You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
363 lines
9.5 KiB
363 lines
9.5 KiB
// #ifdef APP |
const sunmi_print = uni.requireNativePlugin('Sunmi-Print-Inner') |
const TTSSpeech = uni.requireNativePlugin("MT-TTS-Speech"); |
// #endif |
const utils={ |
//一体机打印初始化 |
init:()=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
return new Promise((relove, reject)=>{ |
sunmi_print.connect(res => { |
console.log(res) |
if(res.connect == "hello"){ |
console.log("打印机成功连接") |
relove(true) |
}else{ |
relove(false) |
} |
}) |
}) |
// #endif |
}, |
//检查打印机状态 |
getstate:()=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
return new Promise((relove, reject)=>{ |
sunmi_print.getPrinterStatus(result => { |
console.log("打印机当前状态是:" + result.status) |
if(result.status=='running'){ |
relove(true) |
}else{ |
let title; |
switch (result.status){ |
case 'offline': |
title='打印机未连接' |
break; |
case 'fault': |
title='打印机故障' |
break; |
case 'outpaper': |
title='打印机缺纸' |
break; |
case 'hot': |
title='打印机过热' |
break; |
case 'open': |
title='打印机开盖' |
break; |
case 'error': |
title='未知错误' |
break; |
} |
uni.showToast({ |
title, |
icon:"error" |
}) |
relove(false) |
} |
}) |
}) |
// #endif |
}, |
//打印的内容 |
printxie:async (obj)=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
let res=await sunmi_print.labelLocate(); |
console.log(res); |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
sunmi_print.printText({ |
text:'日期:'+obj.rigthnumer+' ', |
align:2, |
size:22, |
bold:true, |
underline:false, |
compact:false, |
skip:true |
}) |
sunmi_print.printText({ |
text:obj.title, |
align:1, |
size:90, |
bold:true, |
underline:false, |
compact:true, |
skip:true |
}) |
sunmi_print.printDividingline({ |
style:0, |
height:"3" |
}), |
sunmi_print.printText({ |
text:`件数:${obj.number1}`, |
align:0, |
size:40, |
bold:true, |
underline:false, |
compact:true, |
skip:true |
}) |
sunmi_print.printText({ |
text:obj.leftnumber, |
align:0, |
size:27, |
bold:true, |
underline:false, |
compact:true, |
skip:true |
}) |
sunmi_print.labelOutput() |
},2000) |
// #endif |
}, |
//蓝牙打印初始化 |
initbl:()=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
let deviceList = []; |
let main =; |
let Context ="android.content.Context"); |
let BManager = main.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); |
|; |
let BAdapter = BManager.getAdapter(); |
|; |
let lists = BAdapter.getBondedDevices(); |
|; |
let iterator = lists.iterator(); |
|; |
while (iterator.hasNext()) { |
let d =; |
|; |
let temp = { |
name: d.getName(), |
address: d.getAddress(), |
status: d.getBondState(), |
uuids: d.getUuids(), |
op: d |
}; |
deviceList.push(temp); |
} |
return deviceList |
// #endif |
}, |
//给蓝牙打印机推送打印的内容 |
getbl:(dev,text)=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
let main =; |
let BluetoothAdapter ="android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter"); |
let UUID ="java.util.UUID"); |
let uuid = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"); |
let BAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); |
let device = BAdapter.getRemoteDevice(dev.address); |
|; |
let bluetoothSocket = device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(uuid); |
|; |
console.log("开始连接打印机:"; |
if (!bluetoothSocket.isConnected()) { |
bluetoothSocket.connect(); |
if (bluetoothSocket.isConnected()) { |
console.log("设备已连接,开始发送打印文件"); |
let outputStream = bluetoothSocket.getOutputStream(); |
|; |
// sb(outputStream); |
// text+='PRINT\r\n' |
console.log(text) |
let arrayBuffer =, 'getBytes', 'gbk'); |
outputStream.write(arrayBuffer); |
// console.log(111111111); |
outputStream.flush(); |
bluetoothSocket.close(); |
if (!bluetoothSocket.isConnected()) { |
console.log("设备已关闭"); |
} |
} else { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '设备连接失败', |
icon:'error', |
duration: 2000 |
}); |
} |
} |
// #endif |
}, |
//初始化tts语音引擎 |
inittts(){ |
// #ifdef APP |
TTSSpeech.init((status) => { |
if(status === 0){ |
console.log('引擎初始化成功') |
TTSSpeech.setSpeed(100) |
TTSSpeech.getInstallTTS(res => { |
console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); |
let flage=false |
res.forEach(v => { |
if('com.iflytek.speechcloud'){ |
flage=true |
} |
console.log(v.label + ': ' |
}) |
if(!flage){ |
// uni.showToast({ |
// title:'当前未安装语音引擎,前往安装中', |
// icon:'none' |
// }) |
uni.showModal({ |
title: '安装语音引擎', |
content: '请选择浏览器下载安装还是直接安装', |
cancelText:'浏览器安装', |
confirmText:'直接安装', |
success: function (res) { |
if (res.confirm) { |
var fileSaveUrl ='static/TTS.apk'); |
plus.runtime.install( //安装 |
fileSaveUrl, { |
force: true |
}, |
function(res) { |
utils.showToast('更新成功,请重新打开APP'); |
TTSSpeech.setEngine('com.iflytek.speechcloud'); |
// plus.runtime.restart() |
plus.runtime.quit(); |
} |
); |
} else if (res.cancel) { |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
plus.runtime.openURL('') |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
plus.runtime.quit(); |
},2500) |
},1500) |
} |
} |
}); |
}else{ |
// uni.showToast({ |
// title:'' |
// }) |
} |
}) |
}else{ |
console.log('引擎初始化失败') |
} |
}, 'com.iflytek.speechcloud') |
// #endif |
}, |
//语音播报 |
ttsspke:(text)=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
console.log('语音播报'); |
if(!text){return} |
TTSSpeech.speak({ text }); |
// #endif |
}, |
//设置扫描的广播 |
setting:()=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
let |
let deviceAction = '' |
let strdata='scannerdata' |
let Intent ='android.content.Intent') |
let intentSetting = new Intent("") |
//设置条码发送方式 |
//"FOCUS":焦点录入 |
//"BROADCAST":广播 |
//"EMUKEY":模拟按键 |
//"CLIPBOARD":剪贴板 |
intentSetting.putExtra("barcode_send_mode", "BROADCAST"); |
//设置Action |
intentSetting.putExtra("action_barcode_broadcast", deviceAction) |
//设置返回状态: getstringExtra键值 |
intentSetting.putExtra("key_barcode_broadcast", strdata) |
// 提交设置 |
console.log('广播动作:'+ deviceAction +',接受的标签值:' + strdata ); |
main.sendBroadcast(intentSetting) |
// #endif |
}, |
//获取当前APP的版本信息 |
getversion:()=>{ |
return new Promise((relove, reject)=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
//获取当前的包名 |
let main =; |
let pkName = main.getPackageName(); |
// 获取当前应用版本号 |
plus.runtime.getProperty(plus.runtime.appid, (info) => { |
console.log(info.version, pkName); |
let obj = { |
version: info.version, |
pkName |
} |
relove(obj) |
}) |
// #endif |
}) |
}, |
//执行下载更新(apk和wgt都可以) |
updatefile:(file)=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
const downloadTask = uni.downloadFile({ //执行下载 |
url: file, //下载地址 |
success: downloadResult => { //下载成功 |
if (downloadResult.statusCode == 200) { |
// console.log('downloadResult','downloadResult'); |
plus.runtime.install( //安装 |
downloadResult.tempFilePath, { |
force: true |
}, |
function(res) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title:"安装成功", |
icon:2000, |
duration:1000 |
}) |
setTimeout(function(){ |
plus.runtime.restart(); |
},1100) |
} |
); |
} |
} |
}); |
var showLoading = plus.nativeUI.showWaiting("正在下载", {back: "none"}); |
downloadTask.onProgressUpdate((res) => { |
showLoading.setTitle(" 正在下载" + res.progress + "% "); |
if (res.progress == 100) { |
plus.nativeUI.closeWaiting(); |
} |
}); |
// #endif |
}, |
//执行下载更新(无感)(wgt) |
updatefile1:(file)=>{ |
// #ifdef APP |
const downloadTask = uni.downloadFile({ //执行下载 |
url: file, //下载地址 |
success: downloadResult => { //下载成功 |
if (downloadResult.statusCode == 200) { |
// console.log('downloadResult','downloadResult'); |
plus.runtime.install( //安装 |
downloadResult.tempFilePath, { |
force: true |
}, |
function(res) { |
setTimeout(function(){ |
plus.runtime.restart(); |
},1100) |
} |
); |
} |
} |
}); |
// var showLoading = plus.nativeUI.showWaiting("正在下载", {back: "none"}); |
// downloadTask.onProgressUpdate((res) => { |
// showLoading.setTitle(" 正在下载" + res.progress + "% "); |
// if (res.progress == 100) { |
// plus.nativeUI.closeWaiting(); |
// } |
// }); |
// #endif |
}, |
} |
export default utils |