You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

946 lines
24 KiB

<BasicContainer ref="basicContainer" :option="option">
<template #head>
<view class="head">
<view class="type1">
<view>当前库位{{user.goodsAreaName }}</view>
<view class="type1">
<view>计划件数{{user.planNum || 0}}</view>
<view>备货件数{{user.scanNum || 0}}</view>
<!-- <view>
<view class="button" @click="handleShowChangeStorage">切换库位</view>
</view> -->
<view class="tabtip">
<view @click="setorderStatus(1)">
<view :class="orderStatus==1?'xz':''">定制品</view>
<view @click="setorderStatus(2)">
<view :class="orderStatus==2?'xz':''">库存品</view>
<view @click="setorderStatus(3)">
<view :class="orderStatus==3?'xz':''">零担</view>
<template #body>
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" :style="{height: details.scrollHeight}" class="scvew">
<view class="mabx">
<!-- 定制品 -->
<view class="item" v-if="orderStatus==1" v-for="item in orderList">
<view class="toptitl">
<view class="toplft">
<view class="tis bf">
<view class="boxcontt">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">托盘号:</text>{{item.pallet}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">托盘名称:</text>{{item.trayLeanName}}</view>
<view class="">
<view @click.stop="goorderdetail(item)"><text
style="color: #90A0AF;">订单自编码:</text>{{item.orderCode}}
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">计划件数:</text>{{item.planNum || 0}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">扫描件数:</text>{{item.scanNum || 0}}</view>
<view class="buttts">
<view class="antu" v-if="item.trayLean" @click="ckscanningCode(item)">
<!-- <view class="anj" @click="godetails(item)" v-if="!item.completeStact"> -->
<view class="anj" @click="godetails(item)">
<!-- <view class="anj" @click="godetails(item)" v-else>
</view> -->
<!-- 库存品 -->
<view class="item" v-if="orderStatus==2" v-for="item in stockList">
<!-- <view class="toptitl">
<view class="toplft">
<view :class="item==3?'tis bf':'tis'">
</view> -->
<view class="boxcontt">
<text style="color: #90A0AF;">货位:</text>
v-if="item.allocations">{{item.allocationList ? item.allocationList.map(val => val.name).join(','): ''}}</text>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">物品:</text>{{item.materialName}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">SKU:</text>{{item.sku}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">规格:</text>{{item.cargoNorms}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">物料编码:</text>{{item.cargoNumber}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">单位:</text>{{item.cargoUnit}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">计划数量:</text>{{item.planNum || 0}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">已扫数量:</text>{{item.realNum || 0}}</view>
<view class="buttts" v-if="Number(item.realNum) < Number(item.planNum)">
<view class="anj" @click="goBarCode(item)">
<!-- <view class="anj">
</view> -->
<!-- 零担 -->
<template v-if="orderStatus==3">
<view class="item" v-for="item in zeroOrderList">
<view class="toptitl">
<view class="toplft">
<text v-if="item.stockQuantity">{{ `(${item.stockQuantity})`}}</text>
<view class="tis bf">
<view class="boxcontt">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">托盘号:</text>{{item.pallet}}</view>
<view @click.stop="goorderdetail(item)"><text
style="color: #90A0AF;">订单自编码:</text>{{item.orderCode}}
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">计划件数:</text>{{item.planNum || 0}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">扫描件数:</text>{{item.scanNum || 0}}</view>
<view class="buttts">
<view class="anj" @click="showZeroOrderDetails(item)">
<view class="anj" @click="printOrderCode(item)">
<!-- <up-button type="primary" text="确定"></up-button> -->
<tiplist ref="tiplists"></tiplist>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<saomiao2 :ishidestop="scanState !== 0"></saomiao2>
<!-- #endif -->
<BluetoothList ref="bluetoothList"></BluetoothList>
<!-- 切换库位 -->
<PopUp ref="ChangeStorage">
<view class="PopUpTitle">请扫描库位码</view>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app'
import {
} from '@/interfaces/pagesHome/StockUplist'
import {
} from '@/api/user.js'
import { reactive, toRefs, ref, inject, onMounted, nextTick } from "vue";
import useBluetoothStore from '@/store/useBluetoothStore.js';
import useSystemSettingsStore from '@/store/useSystemSettingsStore';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
const { scanState } = storeToRefs(useSystemSettingsStore())
const bluetoothList = ref(null)
const bluetoothStore = useBluetoothStore()
const { bluetoothInfo } = storeToRefs(bluetoothStore)
const utils = inject('utils') as any
// 获取组件实例
const tiplists = ref(null)
const basicContainer = ref(null)
/** 切换库位 */
const ChangeStorage = ref(null)
// 基础组件配置项
const option = {
title: '备货列表',
haveData: true,
async pullDownRefreshInitPage() {
await initpage()
// 页面变量定义
let details = reactive({
reservationId: '',
orderList: [],
// 零担订单列表
zeroOrderList: [],
orderStatus: 1,
user: {
consignee: '',
goodsAreaName: '',
planNum: '',
scanNum: '',
stockList: [],
stockupId: '',
items: {},
isscan: false,
scancode: '',
trayId: '',
zeroOrderVisibi: false,
/** 是否切换库位 */
isChangeStorage: false,
/** 当前库位ID */
goodsStockupAllocationId: '',
/** 扫描选择库位 */
isChooseStorage: false,
/** 被选中的 */
chooseItem: {},
scrollHeight: ''
onLoad((op) => {
details.reservationId = op.id
details.stockupId = op.stockupId
details.items = JSON.parse(op.item)
const _tts = ['定制品拣货', '库存品拣货', '零担拣货']
utils.ttsspke(_tts[details.orderStatus - 1])
onShow(() => {
// #ifdef APP
uni.$on('scancodedate', function (code) {
if (code) {
console.log('code :>> ', code);
details.scancode = code
if (details.isChooseStorage) scanChooseStorage()
if (details.isscan) scandata()
// #endif
// 页面显示延时调用组件刷新函数
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 200)
onMounted(async () => {
await nextTick()
details.scrollHeight = await utils.getViewDistanceFormTop('.scvew')
/* onHide(() => {
details.isscan = false
}) */
function goorderdetail(item) {
url: '/pagesHome/pages/orderDetails/orderDetails?orderCode=' + item.orderCode
async function initpage() {
let data = {
// 零担为1, 不是零担为0
isZero: 0,
orderStatus: details.orderStatus,
reservationId: details.reservationId,
typeService: details.items.typeService,
stockupId: details.stockupId,
mallName: details.items.mallName
// 当标签页为零担时, 改变isZero状态
if (details.orderStatus === 3) {
data.orderStatus = 1
data.isZero = 1
details.orderList = []
let response = await distributionStockuporderList(data)
if (response.code !== 200) return
console.log('response :>> ', response);
console.log('details.orderStatus :>> ', details.orderStatus);
details.user.consignee = response.data?.consignee
details.user.goodsAreaName = response.data?.goodsAreaName
details.orderList = response.data?.orderList || []
details.stockList = response.data?.stockList || []
if (details.orderStatus === 3) details.zeroOrderList = response.data?.orderList || []
details.user.planNum = response.data?.planNum
details.user.scanNum = response.data?.scanNum
details.isscan = false
return null
// 库存品详情页
function godetails(item : any) {
url: '/pagesHome/pages/StockUplistScandetails/StockUplistScandetails?stockArticleId='
+ (item.stockArticleId || '') +
'&orderStatus=' +
details.orderStatus + '&reservationId=' + details.reservationId +
'&allocation=' + item.allocation + '&pallet=' + item.pallet + '&orderCode=' + item.orderCode
+ '&stockupId=' + details.stockupId + '&allocationId=' + item.allocationId
+ '&typeService=' + details.items.typeService
+ '&status=' + (item.completeStact ? '1' : '0')
async function ckscanningCode(item : any) {
let content = '请扫描托盘码'
if (!details.goodsStockupAllocationId) {
content = '请先扫描库位码'
details.isscan = item.taryLean
details.trayId = item.trayId
title: content,
icon: 'none'
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
details.isscan = true
function setorderStatus(state : number) {
if (details.orderStatus === state) return
details.orderStatus = state
const _tts = ['定制品拣货', '库存品拣货', '零担拣货']
utils.ttsspke(_tts[details.orderStatus - 1])
// 调用组件刷新函数
async function goBarCode(item : any) {
if (!item.allocationList || item.allocationList.length === 0) {
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
title: '该库存品没有上架数据',
icon: 'none'
console.log('item :>> ', item);
const _allocationList = item.allocationList.map(val => val.name)
console.log('_allocationList :>> ', _allocationList);
if (_allocationList.length === 1) {
return uni.navigateTo({
url: '/pagesHome/pages/setbarcode/setbarcode?item=' + JSON.stringify(item)
+ '&reservationId=' + details.reservationId
+ '&goodsAreaName=' + details.user.goodsAreaName
+ '&stockupId=' + details.stockupId
+ '&allocationId=' + item.allocationList[0].id
+ '&positionCode=' + item.allocationList[0].name
+ '&mallName=' + details.items.mallName
details.isChooseStorage = true
details.chooseItem = item
title: '请选择货位',
isshow: true,
tipstate: 2,
list: _allocationList,
checklist: [],
inputtext: '',
confirmTxt: '确认选择',
isonecheck: true,
success: (deta) => {
if (deta.checklist.length == 0) {
title: '请选择货位',
icon: 'none'
console.log('deta :>> ', deta);
// 被选中的索引
const _index = deta.checklist[0]
url: '/pagesHome/pages/setbarcode/setbarcode?item=' + JSON.stringify(item)
+ '&reservationId=' + details.reservationId
+ '&goodsAreaName=' + details.user.goodsAreaName
+ '&stockupId=' + details.stockupId
+ '&allocationId=' + item.allocationList[_index].id
+ '&positionCode=' + item.allocationList[_index].name
+ '&mallName=' + details.items.mallName
details.isChooseStorage = false
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
cancel: (details) => {
details.isChooseStorage = false
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
close: (details) => {
details.isChooseStorage = false
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
/** 扫描库位 */
const scanStorage = async () => {
try {
const res = await distributionScanStockUpArea({ stockUpAreaCode: details.scancode })
const { code, data } = res
if (code !== 200) return
} catch (err) {
console.log('err :>> ', err);
//TODO handle the exception
} finally {
/** 扫描定制品 */
const scanOrder = async () => {
try {
title: '提交中',
mask: true
let data = {
trayBarCode: details.scancode,
stockupId: details.stockupId,
trayId: details.trayId,
reservationId: details.reservationId,
scanType: 1
let res = await distributionStockupscanningCode(data)
if (res.code !== 200) return
if (res.audio) utils.ttsspke(res.audio)
// 调用组件刷新函数
} catch (err) {
console.log('err :>> ', err);
//TODO handle the exception
} finally {
details.isscan = false
/** 扫描库位 */
function scanChooseStorage() {
const _allocationList = details.chooseItem.allocationList
console.log('_allocationList :>> ', _allocationList);
const _item = _allocationList.find(val => (val.id + '') === (details.scancode + ''))
console.log('_item :>> ', _item);
// 扫描的货位id与该货物无关系时
if (!_item) return uni.showToast({
title: '该货位无此物料',
icon: 'none'
url: '/pagesHome/pages/setbarcode/setbarcode?item=' + JSON.stringify(details.chooseItem)
+ '&reservationId=' + details.reservationId
+ '&goodsAreaName=' + details.user.goodsAreaName
+ '&stockupId=' + details.stockupId
+ '&allocationId=' + _item.id
+ '&positionCode=' + _item.name
+ '&mallName=' + details.items.mallName
/** 扫描接口
* */
async function scandata() {
// if (!details.goodsStockupAllocationId || details.isChangeStorage) scanStorage()
// else scanOrder()
/** 展示零担订单物料详情
async function showZeroOrderDetails(item) {
if (!item.allocation) {
return uni.showToast({
title: '未上架,上架后再进行操作',
icon: 'none'
// 请求零担详情
let data = {
typeService: details.items.typeService,
stockupId: details.stockupId,
allocationId: item.allocationId,
orderCode: item.orderCode,
stockArticleId: item.stockArticleId
const res = await postZeroStockUpData(data)
const { code } = res
let inpList = []
if (code !== 200) return
console.log('res.data :>> ', res.data);
inpList = res.data.map(val => {
return {
id: val.id,
title: val.categoryName,
value: val.realityQuantity,
maxNum: val.quantity,
minNum: val.realityQuantity || 0,
type: 'Number',
disabled: item.completeStact,
allocationId: item.allocationId,
orderCode: item.orderCode,
stockArticleId: val.stockArticleId
// 查看模式
if (item.completeStact) {
return tiplists.value.setdetails({
title: '产看零担物料明细',
isshow: true,
tipstate: 4,
inputtext: '',
confirmTxt: '关闭',
isonecheck: true,
success: async (deta) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
cancel: (details) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
close: (details) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
// 提交模式
title: '设置零担物料数量',
isshow: true,
tipstate: 4,
inputtext: '',
confirmTxt: '确认选择',
isonecheck: true,
success: async (deta) => {
console.log('deta :>> ', deta);
if (deta.inpList.length === 0 || item.completeStact) return tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
let data : any = {
reservationId: details.reservationId,
typeService: details.items.typeService,
stockupId: details.stockupId,
orderCode: deta.inpList[0].orderCode,
stockArticleId: deta.inpList[0].stockArticleId,
list: []
if (deta.inpList[0].allocationId) data.allocationId = deta.inpList[0].allocationId
const _flag = deta.inpList.every(val => {
console.log('val :>> ', val);
if (val.value < val.minNum) {
title: '不能小于当前数量'
return false
if (val.value > val.minNum) {
console.log('1 :>> ', 1);
firsts: val.title,
id: val.id,
quantity: val.value,
stockArticleId: val.stockArticleId,
return true
if (!_flag) return
if (data.list.length === 0) {
return uni.showToast({
title: '最少修改一项物料',
icon: 'none'
const res = await postZeroStockUp(data)
console.log('res :>> ', res);
const { code } = res
if (code === 200) {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
// 调用组件刷新函数
if (res.audio) {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
// #endif
cancel: (details) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
close: (details) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
* 打印订单码
function printOrderCode(item) {
console.log('item :>> ', item);
// return
// 提交模式
title: '生成订单编号二维码数量',
isshow: true,
tipstate: 1,
// inpList,
inputtext: 1,
confirmTxt: '确定生成',
isonecheck: true,
success: async (deta) => {
// 打印数
const _inputValue = parseInt(deta.inputtext)
// 是否满足打印条件
let _flag = true
if (_inputValue !== _inputValue) {
title: '请输入数字',
icon: 'none'
_flag = false
} else if (_inputValue <= 0) {
title: '数字必须大于零',
icon: 'none'
_flag = false
// 不满足打印条件, 退出函数
if (!_flag) return tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
// #ifdef APP
let _isReturn = false
for (let i = 0; i <= _inputValue; i++) {
if (_isReturn) return
console.log('i :>> ', i);
let text = '! 0 200 200 330 1\r\n'
text += 'SETBOLD 2\r\n'
text += `T 56 0 0 0 ${item.orderCode}\r\n`
text += 'LINE 0 50 420 50 3\r\n'
text += `T 55 0 0 60 客户\r\n`
text += 'LINE 40 50 40 110 3\r\n'
text += `T 55 0 50 60 ${user.consignee}\r\n`
text += 'LINE 40 80 420 80 3\r\n'
text += `T 55 0 50 90 ${details.address}\r\n`
text += 'LINE 0 110 420 110 3\r\n'
text += `T 55 0 0 120 物料\r\n`
text += 'LINE 40 110 40 140 3\r\n'
text += `T 55 0 50 120 ${details.dataList[item]?.materialName}\r\n`
text += 'LINE 0 140 420 140 3\r\n'
text += 'B QR 150 150 M 2 U 4\r\n'
text += `MA,${item.orderCode}\r\n`
text += 'ENDQR\r\n'
text += `T 55 0 140 260 ${item.orderCode}\r\n`
text += 'FORM\r\n'
text += 'PRINT\r\n'
let sylist = utils.initbl()
utils.getbl(bluetoothInfo.value, text).catch(() => {
bluetoothList.value.setdetails({ isshow: true })
_isReturn = true
if (_isReturn) return
// #endif
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
cancel: (details) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
close: (details) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
/** 显示切换库位弹窗 */
const handleShowChangeStorage = () => {
details.isChangeStorage = true
title: '切换备货区域',
showPopUp: true,
success() {
ChangeStorage.value.details.showPopUp = false
details.isChangeStorage = false
close() {
ChangeStorage.value.details.showPopUp = false
details.isChangeStorage = false
const { user, orderList, orderStatus, stockList, zeroOrderList } = toRefs(details)
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