9 changed files with 535 additions and 5 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
export const columnList = [ |
{ |
prop: '', |
label: '复选框', |
type: 0, |
width: 55, |
fixed: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: '', |
label: '序号', |
type: 12, |
values: '',
width: 55, |
fixed: true, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'name', |
label: '仓库名称', |
type: 3, |
values: '', |
width: '100', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'warehouseCode', |
label: '仓库编码', |
type: 3, |
values: '', |
width: '100', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'abbreviation', |
label: '仓库简称', |
type: 13, |
values: '', |
width: '120', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'linkman', |
label: '联系人', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'contactNumber', |
label: '联系电话', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'administrativeAreas', |
label: '管理区域', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'functionType', |
label: '职能类型', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'warehouseAddress', |
label: '仓库地址', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'departmentName', |
label: '所属部门', |
type: 3, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'warehouseType', |
label: '仓库类型', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'fireGrade', |
label: '消防等级', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'fireRatingNot', |
label: '是否有消防等级', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'warehouseStructure', |
label: '仓库结构', |
type: 4, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'elevatedNot', |
label: '是否高架', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'storeyHeight', |
label: '仓库层高', |
type: 4, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'powerCondition', |
label: '电力类型', |
type: 4, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'unitPrice', |
label: '租金单价', |
type: 4, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'acreage', |
label: '面积', |
type: 4, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'startDate', |
label: '开始时间', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'endDate', |
label: '到期时间', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
{ |
prop: 'rentType', |
label: '租金类型', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'grade', |
label: '仓库等级', |
type: 4, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'administrativeFee', |
label: '管理费', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'seating', |
label: '库位数', |
type: 2, |
values: '', |
width: '170', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'remarks', |
label: '备注', |
type: 1, |
values: '', |
width: '150', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: false, |
sortable: true, |
head: false, |
}, |
{ |
prop: 'createUserName', |
label: '操作', |
type: 6, |
values: '', |
width: '130', |
checkarr: [], |
fixed: 'right', |
sortable: false, |
}, |
] |
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
<template> |
<basic-container> |
<el-row v-if="search"> |
<el-form :inline="true" :model="query" class="el-fr-d"> |
<el-form-item label="工单号" class="el-times"> |
<el-input type="text" v-model="query.workOrderNumber" placeholder="请输入工单号" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-form> |
</el-row> |
<!-- 头部右侧按钮模块 --> |
<div class="avue-crud__right"> |
<el-button icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="searchChangeS" circle></el-button> |
<el-button icon="Operation" @click="showdrawer(true)" circle></el-button> |
<el-button icon="Search" @click="searchHide" circle></el-button> |
</div> |
<el-row> |
<!-- 列表模块 --> |
<tablecmt |
:columnList="details.columnList" |
:tableData="data" |
:loading="loadingObj.list" |
:checkselect="selectList" |
@inputTxt="inputsc" |
@timeCheck="timesc" |
@btnCheck="btnsc" |
@selectCheck="selectsc" |
@selection="selectionChange" |
> |
<template #default="slotProps"> |
<template v-if="slotProps.scope.column.label === '操作'"> |
<div class="ElBtnClass"> |
<div> |
<!-- <el-button @click="view(slotProps.scope)">查看</el-button> --> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</template> |
</tablecmt> |
</el-row> |
<!-- 分页模块 --> |
<el-row class="el-fy"> |
<div class="avue-crud__pagination flex-c-sb" style="width: 100%"> |
<div></div> |
<el-pagination |
align="right" |
background |
@size-change="sizeChange" |
@current-change="currentChange" |
:current-page="page.currentPage" |
:page-sizes="[30, 50, 80, 120]" |
:page-size="page.pageSize" |
layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" |
:total="page.total" |
> |
</el-pagination> |
</div> |
</el-row> |
</basic-container> |
<!-- 列表配置显示 --> |
<edittablehead |
@setcolum="setnewcolum" |
@closce="showdrawer" |
:drawerShow="drawerShow" |
:columnList="details.columnList" |
></edittablehead> |
</template> |
<script setup> |
import { |
ref, |
reactive, |
toRefs, |
computed, |
onMounted, |
nextTick, |
watch, |
getCurrentInstance, |
} from 'vue'; |
import { columnList } from '@/option/basicdata/basicdataWarehouseTemp.js'; |
import { $_getList } from '@/api/basicdata/basicdataWarehouse'; |
const search = ref(false); //搜索展开 |
const query = ref({}); //顶部搜索参数 |
const searchChangeS = () => {}; |
const searchHide = () => {}; |
const details = reactive({ |
/** 是否开启搜索 */ |
search: false, |
/** 时间选择器数据 */ |
stockupDate: [], |
/** 列表 */ |
columnList, |
/** 列表数据 */ |
data: [{}], |
/** 页面loading */ |
loadingObj: { |
/** 列表加载loading */ |
list: false, |
packageListLoading: false, |
}, |
/** 列表复选框选中的数据 */ |
selectionList: [], |
/** 是否显示设置表格 */ |
drawerShow: false, |
/** 分页参数 */ |
page: { |
currentPage: 1, |
pageSize: 50, |
total: 0, |
}, |
/** 弹出层显示 */ |
popUpShow: { |
/** 包件明细 */ |
packageOrderListlVisited: false, |
/** 二维码 */ |
QRCodeVisible: false, |
/** 修改客户信息 */ |
editClientInfoVisible: false, |
}, |
/** 列表Dom节点 */ |
listNode: '', |
form: {}, |
/** 全屏 */ |
fullscreenObj: { |
/** 包明细 */ |
packageOrderListlVisited: false, |
}, |
}); |
const { |
shortcuts, |
stockupDate, |
data, |
loadingObj, |
selectionList, |
drawerShow, |
page, |
trickleLoadingPage, |
zeroAdditionalRecordingInfo, |
popUpShow, |
recorddata, |
} = toRefs(details); |
/** |
* 设置列表 -- 固定函数 |
* 弹窗的勾选回调,用于更改头部数组 |
* 固定搭配,只需要更换 columnList |
* */ |
const setnewcolum = (newarr, headarr, type) => { |
if (type == 1) { |
details.columnList = newarr; |
functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'checkList', headarr); |
} else if (type == 2) { |
details.columnList = newarr; |
functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'flexList', headarr); |
} else if (type == 3) { |
details.columnList = newarr; |
functions.setStorage(window.location.pathname + 'sortlist', headarr); |
} |
}; |
details.columnList = columnList;//菜单配置 |
/** 展开列表控件 */ |
const showdrawer = _flag => { |
details.drawerShow = _flag; |
}; |
// 页面初始化 |
const onLoad=()=>{ |
let data={ |
current: 1, |
size: 30 |
} |
$_getList(data).then(res=>{ |
console.log(res); |
}) |
} |
onLoad() |
// 每页多少条 |
const sizeChange = val => { |
}; |
/** 页码改变执行的回调 */ |
const currentChange = val => { |
}; |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="scss"></style> |
Reference in new issue