3 changed files with 657 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
<template> |
<basic-container v-loading="details.loadingObj.pageLoading"> |
<div class="avue-crud"> |
<!-- 搜索模块 --> |
<div v-h5uShow="search"> |
<!-- 查询模块 --> |
<el-form :inline="true" :model="query" class="header_search" label-width="100px"> |
<el-form-item label="品牌" prop="brands"> |
<el-select |
class="w100" |
v-model="query.brands" |
filterable |
placeholder="请选择" |
default-first-option |
multiple |
clearable |
> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in details.brandOptions" |
:key="item.brandId" |
:label="item.brandName" |
:value="item.brandName" |
/> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="年份"> |
<el-date-picker |
v-model="query.year" |
type="year" |
format="YYYY" |
placeholder="请选择" |
value-format="YYYY" |
@change=" |
() => { |
delete details.query.month; |
delete details.query.timeArr; |
} |
" |
/> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="月份"> |
<el-date-picker |
v-model="query.month" |
type="month" |
format="YYYY-MM" |
placeholder="请选择" |
value-format="YYYY-MM" |
@change=" |
() => { |
delete details.query.year; |
delete details.query.timeArr; |
} |
" |
/> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="制单时间"> |
<el-date-picker |
v-model="query.timeArr" |
type="daterange" |
range-separator="-" |
start-placeholder="开始时间" |
end-placeholder="结束时间" |
value-format="YYYY-MM-DD" |
@change=" |
() => { |
delete details.query.year; |
delete details.query.month; |
} |
" |
/> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="事业线"> |
<el-select |
class="w100" |
v-model="query.businessLines" |
filterable |
placeholder="请选择" |
default-first-option |
multiple |
clearable |
> |
<el-option |
v-for="item in details.businessLineOption" |
:key="item" |
:label="item" |
:value="item" |
/> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="发站仓"> |
<el-select |
class="w100" |
v-model="query.departureWarehouseIds" |
filterable |
placeholder="请选择" |
default-first-option |
multiple |
clearable |
> |
<el-option |
v-for="value in details.warehouseOption" |
:key="value.dictKey" |
:label="value.dictValue" |
:value="value.dictKey" |
/> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="目的仓"> |
<el-select |
class="w100" |
v-model="query.destinationWarehouseIds" |
filterable |
placeholder="请选择" |
default-first-option |
multiple |
clearable |
> |
<el-option |
v-for="value in details.warehouseOption" |
:key="value.dictKey" |
:label="value.dictValue" |
:value="value.dictKey" |
/> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<!-- 查询按钮 --> |
<el-form-item> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="searchChange">搜 索</el-button> |
<el-button icon="el-icon-delete" @click="searchReset">清 空</el-button> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
<!-- 控件模块 --> |
<div class="avue-crud__header flex-c-sb"> |
<!-- 头部左侧按钮模块 --> |
<div class="avue-crud__left"> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="Download" @click="ExportData"> 导出 </el-button> |
<!-- <el-button type="primary" icon="Download" @click="handleClick"> 点击 </el-button> --> |
</div> |
<!-- 头部右侧按钮模块 --> |
<div class="avue-crud__right"> |
<el-button icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="searchChange" circle></el-button> |
<el-button icon="Operation" @click="showdrawer(true)" circle></el-button> |
<el-button icon="Search" @click="searchHide" circle></el-button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 表格 --> |
<!-- 列表模块 --> |
<tablecmt |
ref="tableNodeRef" |
:columnList="details.columnList" |
:tableData="details.data" |
:loading="loadingObj.list" |
@inputTxt="inputsc" |
@timeCheck="timesc" |
@btnCheck="btnsc" |
@selectCheck="selectsc" |
@selection="selectionChange" |
> |
<template #default="{ scope: { row, column } }"> |
<div> |
{{ row[column.property] }} |
</div> |
</template> |
</tablecmt> |
<!-- 分页模块 --> |
<div class="avue-crud__pagination flex-c-sb" style="width: 100%"> |
<div style="font-size: 14px">勾选数量: {{ selectionList.length }}</div> |
<!-- 分页模块 --> |
<el-pagination |
align="right" |
background |
@size-change="sizeChange" |
@current-change="currentChange" |
:current-page="page.pageNum" |
:page-sizes="[30, 50, 80, 120, 500]" |
:page-size="page.pageSize" |
layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" |
:total="page.total" |
> |
</el-pagination> |
</div> |
</div> |
</basic-container> |
<edittablehead |
@closce="showdrawer" |
:drawerShow="drawerShow" |
:columnList="details.columnList" |
v-model="details.columnList" |
></edittablehead> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref, reactive, toRefs, computed, onMounted, nextTick, defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'; |
import functions from '@/utils/functions.js'; |
import dayjs from 'dayjs'; |
import { mapGetters, useStore } from 'vuex'; |
/** 获取字典 */ |
import { getDictionaryBiz } from '@/api/system/dict'; |
import { postFindBrandList } from '@/api/waybill/TemporaryStorageList'; |
import { |
postFindbusinessLine, |
postDeptIncomingExportNew, |
postDeptIncomingPageNew, |
} from '@/api/reportforms/SalesDepartmentIncomeReport'; |
import { |
setNodeHeight, |
getHtmls, |
deepClone, |
getObjType, |
handleTranslationDataSeclect, |
handleClearTableQuery, |
handleSelectQuery, |
handleInputQuery, |
downloadXls, |
} from '@/utils/util'; |
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; |
import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus'; |
import { getListName } from '@/api/basicdata/basicdataVehicle'; |
import { columnList } from '@/option/reportforms/SalesDepartmentIncomeReport'; |
// 获取路由实例 |
const $router = useRouter(); |
const $store = useStore(); |
// 组件实例 |
const tableNodeRef = ref(); |
const details = reactive<any>({ |
/** 是否开启搜索 */ |
search: true, |
/** 表格搜索条件 */ |
query: {}, |
/** 时间快捷选择设置 */ |
shortcuts: [ |
{ |
text: '最近一周', |
value: () => { |
const end = new Date(); |
const start = new Date(); |
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7); |
return [start, end]; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
text: '最近一个月', |
value: () => { |
const end = new Date(); |
const start = new Date(); |
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30); |
return [start, end]; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
text: '最近三个月', |
value: () => { |
const end = new Date(); |
const start = new Date(); |
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90); |
return [start, end]; |
}, |
}, |
], |
columnList: deepClone(columnList), |
data: [], |
/** 头部搜索配置 */ |
titleSearchOption: [], |
/** 流转节点数据 */ |
flowNodeData: [], |
/** 页面loading */ |
loadingObj: { |
/** 列表加载loading */ |
list: false, |
packageListLoading: false, |
}, |
/** 列表复选框选中的数据 */ |
selectionList: [], |
/** 是否显示设置表格 */ |
drawerShow: false, |
/** 分页参数 */ |
page: { |
pageNum: 1, |
pageSize: 30, |
total: 0, |
}, |
/** 品牌 */ |
brandOptions: [], |
/** 事业线 */ |
businessLineOption: [], |
/** 仓库 */ |
warehouseOption: [], |
/** 弹出层显示 */ |
popUpShow: {}, |
/** 全屏 */ |
fullscreenObj: {}, |
}); |
const { search, query, shortcuts, loadingObj, selectionList, drawerShow, page } = toRefs(details); |
/** vuex */ |
const permission = computed(() => mapGetters(['permission', 'tagWel', 'tagList'])); |
console.log('permission :>> ', permission); |
/** 权限按钮 */ |
const permissionObj = reactive({}); |
/** 请求页面数据 */ |
const onLoad = async (params = {}) => { |
try { |
details.loadingObj.list = true; |
const submitData = { ...details.page, ...details.query, ...params }; |
for (const key in submitData) { |
const element = submitData[key]; |
if (!element && element !== 0) delete submitData[key]; |
} |
// 月 |
if (submitData.month) { |
const _arr = submitData.month.split('-'); |
submitData.year = _arr[0]; |
submitData.month = _arr[1]; |
} |
// 时间周期 |
else if (getObjType(submitData.timeArr) === 'array' && submitData.timeArr.length > 0) { |
submitData.startTimeStr = submitData.timeArr[0]; |
submitData.endTimeStr = submitData.timeArr[1]; |
} |
if ( |
(getObjType(submitData.timeArr) !== 'array' || submitData.timeArr.length === 0) && |
!submitData.year && |
!submitData.month |
) { |
details.data = []; |
return ElMessage.warning('请选择时间'); |
} |
delete submitData.timeArr; |
delete submitData.total; |
const res = await postDeptIncomingPageNew(submitData); |
const { code, data } = res.data; |
if (code !== 200) return; |
details.data = getObjType(data.records) === 'array' ? data.records : []; |
details.page.total = data.total; |
handleTranslationDataSeclect(details.data, details.columnList); |
} catch (error) { |
console.log('error :>> ', error); |
} finally { |
details.loadingObj.list = false; |
} |
}; |
const init = () => { |
const time = new Date().getTime(); |
details.query.timeArr = [ |
dayjs(time - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7).format('YYYY-MM-DD'), |
dayjs(time).format('YYYY-MM-DD'), |
]; |
// onLoad(); |
}; |
init(); |
/** 查询品牌 */ |
const handleFindBrand = async () => { |
try { |
const res = await postFindBrandList(); |
console.log('res :>> ', res); |
const { data, code } = res.data; |
if (code !== 200) return; |
console.log('data :>> ', data); |
details.brandOptions = data || []; |
} catch (error) { |
console.log('error :>> ', error); |
} |
}; |
/** 初始化请求仓库数据 */ |
getListName({ name: '' }).then(res => { |
const { code, data } = res.data; |
if (code !== 200 || getObjType(data) !== 'array') return; |
details.warehouseOption = data.map(val => { |
return { |
dictKey: val.id, |
dictValue: val.name, |
}; |
}); |
}); |
/** 查询事业线 */ |
const handleFindbusinessLine = async () => { |
try { |
const res = await postFindbusinessLine(); |
console.log('res :>> ', res); |
const { data, code } = res.data; |
if (code !== 200) return; |
console.log('data :>> ', data); |
details.businessLineOption = data || []; |
} catch (error) { |
console.log('error :>> ', error); |
} |
}; |
handleFindbusinessLine(); |
handleFindBrand(); |
/** 搜索 */ |
const searchChange = () => { |
onLoad(); |
}; |
/** 清空表单 */ |
const searchReset = () => { |
details.query = {}; |
details.page.pageNum = 1; |
handleClearTableQuery(details.columnList); |
onLoad(); |
}; |
/** 展开列表控件 */ |
const showdrawer = (_flag?: boolean) => { |
details.drawerShow = _flag; |
}; |
/** 是否开启搜索区 */ |
const searchHide = () => { |
details.search = !details.search; |
setNodeHeight(tableNodeRef.value.$el, '', true); |
}; |
/** 表格表头输入框搜索 */ |
const inputsc = (index, row) => { |
handleInputQuery(index, row, details.query); |
onLoad(); |
}; |
/** 表格表头时间选择 */ |
const timesc = (index, row) => { |
console.log(index, row); |
if (!!index) { |
index = dayjs(index).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
} |
details.query[row.prop] = index; |
if (!index) { |
delete details.query[row.prop]; |
} |
onLoad(); |
}; |
/** 表格表头输入框搜索 */ |
const btnsc = () => {}; |
/** 表格表头下拉框选择 */ |
const selectsc = (index, row) => { |
handleSelectQuery(index, row, details.query); |
onLoad(); |
}; |
/** 表格表头复选框选择 */ |
const selectionChange = (list: any) => { |
details.selectionList = list; |
}; |
/** 每页数量改变执行的回调 */ |
const sizeChange = (pageSize: number) => { |
details.page.pageSize = pageSize; |
onLoad(); |
}; |
/** 页码改变执行的回调 */ |
const currentChange = pageNum => { |
details.page.pageNum = pageNum; |
onLoad(); |
}; |
/** 弹出层开启前清除数据 */ |
const beforeClose = done => { |
done(); |
details.form = {}; |
details.selectionList = []; |
details.view = false; |
}; |
// 导出 |
const ExportData = async () => { |
try { |
details.loadingObj.list = true; |
const submitData = { ...details.page, ...details.query }; |
for (const key in submitData) { |
const element = submitData[key]; |
if (!element && element !== 0) delete submitData[key]; |
} |
// 月 |
if (submitData.month) { |
const _arr = submitData.month.split('-'); |
submitData.year = _arr[0]; |
submitData.month = _arr[1]; |
} |
// 时间周期 |
else if (getObjType(submitData.timeArr) === 'array' && submitData.timeArr.length > 0) { |
submitData.startTimeStr = submitData.timeArr[0]; |
submitData.endTimeStr = submitData.timeArr[1]; |
} |
if ( |
(getObjType(submitData.timeArr) !== 'array' || submitData.timeArr.length === 0) && |
!submitData.year && |
!submitData.month |
) { |
return ElMessage.warning('请选择时间'); |
} |
delete submitData.timeArr; |
delete submitData.total; |
const res = await postDeptIncomingExportNew(submitData); |
const { status, data } = res; |
if (status !== 200) return; |
const time = new Date().getTime(); |
downloadXls(data, '营业部收入报表 -' + time + '.xlsx'); |
} catch (error) { |
console.log('error :>> ', error); |
} finally { |
details.loadingObj.list = false; |
} |
}; |
const handleClick = async () => { |
try { |
details.loadingObj.list = true; |
const submitData = { ...details.page, ...details.query }; |
for (const key in submitData) { |
const element = submitData[key]; |
if (!element && element !== 0) delete submitData[key]; |
} |
// 月 |
if (submitData.month) { |
const _arr = submitData.month.split('-'); |
submitData.year = _arr[0]; |
submitData.month = _arr[1]; |
} |
// 时间周期 |
else if (getObjType(submitData.timeArr) === 'array' && submitData.timeArr.length > 0) { |
submitData.startTimeStr = submitData.timeArr[0]; |
submitData.endTimeStr = submitData.timeArr[1]; |
} |
if ( |
(getObjType(submitData.timeArr) !== 'array' || submitData.timeArr.length === 0) && |
!submitData.year && |
!submitData.month |
) { |
details.data = []; |
return ElMessage.warning('请选择时间'); |
} |
delete submitData.timeArr; |
delete submitData.total; |
const res = await postDeptIncomingPageNew(submitData); |
const { code, data } = res.data; |
if (code !== 200) return; |
details.data = getObjType(data.records) === 'array' ? data.records : []; |
details.page.total = data.total; |
handleTranslationDataSeclect(details.data, details.columnList); |
} catch (error) { |
console.log('error :>> ', error); |
} finally { |
details.loadingObj.list = false; |
} |
}; |
/** 跳转详情 */ |
const handleJumpDetail = (row, column) => { |
const query = { |
name: '收入详情', |
brand: row.brand, |
departureWarehouseId: row.departureWarehouseId, |
destinationWarehouseId: row.destinationWarehouseId, |
businessLine: row.businessLine, |
startTimeStr: details.query.timeArr[0], |
endTimeStr: details.query.timeArr[1], |
}; |
$store.commit('DEL_ONCE_TAG', '/reportforms/SalesDepartmentIncomeReportDetails'); |
$router.push({ |
path: '/reportforms/SalesDepartmentIncomeReportDetails', |
query, |
}); |
}; |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
// 日期选择器 |
:deep(.el-date-editor.el-input) { |
height: 100% !important; |
width: 100% !important; |
} |
:deep(.el-range-editor.el-input__wrapper) { |
height: 100% !important; |
} |
.el_div_input { |
width: 100%; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
.el_dy_icon { |
font-size: 1.5em; |
} |
} |
.disabled { |
cursor: no-drop; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue