1 week ago
6 changed files with 1024 additions and 19 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
import XLSX from 'xlsx-js-style'; |
import { getObjType, isNumber } from '@/utils/util'; |
export function exportExcel(columnList = [], listData = [], name = 'excel') { |
// 创建工作簿
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); |
const headers = []; |
const blackArr = ['序号', '复选框', '操作']; |
const data = []; |
for (let j = 0; j < listData.length; j++) { |
const item = listData[j]; |
const arr = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < columnList.length; i++) { |
const val = columnList[i]; |
if (blackArr.includes(val.label)) continue; |
if (j === 0) headers.push(val.label); |
arr.push(item[val.prop] || ''); |
} |
console.log('arr :>> ', arr); |
data.push(arr); |
} |
// 将数据转换为Excel单元格的值
const ws_data = [ |
// ['Column1', 'Column2', 'Column3'], // 表头
headers, |
...data, // 数据行
]; |
// 创建工作表
const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(ws_data); |
console.log('ws :>> ', ws); |
// 1.所有表头的宽度
const headsWidth = headers.map(value => { |
if (/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*$/.test(value)) { |
return (parseFloat(value.toString().length * 2.1) + 4).toFixed(2); |
} else { |
return (parseFloat(value.toString().length * 1.1) + 4).toFixed(2); |
} |
}); |
// console.log("所有表头的宽度:", headsWidth);
// 2.所有表体值的宽度
const rowsWidth = data.map(item => { |
// 每行数据中值的宽度
const maxValue = Object.values(item).map((value, index) => { |
let valueWidth = 0; |
if (value) |
if (/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*$/.test(value)) { |
valueWidth = (parseFloat(value.toString().length * 2.1) + 4).toFixed(2); |
} else { |
valueWidth = (parseFloat(value.toString().length * 1.1) + 4).toFixed(2); |
} |
// console.log("每行数据中值的宽度:", valueWidth);
// 对比出表头和表体值的最大数
return Math.max(valueWidth, headsWidth[index]); |
}); |
// console.log("本行值中最大宽度:", maxValue);
return maxValue; |
}); |
// console.log("每行数据对比出的最大宽度:", rowsWidth);
// 3.对比每列最大值
let aotuWidth = []; |
rowsWidth.map((row, index) => { |
let maxWidth = []; |
row.map((value, i) => { |
if (index === 0) { |
maxWidth.push({ |
wch: value, |
}); |
} else { |
maxWidth.push({ |
wch: Math.max(value, aotuWidth[i].wch), |
}); |
} |
}); |
aotuWidth = maxWidth; |
}); |
// console.log("每列最大宽度:", aotuWidth);
// 4.给excel设置自适应宽度
ws['!cols'] = aotuWidth; |
const excludes = ['!cols', '!fullref', '!merges', '!ref', '!rows']; |
console.log('ws :>> ', ws); |
for (let key in ws) { |
if (ws.hasOwnProperty(key)) { |
if (!excludes.includes(key)) { |
ws[key].s = { |
alignment: { |
// horizontal: 'center', //水平居中对齐
// vertical: 'center', // 垂直居中
wrapText: true, |
}, |
border: { |
top: { |
style: 'thin', |
color: { rgb: '000000' }, |
}, |
bottom: { |
style: 'thin', |
color: { rgb: '000000' }, |
}, |
left: { |
style: 'thin', |
color: { rgb: '000000' }, |
}, |
right: { |
style: 'thin', |
color: { rgb: '000000' }, |
}, |
}, |
// fill: {
// fgColor: { rgb: "00a2ff" },
// },
font: { |
sz: 11, |
color: { |
rgb: '000000', |
}, |
}, |
bold: true, |
numFmt: 0, |
}; |
const _text = ws[key].v; |
getObjType(_text) === 'string' && (ws[key].v = _text.replace('-->', '')); |
// 单元格宽度
// ws['!cols'].push({ wpx });
// 根据不同行添加单元格背景颜色
let color = 'ffffff'; |
// 文字颜色
let textColor = '000000'; |
let num = Number(key.slice(1)); |
num = isNumber(num) ? num : Number(key.slice(2)); |
if (num === 1) { |
color = '172e60'; |
textColor = 'ffffff'; |
ws[key].s.font.sz = 12; |
} else { |
} |
ws[key].s.fill = { |
fgColor: { rgb: color, patternType: 'solid' }, |
}; |
ws[key].s.font.color.rgb = textColor; |
} |
} |
} |
// ws['B1'].s = { ...fontStyle, ...borderStyle };
// 将工作表添加到工作簿;
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, 'Sheet1'); |
// 生成Excel文件;
XLSX.writeFile(wb, name + '.xlsx'); |
} |
// 导出列表
const exportPreviewIp = () => { |
const result = state.data.map(item => ({ |
实例ID: item.instanceId, |
uuid: item.uuid, |
地区: item.region, |
创建时间: item.createdTime, |
关机时间: item.terminatedTime, |
})); |
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(result); |
// 表头的样式
worksheet['A1'].s = { |
font: { |
bold: true, |
}, |
alignment: { |
horizontal: 'center', |
vertical: 'center', |
}, |
}; |
// 合并单元格 s: 起始位置, e: 结束位置, r: 行, c: 列
// data["!merges"] = [{ s: { r: 0, c: 0 }, e: { r: 0, c: 10 } }];
// 设置列宽
// data["!cols"] = [{ wch: 50 }, { wch: 20 }, { wch: 40 }];
// 1.所有表头的宽度
const headsWidth = Object.keys(state.data[0]).map(value => { |
if (/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*$/.test(value)) { |
return parseFloat(value.toString().length * 2.1); |
} else { |
return parseFloat(value.toString().length * 1.1); |
} |
}); |
// console.log("所有表头的宽度:", headsWidth);
// 2.所有表体值的宽度
const rowsWidth = state.data.map(item => { |
// 每行数据中值的宽度
const maxValue = Object.values(item).map((value, index) => { |
let valueWidth; |
if (/.*[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+.*$/.test(value)) { |
valueWidth = parseFloat(value.toString().length * 2.1); |
} else { |
valueWidth = parseFloat(value.toString().length * 1.1); |
} |
// console.log("每行数据中值的宽度:", valueWidth);
// 对比出表头和表体值的最大数
return Math.max(valueWidth, headsWidth[index]); |
}); |
// console.log("本行值中最大宽度:", maxValue);
return maxValue; |
}); |
// console.log("每行数据对比出的最大宽度:", rowsWidth);
// 3.对比每列最大值
let aotuWidth = []; |
rowsWidth.map((row, index) => { |
let maxWidth = []; |
row.map((value, i) => { |
if (index === 0) { |
maxWidth.push({ |
wch: value, |
}); |
} else { |
maxWidth.push({ |
wch: Math.max(value, aotuWidth[i].wch), |
}); |
} |
}); |
aotuWidth = maxWidth; |
}); |
// console.log("每列最大宽度:", aotuWidth);
// 4.给excel设置自适应宽度
worksheet['!cols'] = aotuWidth; |
const workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new(); |
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, 'Sheet1'); |
const binaryWorkbook = XLSX.write(workbook, { type: 'binary', bookType: 'xlsx' }); |
const blob = new Blob([s2ab(binaryWorkbook)], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }); |
const link = document.createElement('a'); |
link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
link.download = '实例列表.xlsx'; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
document.body.removeChild(link); |
}; |
const s2ab = binaryString => { |
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(binaryString.length); |
const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); |
for (let i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) { |
view[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; |
} |
return buffer; |
}; |
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