You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @Author: weisheng
* @Date: 2022-02-22 19:27:37
* @LastEditTime: 2023-05-19 15:05:12
* @LastEditors: weisheng
* @Description: Notify 消息提示
* @FilePath: \fant-mini-plus\src\uni_modules\fant-mini-plus\components\hd-notify\hd-notify.vue
* 记得注释
<hd-transition key="hd-notify" name="slide-down" :customStyle="transitionStyle" :show="visiable">
<view class="hd-notify" :class="['hd-notify', 'hd-notify-' + innerType]" :style="style" @click="onTap">
<slot />
<view v-if="innersafeAreaInsetTop" :style="{ height: innerStatusBarHeight + 'px' }" />
{{ innerMessage }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, getCurrentInstance, inject, nextTick, ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { CommonUtil, defaultNotifyOptions, notifyDefaultKey, notifyDefaultOptionKey, RegUtil } from '../../index'
import { NotifyOptions } from './types'
* Notify 消息提示
type NotifyType = 'primary' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' // 通知类型
interface Props {
// 是否展示
modelValue: boolean
* 提示的内容
message: string
* 自定义背景色
background?: string
* 底色类型
type?: NotifyType
* 文字颜色
color?: string
* 展示时长(ms),值为 0 时,notify 不会消失,默认值3000
duration?: number
* 层级
zIndex?: number
* 是否留出顶部安全距离(状态栏高度,自定义导航条时使用)
safeAreaInsetTop?: boolean
* 距离顶部长度
top?: Nullable<number>
// notify唯一标识
id?: string
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
// 是否展示
value: false,
* 底色类型
type: 'error',
* 展示时长(ms),值为 0 时,notify 不会消失,默认值3000
duration: 3000,
* 层级
zIndex: 110,
* 是否留出顶部安全距离(状态栏高度,自定义导航条时使用)
safeAreaInsetTop: false,
* 距离顶部长度
top: null,
// notify唯一标识
id: ''
const timer = ref<any>(null) // 定时器
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
const onOpened = ref<Nullable<Function>>(null) // 打开时触发
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
const onClose = ref<Nullable<Function>>(null) // 关闭时触发
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
const onClick = ref<Nullable<Function>>(null) // 点击时触发
const innerMessage = ref<string>('')
const innerBackground = ref<string>('')
const innerType = ref<NotifyType>('error')
const innerColor = ref<string>('')
const innerduration = ref<number>(3000)
const innerzIndex = ref<number>(110)
const innersafeAreaInsetTop = ref<boolean>(false)
const innertop = ref<Nullable<number>>(null)
const notifyKey = props.id ? '__NOTIFY__' + props.id : notifyDefaultKey
const notifyOptionKey = props.id ? '__NOTIFY_OPTION__' + props.id : notifyDefaultOptionKey
const notifyShow = inject(notifyKey) || ref<boolean>(false) // 函数式调用是否展示notify组件
const notifyOption = inject(notifyOptionKey) || ref<NotifyOptions>(defaultNotifyOptions) // notify选项
const visiable = ref<boolean>(false) // 展示
// 监听options变化展示
() => notifyOption.value,
(newVal: NotifyOptions) => {
// 监听函数式调用showNotify的调用
() => notifyShow.value,
(newVal) => {
if (newVal) {
} else {
// 监听组件式调用是否打开
() => props.modelValue,
(newVal) => {
if (newVal) {
} else {
// 动画样式
const transitionStyle = computed(() => {
return `position:fixed;top: ${CommonUtil.addUnit(innertop.value || 0, 'px')};z-index: ${innerzIndex.value}`
// Notify样式
const style = computed(() => {
return `color:${innerColor.value};background:${innerBackground.value};`
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance() as any
const innerStatusBarHeight = computed(() => {
return proxy.statusBarHeight
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
// 打开
function show() {
// #ifdef H5
// H5端,导航栏为普通元素,需要将组件移动到导航栏的下边沿
// H5的导航栏高度为44px
innertop.value = 44
// #endif
timer.value && clearTimeout(timer.value)
visiable.value = true
* 消息展示状态变更时触发
* @arg value:Boolean 消息展示状态,建议通过v-model双向绑定输入值,而不是监听此事件的形式
emit('update:modelValue', visiable.value)
nextTick(() => {
onOpened.value && onOpened.value()
if (innerduration.value > 0 && innerduration.value !== Infinity) {
timer.value = setTimeout(() => {
}, innerduration.value)
// 关闭
function hide() {
timer.value && clearTimeout(timer.value)
visiable.value = false
notifyShow.value = false
emit('update:modelValue', visiable.value)
nextTick(() => {
onClose.value && onClose.value()
// 点击
function onTap(event) {
onClick.value && onClick.value(event.detail)
* 重置参数
function reset(option: NotifyOptions | Record<string, any>) {
if (option) {
innerMessage.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.message) ? option.message : props.message
innerBackground.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.background) ? option.background! : props.background!
innerType.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.type) ? option.type! : props.type
innerColor.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.color) ? option.color! : props.color!
innerduration.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.duration) ? option.duration! : props.duration!
innerzIndex.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.zIndex) ? option.zIndex! : props.zIndex
innersafeAreaInsetTop.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.safeAreaInsetTop) ? option.safeAreaInsetTop! : props.safeAreaInsetTop
innertop.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.top) || RegUtil.isDef(props.top) ? Number(option.top! || props.top) : innertop.value
onOpened.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.onOpened) ? option.onOpened! : onOpened.value
onClose.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.onClose) ? option.onClose! : onClose.value
onClick.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.onClick) ? option.onClick! : onClick.value
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '../../libs/css/index.scss';
$types: primary, success, warning, error;
.hd-notify {
position: relative;
width: 750rpx;
min-height: 72rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
padding: 18rpx 24rpx;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family: PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
color: $color-white;
text-align: center;
@each $type in $types {
.hd-notify-#{$type} {
background-color: map-get($var-map, $type);