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577 lines
14 KiB
577 lines
14 KiB
<template> |
<!-- <u-navbar title="配置包条码" placeholder border=true :autoBack="true" leftIconSize='35'></u-navbar> --> |
<BasicContainer ref="basicContainer" :option="option"> |
<template #head> |
<view class="head"> |
<view class="type1"> |
<view>物品:<view style="color: #092C4D;">{{items.materialName}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="type1"> |
<view>货位:<view style="color: #092C4D;">{{details.positionCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view>SKU:<view style="color: #092C4D;">{{items.sku}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="type1"> |
<view>规格:<view style="color: #092C4D;">{{items.cargoNorms}}</view> |
</view> |
<view>单位:<view style="color: #092C4D;">{{items.cargoUnit}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="type1"> |
<view>计划数量:<view style="color: #092C4D;">{{items.planNum}}</view> |
</view> |
<view>已扫数量:<view style="color: #092C4D;">{{codelist.length}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="butsbx"> |
<!-- <template v-if="Number(items.sourceType)===1"> |
<view @click="setstockPrint(1)">采集原包条码</view> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<view @click="setstockPrint(2)">扫描打印包条</view> |
<view @click="showmd">新生成包码</view> |
</template> --> |
<view @click="setstockPrint(1)">采集原包条码</view> |
<view @click="setstockPrint(2)">扫描打印包条</view> |
<view @click="showmd">新生成包码</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<template #body> |
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scrollv"> |
<view class="mabxs"> |
<view class="ite" v-for="(item,index) in codelist"> |
<view> |
<view>序号:{{index+1}}</view> |
<view>作业时间:{{item.createTime}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>包条码:{{item.code}}</view> |
<view></view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>批次号:{{item.incomingBatch}}</view> |
<view></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
</template> |
</BasicContainer> |
<tiplist ref="tips"></tiplist> |
<!-- 弹出层 -- 新增 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_AddPrint"> |
<view class=""> |
计划件数: {{Number(details.items.planNum)}} 可用数量: {{Number(details.items.planNum) - details.codelist.length}} |
</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.packageNum" type="number" placeholder="新生成包条数量" /> |
</PopUp> |
<!-- 修改批次 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_Edit"> |
<view class="popUp_Edit_text"> |
检测当前批次和计划批次不同,是否切换批次 |
</view> |
</PopUp> |
<!-- #ifdef APP --> |
<saomiao2 :ishidestop="scanState !== 0"></saomiao2> |
<!-- #endif --> |
<BluetoothList ref="bluetoothList"></BluetoothList> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { |
onLoad, |
onShow, |
onHide, |
onUnload |
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app' |
import { |
distributionStockupstockupStockListPackageCode, |
distributionStockupstockupScan, |
distributionStockuporderInfo, |
distributionStockupstockupScanCheck, |
distributionStockupstockupUpdateStockup, |
stockConfigList |
} from '@/api/user.js' |
import { detailType } from '@/interfaces/pagesHome/setbarcode' |
import { reactive, ref, toRefs, inject } from "vue"; |
import useBluetoothStore from '@/store/useBluetoothStore.js'; |
import useSystemSettingsStore from '@/store/useSystemSettingsStore'; |
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'; |
const { scanState } = storeToRefs(useSystemSettingsStore()) |
const bluetoothList = ref(null) |
const bluetoothStore = useBluetoothStore() |
const { bluetoothInfo } = storeToRefs(bluetoothStore) |
const utils = inject('utils') as any |
let details = reactive<detailType>({ |
items: {}, |
reservationId: '', |
codelist: [], |
printlist: [], |
goodsAreaName: '', |
allocationId: '', |
positionCode: '', |
stockupId: '', |
stockPrint: 1, |
customer: '', |
deliveryAddress: '', |
completeStact: false, |
orderpackgedetails: {}, |
/** 新增包条数量 */ |
packageNum: 0, |
}) |
const tips = ref(null) |
const basicContainer = ref(null) |
const popUp_AddPrint = ref(null) |
const popUp_Edit = ref(null) |
// 基础组件配置项 |
const option = { |
title: '配置包条码', |
haveData: true, |
async pullDownRefreshInitPage() { |
await initpage() |
} |
} |
// const tiplists=ref(null) |
onLoad((op) => { |
details.stockupId = op.stockupId |
details.items = JSON.parse(op.item) |
console.log('op :>> ', details.items); |
details.reservationId = op.reservationId |
details.goodsAreaName = op.goodsAreaName |
details.allocationId = op.allocationId |
details.positionCode = op.positionCode |
if (op.completeStact == 'true') { |
details.completeStact = true |
} |
}) |
onShow(() => { |
// #ifdef APP |
uni.$off('scancodedate') |
uni.$on('scancodedate', function (code) { |
if (code) { |
console.log(code); |
if (Number(details.items.planNum) === details.codelist.length) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '扫描完毕', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke('扫描完毕') |
// #endif |
return |
} |
scandata(code) |
} |
}) |
// #endif |
// 页面显示延时调用组件刷新函数 |
const timer = setTimeout(() => { |
basicContainer.value.startPullDownRefresh() |
clearTimeout(timer) |
}, 200) |
}) |
// onHide(() => { |
// uni.$off('scancodedate') |
// }) |
function showsdqs() { |
tips.value.setdetails({ |
isshow: true, |
tipstate: 1, |
title: '请输入扫描的码', |
placeholder: '请输入扫描的码', |
inputtext: '', |
success: (detail) => { |
// details.scancode= |
scandata(detail.inputtext) |
tips.value.setdetails({ isshow: false }) |
}, |
cancel: () => { |
tips.value.setdetails({ isshow: false }) |
}, |
close: () => { |
tips.value.setdetails({ isshow: false }) |
} |
}) |
} |
function setstockPrint(values) { |
if (Number(details.items.planNum) === details.codelist.length) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '扫描完毕', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke('扫描完毕') |
// #endif |
return |
} |
details.stockPrint = values |
if (values == 1) { |
utils.ttsspke('请扫描原有包条码') |
} else { |
utils.ttsspke('请扫描打印的包条码') |
} |
} |
async function initpage() { |
let data = { |
orderStatus: 2, |
reservationId: details.reservationId, |
stockListId: details.items.stockListId, |
stockupId: details.stockupId, |
allocationId: details.allocationId, |
positionCode: details.positionCode, |
status: details.completeStact ? 1 : 0, |
cargoNumber: details.items.cargoNumber |
} |
// let response = await distributionStockuporderInfo(data) |
let response = await stockConfigList(data) |
if (response.code !== 200) return |
details.codelist = |
details.customer = |
details.deliveryAddress = |
details.orderpackgedetails = |
console.log(">>>>111111:", response); |
} |
function showmd() { |
const _maxNum = Number(details.items.planNum) - details.codelist.length |
if (_maxNum === 0) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: "没有可用数量", |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
utils.ttsspke('没有可用数量') |
return |
} |
popUp_AddPrint.value.setDetails({ |
title: '生成包条数量', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
details.packageNum = Number(details.packageNum) |
if (details.packageNum > _maxNum) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '不能大于计划数量,请重新输入', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
return |
} |
if (details.packageNum <= 0) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '数量必须大于0,请重新输入', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
ctokListpackage() |
} |
}) |
} |
async function ctokListpackage() { |
uni.showLoading({ |
mask: true, |
title: '数据请求中' |
}) |
let data = { |
reservationId: details.reservationId, |
stockListId: details.items.stockListId, |
packageNum: details.packageNum, |
allocationId: details.allocationId, |
status: details.completeStact ? 1 : 0, |
cargoNumber: details.items.cargoNumber |
} |
let response = await distributionStockupstockupStockListPackageCode(data) |
// 关闭loading |
uni.hideLoading() |
if (response.code !== 200) return |
popUp_AddPrint.value.details.showPopUp = false |
console.log(response); |
details.printlist = |
let checklist = [] |
|, index) => { |
checklist.push(index) |
}) |
console.log('tips :>> ', tips); |
tips.value.setdetails({ |
title: '请选择要打印的包条', |
tipstate: 2, |
list:, |
checklist: checklist, |
inputtext: '', |
confirmTxt: '打印', |
isshow: true, |
success: (deta) => { |
if (deta.checklist.length == 0) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '请先选择需要打印的包条码', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
return |
} |
// #ifdef APP |
if (! return bluetoothList.value.setdetails({ isshow: true }) |
let _isReturn = false |
const printList = => deta.list[val]) |
| => { |
// const util=(inject('utils') as any) |
let text = '! 0 200 200 330 1\r\n' |
text += 'SETBOLD 2\r\n' |
text += `T 56 0 0 0 ${item}\r\n` |
text += 'LINE 0 50 420 50 3\r\n' |
text += `T 55 0 0 60 客户\r\n` |
text += 'LINE 40 50 40 110 3\r\n' |
text += `T 55 0 50 60 ${details.customer}\r\n` |
text += 'LINE 40 80 420 80 3\r\n' |
text += `T 55 0 50 90 ${details.deliveryAddress}\r\n` |
text += 'LINE 0 110 420 110 3\r\n' |
text += `T 55 0 0 120 物料\r\n` |
text += 'LINE 40 110 40 140 3\r\n' |
text += `T 55 0 60 120 ${details.items.materialName}\r\n` |
text += 'LINE 0 140 420 140 3\r\n' |
text += 'B QR 150 150 M 2 U 4\r\n' |
text += `MA,${item}\r\n` |
text += 'ENDQR\r\n' |
text += 'PRINT\r\n' |
utils.getbl(bluetoothInfo.value, text).catch(() => { |
bluetoothList.value.setdetails({ isshow: true }) |
_isReturn = true |
}) |
}) |
if (_isReturn) return |
// #endif |
// scandata([0]) |
tips.value.setdetails({ isshow: false }) |
}, |
cancel: (details) => { |
tips.value.setdetails({ isshow: false }) |
}, |
close: (details) => { |
tips.value.setdetails({ isshow: false }) |
} |
}) |
} |
async function scandata(code) { |
let data = { |
scanType: 2, |
stockListId: details.items.stockListId, |
packetBarCode: code, |
stockupArea: details.goodsAreaName, |
reservationId: details.reservationId, |
stockupId: details.stockupId, |
allocationId: details.allocationId, |
// stockPrint: details.items.sourceType, |
// status: details.completeStact ? 1 : 0, |
stockPrint: details.stockPrint, |
status: details.stockPrint, |
id: details.orderpackgedetails.stockListId, |
cargoNumber: details.items.cargoNumber, |
marketCode: details.items.cargoNumber, |
} |
console.log('details.items.cargoNumber :>> ', details.items.cargoNumber); |
// utils.ttsspke('stockPrint是'+details.stockPrint) |
if (details.stockPrint === 2) { |
console.log('data :>> ', data); |
delete data.marketCode |
let res = await distributionStockupstockupScan(data) |
console.log(res); |
if (res.code == 200) { |
basicContainer.value.startPullDownRefresh() |
} |
return |
} |
// 检查扫描的批次号是否是正确 |
const response = await distributionStockupstockupScanCheck(data) |
console.log('response :>> ', response); |
const { code: resCode } = response |
if (resCode === 60002) { |
console.log('123 :>> ', 123); |
popUp_Edit.value.setDetails({ |
title: '切换批次', |
showPopUp: true, |
async success() { |
data.stockListId = |
const resp = await distributionStockupstockupUpdateStockup(data) |
console.log('resp :>> ', resp); |
if (resp.code == 200) { |
popUp_Edit.value.details.showPopUp = false |
basicContainer.value.startPullDownRefresh() |
} |
} |
}) |
} |
// |
else if (resCode === 200) { |
delete data.marketCode |
let res = await distributionStockupstockupScan(data) |
console.log(res); |
if (res.code == 200) { |
basicContainer.value.startPullDownRefresh() |
} |
} |
} |
const { orderpackgedetails, items, codelist, printlist } = toRefs(details) |
</script> |
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