You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

441 lines
10 KiB

<!-- 顶部导航栏 -->
<u-navbar title="订单查询" placeholder :autoBack="true" leftIconSize='35' bgColor='#d3832a' leftIconColor='#ffffff'
<view class="container">
<!-- 顶部搜索栏 -->
<view class="header-search">
<view class="search">
<input class="searchInput" v-model="scancode" type="text">
<!-- 搜索结果列表 -->
<view class="searchResultList" v-if="isShowOrderList">
<view v-for="item in distributionOrderList" :key="item" @click="handleSearchOrder(item)">
<view class="search">
<view class="searchType" @click="showTypeList">
{{searchForm.searchTypeList.find((item)=> item.type === searchForm.type).label}}
<!-- 搜索类型列表 -->
<view class="searchResultList" v-if="isShowTypeList">
<view v-for="value in searchForm.searchTypeList" :key="value.label"
<!-- 数据详情 -->
<view class="dataInfo">
<view class="dataInfo__item">
<text class="label">订单状态:</text>{{orderStateDictionaries[dataInfo.orderCode] || ''}}
<view class="dataInfo__item">
<text class="label">品牌:</text>
{{dataInfo.brand || ''}}
<view class="dataInfo__item">
<text class="label">商场名称:</text>
{{dataInfo.mallName || ''}}
<view class="dataInfo__item">
<text class="label">商场电话:</text>
{{dataInfo.consigneeMobile || ''}}
<view class="dataInfo__item">
<text class="label">客户名称:</text>
{{dataInfo.consigneePerson || ''}}
<view class="dataInfo__item">
<text class="label">客户电话:</text>
{{dataInfo.customerTelephone || ''}}
<view class="dataInfo__item">
<text class="label">发货日期:</text>
<view class="dataInfo__item">
<text class="label">齐套状态:</text>
{{dataInfo.completeSet === 1 ? '齐套' : '未齐套'}}
<view class="label">收货地址:</view>
<view>{{dataInfo.customerAddress || ''}}</view>
<view class="orderInfo">
<view class="title">
<view @click="showArticleMadeToOrderModule">
订制品(<text class="title__number">{{packageList.length}}</text>件)
<!-- <view @click="showArticleMadeToOrder = false">
成品(<text class="title__number">{{packageList.length}}</text>件)
</view> -->
<!-- 订制品 -->
<view class="packagesList" v-if="!!packageList && showArticleMadeToOrder">
<view v-if="!isBatchOperation">
<button class="batchOperationBtn" @click="batchOperationBtn">批量操作</button>
<view v-else style="display: flex;">
<button class="batchOperationBtn" @click="handleCheckAll">全选</button>
<button class="batchOperationBtn" @click="handleInvertSelection">反选</button>
<button class="batchOperationBtn" @click="batchPrint">打印</button>
<u-checkbox-group v-model="checkboxValue" placement="column">
<view class="packagesList__item" v-for="item in packageList" :key="item.orderPackageCode">
<u-checkbox :name="item.id" :checked="item.isChecked" @change="checkboxChange(item)" size="18px" />
<text>{{item.orderPackageStatus === '70' ? '已签' : '未签'}}</text>
<!-- 成品 -->
<view class="packagesList" v-else-if="!!packageList && !showArticleMadeToOrder">
<view class="packagesList__item" v-for="item in packageList" :key="item">
<text>{{item.orderPackageStatus === '70' ? '已签' : '未签'}}</text>
<!-- 弹出层 -->
<u-popup :show="showPopup">
<view v-html="templateHtml">
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, reactive, shallowRef, watch } from 'vue';
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app'
import {
} from '@/api/user.js'
// type列表是否显示
const isShowTypeList = ref<Boolean>(false)
// 订单列表是否显示
const isShowOrderList = ref<Boolean>(false)
// 查询订单列表
const distributionOrderList = shallowRef<string[]>([])
// 订单详情
const dataInfo = shallowRef<any>({})
// 包件列表
const packageList = ref([])
// 被选中包件列表
let checkboxValue = reactive([])
// 是否开启批量操作
const isBatchOperation = ref<Boolean>(false)
// 是否显示订制品
const showArticleMadeToOrder = ref<Boolean>(true)
// 弹出框是否显示
const showPopup = ref<Boolean>(false)
// 扫码码值
const scancode = ref<string>('')
// 订单状态字典
const orderStateDictionaries = reactive({
'10': '部分入库',
'20': '已入库',
'30': '部分出库',
'40': '已出库',
'70': '部分签收',
'80': '已签收',
// 顶部搜素表单
const searchForm = reactive({
condition: '',
searchTypeList: [
label: '包件查询',
type: 1
label: '订单查询',
type: 2
type: 1,
// 打印模版
const templateHtml = ref<string>('')
// 开启监听扫描
onShow(() => {
uni.$on('scancodedate', function (code) {
if (code) {
scancode.value = code
// 关闭扫描监听
onHide(() => {
function scandata() { }
// 改变搜索表单内type
function handleSearchFormType(type : number) {
searchForm.type = type
// 关闭type列表
isShowTypeList.value = !isShowTypeList.value
// 是否显示type列表
function showTypeList() {
isShowTypeList.value = !isShowTypeList.value
// 选择订单
async function handleSearchOrder(order : string) {
scancode.value = order
// 关闭搜索下拉框
isShowOrderList.value = false
// 清空订单列表数组
distributionOrderList.value = []
// 发送获取订单详情的请求
const res = await distributionOrderInfoInQuery(searchForm)
const { code, data } = res
if (code === 200) {
dataInfo.value = data
packageList.value = data.list.map(item => {
item.isChecked = false
return item
// 显示订制品模块
function showArticleMadeToOrderModule() {
showArticleMadeToOrder.value = true
isBatchOperation.value = false
// 复选框
const checkboxChange = (item) => {
packageList.value.forEach(val => {
if (val.id === item.id) val.isChecked = !val.isChecked
// 开启批量操作
function batchOperationBtn() {
isBatchOperation.value = true
// 全选
function handleCheckAll() {
packageList.value.forEach(item => item.isChecked = true)
// 反选
function handleInvertSelection() {
packageList.value.forEach(item => item.isChecked = !item.isChecked)
// 批量打印
async function batchPrint() {
const ids = []
packageList.value.forEach(item => {
if (item.isChecked) ids.push(item.id)
const res = await BatchPrintPackages({ ids: ids.join(',') })
const { code, data } = res
if (code === 200) {
templateHtml.value = data.templateHtml
showPopup.value = true
// 储存定时器
let timer : any
watch([scancode], (newVal, oldVal) => {
console.log('newVal :>> ', newVal);
if (newVal[0] === oldVal[0]) return
// 监听值变化并发送请求
// 节流
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer)
timer = setTimeout(async () => {
searchForm.condition = scancode.value
// 发送请求
let res = await distributionOrderInFuzzyQuery(searchForm)
isShowOrderList.value = true
const { code, data } = res
console.log('res :>> ', res);
if (code === 200) {
distributionOrderList.value = data
}, 1000)
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border-bottom: 1upx solid #000;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
.search {
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// 查询结果的列表
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position: absolute;
top: 110%;
width: 100%;
background: #fff;
z-index: 80;
text-align: center;
line-height: 60upx;
max-height: 300upx;
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.searchInput {
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height: 100%;
padding-left: 20upx;
border: 1upx solid;
border-radius: 15upx;
// 搜索类型
.searchType {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 0 20upx;
background: #fff;
border: 1upx solid #000;
border-radius: 10upx;
// 数据详情
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flex-wrap: wrap;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
.dataInfo__item {
flex: none;
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line-height: 80upx;
display: inline-flex;
.label {
display: inline-block;
width: 120upx;
text-align: right;
margin-right: 20rpx;
// 订单列表信息
.orderInfo {
margin-top: 10upx;
// 头部统计
.title {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
font-size: 40upx;
font-weight: bold;
.title__number {
color: #f00;
// 批量操作按钮
.batchOperationBtn {
width: 200upx;
font-size: 28upx;
margin: 0;
.packagesList__item {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 3fr 1fr 1fr 3fr 1fr 1fr;
// display: flex;
margin: 10upx 0;