |
app.component('SelectBox', SelectBox); |
/** 打印 */ |
app.component('MyPrint', MyPrint); |
/** 上传Excel */ |
app.component('MyUpload', MyUpload); |
/** 运单打印模版 */ |
app.component('WaybillPrintTemplate', WaybillPrintTemplate); |
/** 干线运输打印模版 */ |
app.component('ArteryPrintTemplate', ArteryPrintTemplate); |
/** 三方运输打印模版 */ |
app.component('TripartiteTransferPrintTemplate', TripartiteTransferPrintTemplate); |
app.component('ImgList', ImgList); |
app.config.globalProperties.$dayjs = dayjs; |
app.config.globalProperties.$functions = functions; |
app.provide('functions', functions); |
app.config.globalProperties.$globalc = globalc; |
| = website; |
app.config.globalProperties.getScreen = getScreen; |
app.config.globalProperties.getHtmls = getHtmls; |
app.use(error); |
app.use(i18n); |
app.use(FileslicingPlugin); |
app.use(store); |
app.use(router); |
app.use(ElementPlus, { |
locale: messages[language], |
}); |
app.config.globalProperties.$message = message; //解决重复弹窗 |
app.use(Avue, { |
axios, |
calcHeight: 10, |
locale: messages[language], |
}); |
app.use(avueUeditor, { axios }); |
app.use(NfDesignBase); |
// 按钮显示搜索或隐藏 |
app.directive('h5uShow', { |
created(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) { |
el.classList.add('search_container'); |
console.log('el.classList :>> ', el.classList); |
| = binding.value ? '1fr' : '0fr'; |
el.children[0].style.minHeight = 0; |
}, |
updated(el, binding) { |
el.classList.add('search_container'); |
| = binding.value ? '1fr' : '0fr'; |
}, |
}); |