You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

535 lines
11 KiB

<BasicContainer ref="basicContainer" :option="option">
<template #head>
<image mode="widthFix" class="bgimg" src="/pagesHome/static/bgby.png"></image>
<view class="mabxtop">
<view>{{detauser?.trayTypeName || '暂无数据'}}</view>
<view class="printBtn" @click.stop.prevent="handleGetSynchronousData">同步托盘</view>
<template #body>
<scroll-view class="scvmabx" :style="{height: details.scrollHeight}" scroll-y="true">
<uni-table v-show="!details.isShowSelect" border stripe emptyText="暂无更多数据"
<!-- 表头行 -->
<uni-th align="left">订单号</uni-th>
<uni-th align="left">运单号</uni-th>
<uni-th align="left">包条码</uni-th>
<uni-th align="center">数量</uni-th>
<!-- 表格数据行 -->
<block v-for="item in details.datelist">
<!-- 订单号 -->
<!-- 运单号 -->
<!-- 包条码 -->
<uni-td align="center">{{item.num}}</uni-td>
<uni-table v-show="details.isShowSelect" ref="uniTable1" border stripe type="selection" emptyText="暂无更多数据"
<!-- 表头行 -->
<uni-th align="left">订单号</uni-th>
<uni-th align="left">运单号</uni-th>
<uni-th align="left">包条码</uni-th>
<uni-th align="center">数量</uni-th>
<!-- 表格数据行 -->
<block v-for="item in details.datelist">
<!-- 订单号 -->
<!-- 运单号 -->
<!-- 包条码 -->
<uni-td align="center">{{item.num}}</uni-td>
<!-- 底部站位 -->
<view class="footer"></view>
<view class="submitBtn" @click="handleSubmit">提交同步</view>
<!-- <button type="default" @click="moni">moni</button> -->
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<saomiao2 :ishidestop="scanState !== 0"></saomiao2>
<!-- #endif -->
<tiplist ref="tiplists"></tiplist>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {
} from '@/api/user.js'
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app'
import utils from '@/utils/utils.js'
import { nextTick, reactive, ref, toRefs } from "vue";
// 引入Pinia仓库
import useSystemSettingsStore from '@/store/useSystemSettingsStore';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
const { scanState } = storeToRefs(useSystemSettingsStore())
// 组件实例
const uniTable1 = ref(null)
const option = reactive({
title: '托盘数据同步',
haveData: true,
async pullDownRefreshInitPage() {
details.isShowSelect = false
details.datelist = []
details.detauser = {}
details.seletionList = []
return null
let details = reactive({
trayCode: '',
scancode: '',
datelist: [],
seletionList: [],
waybillCode: '',
detauser: {} as any,
/** 设置滚动容器的高度 */
scrollHeight: '',
/** 是否显示复选框 */
isShowSelect: false
const tiplists = ref(null)
const basicContainer = ref(null)
onLoad(() => {
onShow(async () => {
// #ifdef APP
uni.$on('scancodedate', function (code) {
if (code) {
details.scancode = code
// #endif
await nextTick()
details.scrollHeight = await utils.getViewDistanceFormTop('.scvmabx')
async function scandata() {
// uni.showLoading({
// mask: true,
// // duration: 30000
// })
try {
// 表格不显示复选框
details.isShowSelect = false
const res = await postFindSyncTrayData({ trayCode: details.scancode })
const { code, data } = res
if (code !== 200 || !data) return
details.detauser = data
details.datelist = data.packageList ? data.packageList : []
} catch (err) {
console.log('err :>> ', err);
//TODO handle the exception
} finally {
// await nextTick()
// uni.hideLoading()
const selectionChange = (list) => {
details.seletionList = list.detail.index
/** 获取同步数据 */
const handleGetSynchronousData = async () => {
if (!details.detauser.trayCode) {
let content = '请先扫描托盘码'
title: content,
icon: "none"
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
// uni.showLoading({
// mask: true
// })
try {
const res = await postFindSyncOldTrayData({ trayCode: details.detauser.trayCode })
const { code, data } = res
if (code !== 200 || !data) return
details.detauser.trayTypeName = data.trayTypeName
details.datelist = data.packageList ? data.packageList : []
// 表格显示复选框
details.isShowSelect = true
} catch (err) {
console.log('err :>> ', err);
//TODO handle the exception
} finally {
await nextTick()
// 开启全选
console.log('111 :>> ', 111);
// 关闭loading
// uni.hideLoading()
/** 提交 */
const handleSubmit = async () => {
let content = ''
if (!details.isShowSelect) content = '请获取同步数据'
else if (details.seletionList.length <= 0) content = '最少选择一条数据'
if (content) {
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
title: content,
icon: 'none'
try {
mask: true
console.log('details.seletionList :>> ', details.seletionList);
const orderPackageCodes = []
details.datelist.forEach((val, index) => {
if (details.seletionList.includes(index)) orderPackageCodes.push(val.orderPackageCode)
const submitData = {
trayCode: details.detauser.trayCode,
trayType: details.detauser.trayType,
const res = await postSyncOldTrayData(submitData)
const { code } = res
if (code !== 200) return
} catch (err) {
console.log('err :>> ', err);
//TODO handle the exception
} finally {
// function moni(){
// details.scancode = 'T2966'
// scandata()
// }
const { datelist, detauser } = toRefs(details)
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