You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1027 lines
24 KiB
1027 lines
24 KiB
<template> |
<!-- <u-navbar title="配送客户扫描" placeholder border=true :autoBack="true" leftIconSize='35'></u-navbar> --> |
<u-navbar title="装车滞留" bgColor='#D3832A' leftIconColor='#ffffff' titleStyle='color:#ffffff' placeholder |
:autoBack="true" leftIconSize='35'></u-navbar> |
<view class="hedtopt"> |
<view class="typto"> |
<view>配车类型:{{items.type_name}}</view> |
<view>配车状态:{{items.vehicleStatus_name}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="typto"> |
<view>车牌号:{{items.vehicleName}}</view> |
<view>司机:{{items.driverName}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="typto"> |
<view>装卸班组:{{items.loadingTeamName}}</view> |
<view>备货是否完成:{{items.isstock}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="kehupeison"> |
<!-- <view> |
<view>配送客户数</view> |
<view>{{items.customersNumber}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>订单总数</view> |
<view>{{ordernumber}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>计划件数</view> |
<view>{{deliveryNumber}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>装车件数</view> |
<view>{{scannedNumber}}</view> |
</view> --> |
<view> |
<view>滞留数</view> |
<view>{{scannedNumber}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="soIntip"> |
<u-search searchIconSize=42 placeholder="请输入编码" bgColor='#fff' v-model="keyword" @custom='keyInput'></u-search> |
</view> |
<!-- tabBar选项卡 --> |
<view class="tabBar"> |
<view :class="{'tabBar-item': true, 'active': tabBarCode === 1}" @click="handleTabBarCode(1)"> |
定制/库存品 |
</view> |
<view :class="{'tabBar-item': true, 'active': tabBarCode === 2}" @click="handleTabBarCode(2)"> |
零担 |
</view> |
<view :class="{'tabBar-item': true, 'active': tabBarCode === 3}" @click="handleTabBarCode(3)"> |
托盘 |
</view> |
</view> |
<scroll-view class="Zelold" scroll-y="true" @touchmove.stop v-if='tabBarCode==2 && ZelNum'> |
<text class="title">设置零担物料数量</text> |
<view class="content" v-for="item in NumList" :key=""> |
<view class="num"> |
<text class="name">物料名称:</text>{{item.materialName}} |
</view> |
<view class="num"> |
<text class="name">物料总数:</text>{{item.maxQuantity}} |
</view> |
<view class="num"> |
<text class="name">物料数量:</text> <u-number-box :min='0' :max='item.retentionQuantity' |
v-model="item.retentionQuantity" button-size="36" color="#ffffff" bgColor="#d3832a" |
iconStyle="color: #fff"> </u-number-box> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="zelBtn"> |
<view class="yes" @click="ZelYes">确定</view> |
<view class="no" @click="ZelNum=false">取消</view> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<scroll-view class="scoolv" scroll-y="true"> |
<!-- 加载动画 --> |
<u-overlay :show="show"> |
<u-loading-icon :show="true" size='80' color='#d3832a'></u-loading-icon> |
</u-overlay> |
<!-- 定制品/库存品 --> |
<view v-if='tabBarCode==1' class="content"> |
<view class="InfoList transition" v-for="(item,index) in DataList1" :key=''> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="car" top='5'></u-icon> <text class="title">类型</text> |
<text |
:class="{ 'type1':item.conditions==1,'type2':item.conditions==2,'type3': item.conditions==3 }">{{item.conditions==1?'定制品':item.conditions==2?'库存品':'暂无信息'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="scan" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">包条码</text> |
<text>{{item.orderPackageCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="grid" top='5'> |
</u-icon> <text class="title"> |
<text class="title">订单自编号</text> |
</text><text>{{item.orderCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="tags" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">预约单号</text> |
<text>{{item.reservationCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<u-button v-if='item.parameter' @click="RemoveData(item,index)" class="uni-Btn" type="primary" icon="close" |
text="移除"></u-button> |
</view> |
<view v-if='!DataList1.length'> |
<u-empty mode="data" text='暂无定制品/库存品数据' marginTop='30px' textSize='20px' iconSize='50px' |
iconColor='#55aaff'> |
</u-empty> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- 零担 --> |
<view v-if='tabBarCode==2'> |
<view class="InfoList" v-for="item in DataList2" :key=''> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="car" top='5'></u-icon> <text class="title">类型</text><text |
:class="{ 'type1':item.conditions==1,'type2':item.conditions==2,'type3': item.conditions==3 }">{{item.conditions==1?'定制品':item.conditions==2?'库存品':item.conditions==3?'零担':'暂无信息'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="scan" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">包条码</text> |
<text>{{item.orderPackageCode?item.orderPackageCode:'暂无数据'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="grid" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">订单自编号</text> |
<text>{{item.orderCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="tags" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">预约单号</text> |
<text>{{item.reservationCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<u-button v-if='item.parameter' @click="RemoveData(item,index)" class="uni-Btn" type="primary" icon="close" |
text="移除"></u-button> |
</view> |
<view v-if='!DataList2.length'> |
<u-empty mode="data" text='暂无零担数据' marginTop='30px' textSize='20px' iconSize='50px' iconColor='#55aaff'> |
</u-empty> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- 托盘 --> |
<view v-if='tabBarCode==3'> |
<view class="InfoMax" v-for="(item ,index) in DataList3" :key='index'> |
<view class="InfoList InfoListTP"> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="car" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">托盘码</text> |
<text>{{item[0].trayCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="scan" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">托盘名称</text> |
<text>{{item[0].trayName?item[0].trayName:'暂无名称'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="scan" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">托盘数量</text> |
<text>{{item.length}}</text> |
</view> |
<u-button v-if='item[0].parameter' @click="RemoveData(item,index)" class="uni-Btn" type="primary" |
icon="close" text="移除"></u-button> |
</view> |
<!-- 子内容 --> |
<view class="InfoZ"> |
<u-collapse> |
<u-collapse-item title='查看包件'> |
<view class="InfoList" v-for="(items,indexs) in item" :key=''> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="car" top='5'></u-icon> <text class="title">类型</text><text |
:class="{ 'type1':items.conditions==1,'type2':item.conditions==2,'type3': items.conditions==3 }">{{items.conditions==1?'定制品':items.conditions==2?'库存品':items.conditions==3?'零担':'暂无信息'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="scan" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">包条码</text> |
<text>{{items.orderPackageCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="grid" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">订单自编号</text> |
<text>{{items.orderCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<view> |
<u-icon name="tags" top='5'></u-icon> |
<text class="title">预约单号</text> |
<text>{{items.reservationCode}}</text> |
</view> |
<u-button v-if='items.parameter' @click="RemoveData(items,indexs,index)" class="uni-Btn" |
type="primary" icon="close" text="移除"></u-button> |
</view> |
</u-collapse-item> |
</u-collapse> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if='!DataList3.length'> |
<u-empty mode="data" text='暂无托盘数据' marginTop='30px' textSize='20px' iconSize='50px' iconColor='#55aaff'> |
</u-empty> |
</view> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<view class="button_container"> |
<view class="button_item" @click="SaveData"> |
提交 |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- <view class="button_container"> |
<view class="button_item" @click="showPopUp"> |
整托滞留 |
</view> |
</view> --> |
<tiplist ref="tiplists"></tiplist> |
<!-- #ifdef APP --> |
<saomiao2 :ishidestop="scanState !== 0"></saomiao2> |
<!-- #endif --> |
<!-- 整托滞留弹窗 --> |
<PopUp ref='PopUpMask'> |
<view class="main"> |
123 |
</view> |
</PopUp> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { |
$_initRetentionList, |
$_retentionScan, |
$_saveRetentionList, |
$_updateRetentionList, |
$_retentionTrayScan, |
} from '@/api/user.js' |
import { |
onLoad, |
onShow, |
onHide, |
onPullDownRefresh |
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app' |
import { computed, onMounted, reactive, ref, toRefs } from "vue"; |
import useSystemSettingsStore from '@/store/useSystemSettingsStore'; |
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'; |
import utils from '@/utils/utils.js'; |
const { scanState } = storeToRefs(useSystemSettingsStore()) |
let details = reactive({ |
id: '', |
renderList: [], |
items: {} as any, |
scancode: '', |
authbuts: uni.getStorageSync('authbuts'), |
tabBarCode: 1, |
// 整托滞留弹窗显示 |
showTrayRetention: true |
}) |
const StatusUpdate = ref(true);//用于判断保存按钮是更新还是新增(默认是没有值的) |
const tiplists = ref(null) |
const PopUpMask = ref(null) |
const keyword = ref(null)//搜索框的参数 |
const DataList1 = ref([])//列表数据定制品/库存品 |
const DataList2 = ref([])//列表数据零担 |
const DataList3 = ref([])//列表数据托盘 |
const NumList = ref([]);//零担数量处理 |
const ZelNum = ref(false);//零担数量弹窗 |
const show = ref(false); |
const OrType = ref(1)//参数类型 |
const id = ref(null);//更新数据必要参数 |
const transition = ref(false)//动画参数 |
// 组件实例 |
const refresherrefreshFun = () => { |
} |
onLoad((op) => { |
| = |
details.items = JSON.parse(op.item) |
console.log(details.items, '页面参数'); |
init( |
}) |
// 页面初始化 |
function init(val) { |
show.value = true;//开启加载效果 |
$_initRetentionList({ |
deliveryId: val |
}).then(res => { |
show.value = false;//关闭加载效果 |
//重置表单 |
DataList1.value = []; |
DataList2.value = []; |
DataList3.value = []; |
console.log(res, '初始化请求返回参数'); |
if ( == null) { |
StatusUpdate.value = true;//标记为新增数据状态(说明这里没有参数走新增) |
console.log('暂无数据走新增接口'); |
} else { |
id.value =;//存储ID用于更新使用 |
StatusUpdate.value = false;//标记为更新数据状态(说明这里有参数) |
if ( { |
| => { |
if (item.scanType == 1) { |
DataList1.value.push(item)//定制品/库存品 |
} |
if (item.scanType == 2) { |
DataList2.value.push(item)//零担 |
} |
if (item.scanType == 3) { |
DataList3.value.push(item)//托盘 |
} |
}) |
// 托盘分组 |
const groupedData = DataList3.value.reduce((acc, obj) => { |
const key = obj.trayCode; |
if (!acc[key]) { |
acc[key] = []; |
} |
acc[key].push(obj); |
return acc; |
}, {}); |
DataList3.value = Object.values(groupedData); |
console.log(DataList3.value, '托盘分组处理'); |
} |
} |
}) |
} |
// onHide(() => { |
// uni.$off('scancodedate') |
// console.log("uni", uni) |
// }) |
const handleDivTouchMove = (event) => { |
// 阻止事件冒泡 |
event.stopPropagation(); |
// 处理滑动事件 |
} |
onShow(() => { |
initpage() |
// #ifdef APP |
uni.$off('scancodedate') |
uni.$on('scancodedate', function (code) { |
if (code) { |
console.log(code, '扫码的参数'); |
details.scancode = code |
scandata() |
console.log(OrType.value); |
QRcodeScanning(code, OrType.value) |
} |
}) |
// #endif |
}) |
// 零担数量处理 |
const ZelYes = () => { |
console.log(NumList.value); |
ZelNum.value = false;//关闭零担弹窗 |
NumList.value.forEach(item => { |
if (item.retentionQuantity) { |
item.parameter = true;//新增的数据标记为可以移除 |
DataList2.value.unshift(item) |
} |
}) |
} |
// 点击搜索按钮 |
function keyInput(val) { |
show.value = true;//开启加载效果 |
console.log(val, '来自搜索框的值'); |
QRcodeScanning(val, OrType.value) |
} |
// 扫码或者输入点击搜索调用此函数 |
function QRcodeScanning(val, type) { |
show.value = true;//开启加载效果 |
console.log('执行了此函数'); |
if (OrType.value == 1 || OrType.value == 2) { // 定制品/库存品/零担 |
$_retentionScan({ |
deliveryId:, |
barcode: val, |
retentionType: type, |
}).then(res => { |
show.value = false;//关闭加载效果 |
console.log(res, '添加获取的值============>'); |
console.log(DataList1, '移除之前的值'); |
if ( { |
utils.ttsspke(暂无数据 |
return; |
} |
if ( { |
console.log(, '数据'); |
NumList.value = |
ZelNum.value = true;//开启数量处理 |
return |
} |
if (OrType.value == 1) { |
// 先判断是否存在列表中,如果存在就不重复添加 |
let hasDuplicate = DataList1.value.some(item => item.orderPackageCode ==[0].orderPackageCode); |
if (!hasDuplicate) { |
| => { |
item.parameter = true;//新增的数据标记为可以移除 |
if (item.scanType == 1) { |
DataList1.value.unshift(item)//定制品/库存品 |
} |
if (item.scanType == 2) { |
NumList.value.unshift(item)//零担 |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
if (OrType.value == 2) { |
console.log('OrType.value==2'); |
| => { |
item.parameter = true;//新增的数据标记为可以移除 |
if (item.scanType == 1) { |
DataList1.value.unshift(item)//定制品/库存品 |
} |
if (item.scanType == 2) { |
NumList.value.unshift(item)//零担 |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
} else { |
// 托盘接口 |
$_retentionTrayScan({ |
deliveryId:, |
barcode: val |
}).then(res => { |
show.value = false;//关闭加载效果 |
console.log(res, '托盘返回值'); |
if (! { |
utils.ttsspke(res.msg)//暂无数据 |
return |
} |
if ( { |
utils.ttsspke(暂无数据 |
return; |
} |
// 托盘重复检测 |
if (DataList3.value.length) { |
for (let i = 0; i < DataList3.value.length; i++) { |
for (let j = 0; j < DataList3.value[i].length; j++) { |
if (DataList3.value[i][j].trayCode == { |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ( { |
| => { |
item.trayCode =; |
item.parameter = true;//新增的数据标记为可以移除 |
item.trayName =; |
item.trayId =; |
item.warehosueId =; |
item.warehosueName =; |
}) |
// 托盘分组 |
const groupedData =, obj) => { |
const key = obj.trayCode; |
if (!acc[key]) { |
acc[key] = []; |
} |
acc[key].push(obj); |
return acc; |
}, {}); |
DataList3.value.unshift(...Object.values(groupedData)) |
console.log(DataList3.value, '处理好的托盘'); |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
// 保存提交 |
function SaveData() { |
show.value = true;//开启加载效果 |
const tpArray = DataList3.value.reduce((acc, array) => acc.concat(array), []); // 合并托盘数组 |
const mergedArray = [...DataList1.value, ...DataList2.value, ...tpArray]; |
console.log(mergedArray, '提交处理好的数据'); |
let loadingId = uni.getStorageSync('checkvehicle').id |
// StatusUpdate为真说明没有数据走新增接口===否则走更新接口 |
if (StatusUpdate.value) { |
$_saveRetentionList({ |
deliveryId:, |
trainNumber: details.items.trainNumber, |
loadingId: loadingId, |
assembleCarPersonId: details.items.driverId,// 司机ID |
assembleCarPersonName: details.items.driverName,//司机名称 |
warehouseRetentionScanDTOS: mergedArray |
}).then(res => { |
console.log(res, '保存成功之后的返回值'); |
init(保存数据之后刷新数据 |
}) |
} else { |
$_updateRetentionList({ |
id: id.value, |
deliveryId:, |
warehouseRetentionScanDTOS: mergedArray |
}).then(res => { |
console.log('更新数据后的返回值'); |
init(保存数据之后刷新数据 |
}) |
} |
} |
// 移除公共函数 |
function removeItem(list, index) { |
list.splice(index, 1); |
console.log(DataList3.value, '移除之后的参数'); |
}; |
// 移除按钮 |
function RemoveData(val, indexs, index) { |
if (OrType.value == 1) { |
removeItem(DataList1.value, indexs) |
} |
if (OrType.value == 2) { |
removeItem(DataList2.value, indexs) |
} |
if (OrType.value == 3) { |
removeItem(DataList3.value, indexs) |
} |
console.log(val, '点击移除的信息'); |
console.log(indexs, '点击移除的下标'); |
console.log(index, '点击移除的下标'); |
} |
onPullDownRefresh(() => { |
const timer = setTimeout(() => { |
initpage() |
init( |
uni.stopPullDownRefresh() |
clearTimeout(timer) |
}, 500) |
}) |
const ordernumber = computed(() => { |
let num = 0 |
| => { |
num += Number(item.ordNub) |
}) |
return num |
}) |
const deliveryNumber = computed(() => { |
let num = 0 |
| => { |
num += Number(item.reservationNum) |
}) |
return num |
}) |
const scannedNumber = computed(() => { |
let num = 0 |
| => { |
num += Number(item.loadingNub) |
}) |
return num |
}) |
async function scandata() { |
} |
async function initpage() { |
} |
// 改变选项卡激活状态 |
function handleTabBarCode(code : number) { |
tabBarCode.value = code |
console.log(code); |
if (code == 1) { |
OrType.value = code |
} |
else if (code == 2) { |
OrType.value = code |
} else { |
OrType.value = code |
} |
} |
/** |
* 显示整托滞留弹出层 |
*/ |
const showPopUp = () => { |
console.log('PopUpMask :>> ', PopUpMask); |
PopUpMask.value.setDetails({ |
// 显示弹出层 |
showPopUp: true, |
confirmText: '确定整托', |
height: '60%', |
title: '整托滞留', |
success() { |
console.log('123 :>> ', 123); |
} |
}) |
} |
const { items, renderList, tabBarCode } = toRefs(details) |
</script> |
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position: relative; |
flex: 1; |
flex-basis: 0; |
padding: 20upx 0; |
text-align: center; |
&::after { |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
bottom: 0; |
left: 50%; |
display: block; |
width: 0; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
border: 1upx solid $subjectColor; |
transition: all 0.5s; |
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&.active { |
color: $subjectColor; |
&::after { |
left: 0; |
width: 100%; |
} |
} |
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// 按钮容器 |
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position: fixed; |
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bottom: 0; |
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width: 100%; |
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height: 42px; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
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// 搜索框 |
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display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
width: 100%; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
height: 36px; |
border: 1px solid #d3832a; |
overflow: hidden; |
background-color: #fff; |
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.uni-input-placeholder { |
font-size: 16px; |
} |
:deep(.u-search__action) { |
height: 100%; |
background-color: #d3832a; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
width: 80px; |
color: #fff; |
} |
.InfoList { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
background-color: #ffffff; |
color: #ccc; |
padding: 6px 4px; |
padding-right: 0; |
width: 100%; |
margin: 0 auto; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
border-radius: 2px; |
margin-bottom: 4px; |
border: 1px solid; |
position: relative; |
uni-view { |
margin-bottom: 4px; |
height: 38px; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
} |
.title { |
margin-right: 3px; |
width: 100px; |
background-color: #ffffff; |
display: inline-block; |
padding: 4px; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
border-radius: 4px; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
color: #000; |
} |
.uni-Btn, |
.uni-BtnS { |
width: 80px; |
height: 29px; |
position: absolute; |
top: 0px; |
right: 0px; |
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border-top-right-radius: 0px; |
border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; |
border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; |
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.type2, |
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justify-content: center; |
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font-size: 14px; |
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background-color: #3ad8bc; |
color: #fff; |
} |
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background-color: #fb8c16; |
color: #fff; |
} |
.type3 { |
background-color: #3c9cff; |
color: #fff; |
} |
} |
.InfoMax { |
position: relative; |
} |
.InfoMax:last-of-type { |
margin-bottom: 42px; |
} |
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background-color: transparent; |
} |
:deep(.u-search__content) { |
background-color: #fff !important; |
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.InfoList:last-child { |
margin-bottom: 42px; |
} |
.uni-BtnS { |
background-color: #ff0000; |
border: 0; |
} |
.u-loading-icon { |
position: absolute; |
top: 50%; |
left: 50%; |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); |
} |
:deep(.u-collapse-item__content__text) { |
padding: 0; |
} |
.InfoListTP { |
margin-bottom: 0; |
} |
.InfoMax { |
.InfoZ { |
.InfoList:last-child { |
margin-bottom: 10px; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #d3832a; |
padding-bottom: 44px; |
position: relative; |
} |
.InfoList:last-child::after { |
content: "当前托盘到底了..."; |
display: block; |
width: 100%; |
position: absolute; |
bottom: 10px; |
left: 0; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
font-size: 16px; |
color: #d3832a; |
} |
} |
} |
.Zelold { |
width: 90%; |
height: 400px; |
background-color: #ffffff; |
border: 1px solid #ccc; |
position: fixed; |
top: 50%; |
left: 50%; |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); |
z-index: 99999999999999999999999999999; |
overflow-y: auto; |
.title { |
width: 100%; |
display: block; |
padding: 4px 0; |
text-align: center; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; |
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.content { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
padding: 6px; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; |
.name { |
margin-right: 4px; |
} |
} |
.num { |
display: flex; |
uni-text { |
span { |
display: flex; |
} |
} |
} |
:deep(.u-number-box__plus) { |
height: 100% !important; |
} |
:deep(.u-number-box__minus) { |
height: 100% !important; |
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:deep(.u-number-box__input) { |
width: 30px !important; |
} |
} |
.zelBtn { |
display: flex; |
position: absolute; |
bottom: 16px; |
justify-content: space-around; |
width: 100%; |
.yes, |
.no { |
width: 100px; |
height: 30px; |
border: 1px solid #ccc; |
border-radius: 3px; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
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