You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
565 lines
18 KiB
565 lines
18 KiB
<template> |
<view class="u-upload" :style="[$u.addStyle(customStyle)]"> |
<view class="u-upload__wrap" > |
<template v-if="previewImage"> |
<view |
class="u-upload__wrap__preview" |
v-for="(item, index) in lists" |
:key="index" |
> |
<image |
v-if="item.isImage || (item.type && item.type === 'image')" |
:src="item.thumb || item.url" |
:mode="imageMode" |
class="u-upload__wrap__preview__image" |
@tap="onPreviewImage(item)" |
:style="[{ |
width: $u.addUnit(width), |
height: $u.addUnit(height) |
}]" |
/> |
<view |
v-else |
class="u-upload__wrap__preview__other" |
> |
<u-icon |
color="#80CBF9" |
size="26" |
:name="item.isVideo || (item.type && item.type === 'video') ? 'movie' : 'folder'" |
></u-icon> |
<text class="u-upload__wrap__preview__other__text">{{item.isVideo || (item.type && item.type === 'video') ? '视频' : '文件'}}</text> |
</view> |
<view |
class="u-upload__status" |
v-if="item.status === 'uploading' || item.status === 'failed'" |
> |
<view class="u-upload__status__icon"> |
<u-icon |
v-if="item.status === 'failed'" |
name="close-circle" |
color="#ffffff" |
size="25" |
/> |
<u-loading-icon |
size="22" |
mode="circle" |
color="#ffffff" |
v-else |
/> |
</view> |
<text |
v-if="item.message" |
class="u-upload__status__message" |
>{{ item.message }}</text> |
</view> |
<view |
class="u-upload__deletable" |
v-if="item.status !== 'uploading' && (deletable || item.deletable)" |
@tap.stop="deleteItem(index)" |
> |
<view class="u-upload__deletable__icon"> |
<u-icon |
name="close" |
color="#ffffff" |
size="10" |
></u-icon> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view |
class="u-upload__success" |
v-if="item.status === 'success'" |
> |
<!-- #ifdef APP-NVUE --> |
<image |
:src="successIcon" |
class="u-upload__success__icon" |
></image> |
<!-- #endif --> |
<!-- #ifndef APP-NVUE --> |
<view class="u-upload__success__icon"> |
<u-icon |
name="checkmark" |
color="#ffffff" |
size="12" |
></u-icon> |
</view> |
<!-- #endif --> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<template v-if="isInCount"> |
<view |
v-if="$slots.default || $slots.$default" |
@tap="chooseFile" |
> |
<slot /> |
</view> |
<view |
v-else |
class="u-upload__button" |
:hover-class="!disabled ? 'u-upload__button--hover' : ''" |
hover-stay-time="150" |
@tap="chooseFile" |
:class="[disabled && 'u-upload__button--disabled']" |
:style="[{ |
width: $u.addUnit(width), |
height: $u.addUnit(height) |
}]" |
> |
<u-icon |
:name="uploadIcon" |
size="26" |
:color="uploadIconColor" |
></u-icon> |
<text |
v-if="uploadText" |
class="u-upload__button__text" |
>{{ uploadText }}</text> |
</view> |
</template> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
chooseFile |
} from './utils'; |
import mixinUp from './mixin.js'; |
import props from './props.js'; |
import mpMixin from '../../libs/mixin/mpMixin.js'; |
import mixin from '../../libs/mixin/mixin.js'; |
/** |
* upload 上传 |
* @description 该组件用于上传图片场景 |
* @tutorial |
* @property {String} accept 接受的文件类型, 可选值为all media image file video (默认 'image' ) |
* @property {String | Array} capture 图片或视频拾取模式,当accept为image类型时设置capture可选额外camera可以直接调起摄像头(默认 ['album', 'camera'] ) |
* @property {Boolean} compressed 当accept为video时生效,是否压缩视频,默认为true(默认 true ) |
* @property {String} camera 当accept为video时生效,可选值为back或front(默认 'back' ) |
* @property {Number} maxDuration 当accept为video时生效,拍摄视频最长拍摄时间,单位秒(默认 60 ) |
* @property {String} uploadIcon 上传区域的图标,只能内置图标(默认 'camera-fill' ) |
* @property {String} uploadIconColor 上传区域的图标的字体颜色,只能内置图标(默认 #D3D4D6 ) |
* @property {Boolean} useBeforeRead 是否开启文件读取前事件(默认 false ) |
* @property {Boolean} previewFullImage 是否显示组件自带的图片预览功能(默认 true ) |
* @property {String | Number} maxCount 最大上传数量(默认 52 ) |
* @property {Boolean} disabled 是否启用(默认 false ) |
* @property {String} imageMode 预览上传的图片时的裁剪模式,和image组件mode属性一致(默认 'aspectFill' ) |
* @property {String} name 标识符,可以在回调函数的第二项参数中获取 |
* @property {Array} sizeType 所选的图片的尺寸, 可选值为original compressed(默认 ['original', 'compressed'] ) |
* @property {Boolean} multiple 是否开启图片多选,部分安卓机型不支持 (默认 false ) |
* @property {Boolean} deletable 是否展示删除按钮(默认 true ) |
* @property {String | Number} maxSize 文件大小限制,单位为byte (默认 Number.MAX_VALUE ) |
* @property {Array} fileList 显示已上传的文件列表 |
* @property {String} uploadText 上传区域的提示文字 |
* @property {String | Number} width 内部预览图片区域和选择图片按钮的区域宽度(默认 80 ) |
* @property {String | Number} height 内部预览图片区域和选择图片按钮的区域高度(默认 80 ) |
* @property {Object} customStyle 组件的样式,对象形式 |
* @event {Function} afterRead 读取后的处理函数 |
* @event {Function} beforeRead 读取前的处理函数 |
* @event {Function} oversize 文件超出大小限制 |
* @event {Function} clickPreview 点击预览图片 |
* @event {Function} delete 删除图片 |
* @example <u-upload :action="action" :fileList="fileList" ></u-upload> |
*/ |
export default { |
name: "u-upload", |
mixins: [mpMixin, mixin, mixinUp, props], |
data() { |
return { |
// #ifdef APP-NVUE |
successIcon: '', |
// #endif |
lists: [], |
isInCount: true, |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
// 监听文件列表的变化,重新整理内部数据 |
fileList: { |
immediate: true, |
handler() { |
this.formatFileList() |
}, |
immediate: true, |
deep: true, |
}, |
}, |
// #ifdef VUE3 |
emits: ['error', 'beforeRead', 'oversize', 'afterRead', 'delete', 'clickPreview'], |
// #endif |
methods: { |
formatFileList() { |
const { |
fileList = [], maxCount |
} = this; |
const lists = => |
Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { |
// 如果item.url为本地选择的blob文件的话,无法判断其为video还是image,此处优先通过accept做判断处理 |
isImage: this.accept === 'image' || uni.$u.test.image(item.url || item.thumb), |
isVideo: this.accept === 'video' || uni.$ || item.thumb), |
deletable: typeof(item.deletable) === 'boolean' ? item.deletable : this.deletable, |
}) |
); |
this.lists = lists |
this.isInCount = lists.length < maxCount |
}, |
chooseFile() { |
const { |
maxCount, |
multiple, |
lists, |
disabled |
} = this; |
if (disabled) return; |
// 如果用户传入的是字符串,需要格式化成数组 |
let capture; |
try { |
capture = uni.$u.test.array(this.capture) ? this.capture : this.capture.split(','); |
}catch(e) { |
capture = []; |
} |
chooseFile( |
Object.assign({ |
accept: this.accept, |
multiple: this.multiple, |
capture: capture, |
compressed: this.compressed, |
maxDuration: this.maxDuration, |
sizeType: this.sizeType, |
camera:, |
}, { |
maxCount: maxCount - lists.length, |
}) |
) |
.then((res) => { |
this.onBeforeRead(multiple ? res : res[0]); |
}) |
.catch((error) => { |
this.$emit('error', error); |
}); |
}, |
// 文件读取之前 |
onBeforeRead(file) { |
const { |
beforeRead, |
useBeforeRead, |
} = this; |
let res = true |
// beforeRead是否为一个方法 |
if (uni.$u.test.func(beforeRead)) { |
// 如果用户定义了此方法,则去执行此方法,并传入读取的文件回调 |
res = beforeRead(file, this.getDetail()); |
} |
if (useBeforeRead) { |
res = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
this.$emit( |
'beforeRead', |
Object.assign(Object.assign({ |
file |
}, this.getDetail()), { |
callback: (ok) => { |
ok ? resolve() : reject(); |
}, |
}) |
); |
}); |
} |
if (!res) { |
return; |
} |
if (uni.$u.test.promise(res)) { |
res.then((data) => this.onAfterRead(data || file)); |
} else { |
this.onAfterRead(file); |
} |
}, |
getDetail(index) { |
return { |
name:, |
index: index == null ? this.fileList.length : index, |
}; |
}, |
onAfterRead(file) { |
const { |
maxSize, |
afterRead |
} = this; |
const oversize = Array.isArray(file) ? |
file.some((item) => item.size > maxSize) : |
file.size > maxSize; |
if (oversize) { |
this.$emit('oversize', Object.assign({ |
file |
}, this.getDetail())); |
return; |
} |
if (typeof afterRead === 'function') { |
afterRead(file, this.getDetail()); |
} |
this.$emit('afterRead', Object.assign({ |
file |
}, this.getDetail())); |
}, |
deleteItem(index) { |
this.$emit( |
'delete', |
Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.getDetail(index)), { |
file: this.fileList[index], |
}) |
); |
}, |
// 预览图片 |
onPreviewImage(item) { |
if (!item.isImage || !this.previewFullImage) return |
uni.previewImage({ |
// 先filter找出为图片的item,再返回filter结果中的图片url |
urls: this.lists.filter((item) => this.accept === 'image' || uni.$u.test.image(item.url || item.thumb)).map((item) => item.url || item.thumb), |
current: item.url || item.thumb, |
fail() { |
uni.$u.toast('预览图片失败') |
}, |
}); |
}, |
onPreviewVideo(event) { |
if (! return; |
const { |
index |
} = event.currentTarget.dataset; |
const { |
lists |
} =; |
wx.previewMedia({ |
sources: lists |
.filter((item) => isVideoFile(item)) |
.map((item) => |
Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { |
type: 'video' |
}) |
), |
current: index, |
fail() { |
uni.$u.toast('预览视频失败') |
}, |
}); |
}, |
onClickPreview(event) { |
const { |
index |
} = event.currentTarget.dataset; |
const item =[index]; |
this.$emit( |
'clickPreview', |
Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), this.getDetail(index)) |
); |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import '../../libs/css/components.scss'; |
$u-upload-preview-border-radius: 2px !default; |
$u-upload-preview-margin: 0 8px 8px 0 !default; |
$u-upload-image-width:80px !default; |
$u-upload-image-height:$u-upload-image-width; |
$u-upload-other-bgColor: rgb(242, 242, 242) !default; |
$u-upload-other-flex:1 !default; |
$u-upload-text-font-size:11px !default; |
$u-upload-text-color:$u-tips-color !default; |
$u-upload-text-margin-top:2px !default; |
$u-upload-deletable-right:0 !default; |
$u-upload-deletable-top:0 !default; |
$u-upload-deletable-bgColor:rgb(55, 55, 55) !default; |
$u-upload-deletable-height:14px !default; |
$u-upload-deletable-width:$u-upload-deletable-height; |
$u-upload-deletable-boder-bottom-left-radius:100px !default; |
$u-upload-deletable-zIndex:3 !default; |
$u-upload-success-bottom:0 !default; |
$u-upload-success-right:0 !default; |
$u-upload-success-border-style:solid !default; |
$u-upload-success-border-top-color:transparent !default; |
$u-upload-success-border-left-color:transparent !default; |
$u-upload-success-border-bottom-color: $u-success !default; |
$u-upload-success-border-right-color:$u-upload-success-border-bottom-color; |
$u-upload-success-border-width:9px !default; |
$u-upload-icon-top:0px !default; |
$u-upload-icon-right:0px !default; |
$u-upload-icon-h5-top:1px !default; |
$u-upload-icon-h5-right:0 !default; |
$u-upload-icon-width:16px !default; |
$u-upload-icon-height:$u-upload-icon-width; |
$u-upload-success-icon-bottom:-10px !default; |
$u-upload-success-icon-right:-10px !default; |
$u-upload-status-right:0 !default; |
$u-upload-status-left:0 !default; |
$u-upload-status-bottom:0 !default; |
$u-upload-status-top:0 !default; |
$u-upload-status-bgColor:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !default; |
$u-upload-status-icon-Zindex:1 !default; |
$u-upload-message-font-size:12px !default; |
$u-upload-message-color:#FFFFFF !default; |
$u-upload-message-margin-top:5px !default; |
$u-upload-button-width:80px !default; |
$u-upload-button-height:$u-upload-button-width; |
$u-upload-button-bgColor:rgb(244, 245, 247) !default; |
$u-upload-button-border-radius:2px !default; |
$u-upload-botton-margin: 0 8px 8px 0 !default; |
$u-upload-text-font-size:11px !default; |
$u-upload-text-color:$u-tips-color !default; |
$u-upload-text-margin-top: 2px !default; |
$u-upload-hover-bgColor:rgb(230, 231, 233) !default; |
$u-upload-disabled-opacity:.5 !default; |
.u-upload { |
@include flex(column); |
flex: 1; |
&__wrap { |
@include flex; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
flex: 1; |
&__preview { |
border-radius: $u-upload-preview-border-radius; |
margin: $u-upload-preview-margin; |
position: relative; |
overflow: hidden; |
@include flex; |
&__image { |
width: $u-upload-image-width; |
height: $u-upload-image-height; |
} |
&__other { |
width: $u-upload-image-width; |
height: $u-upload-image-height; |
background-color: $u-upload-other-bgColor; |
flex: $u-upload-other-flex; |
@include flex(column); |
justify-content: center; |
align-items: center; |
&__text { |
font-size: $u-upload-text-font-size; |
color: $u-upload-text-color; |
margin-top: $u-upload-text-margin-top; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
&__deletable { |
position: absolute; |
top: $u-upload-deletable-top; |
right: $u-upload-deletable-right; |
background-color: $u-upload-deletable-bgColor; |
height: $u-upload-deletable-height; |
width: $u-upload-deletable-width; |
@include flex; |
border-bottom-left-radius: $u-upload-deletable-boder-bottom-left-radius; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
z-index: $u-upload-deletable-zIndex; |
&__icon { |
position: absolute; |
transform: scale(0.7); |
top: $u-upload-icon-top; |
right: $u-upload-icon-right; |
/* #ifdef H5 */ |
top: $u-upload-icon-h5-top; |
right: $u-upload-icon-h5-right; |
/* #endif */ |
} |
} |
&__success { |
position: absolute; |
bottom: $u-upload-success-bottom; |
right: $u-upload-success-right; |
@include flex; |
// 由于weex(nvue)为阿里巴巴的KPI(部门业绩考核)的laji产物,不支持css绘制三角形 |
// 所以在nvue下使用图片,非nvue下使用css实现 |
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ |
border-style: $u-upload-success-border-style; |
border-top-color: $u-upload-success-border-top-color; |
border-left-color: $u-upload-success-border-left-color; |
border-bottom-color: $u-upload-success-border-bottom-color; |
border-right-color: $u-upload-success-border-right-color; |
border-width: $u-upload-success-border-width; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
/* #endif */ |
&__icon { |
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ |
position: absolute; |
transform: scale(0.7); |
bottom: $u-upload-success-icon-bottom; |
right: $u-upload-success-icon-right; |
/* #endif */ |
/* #ifdef APP-NVUE */ |
width: $u-upload-icon-width; |
height: $u-upload-icon-height; |
/* #endif */ |
} |
} |
&__status { |
position: absolute; |
top: $u-upload-status-top; |
bottom: $u-upload-status-bottom; |
left: $u-upload-status-left; |
right: $u-upload-status-right; |
background-color: $u-upload-status-bgColor; |
@include flex(column); |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
&__icon { |
position: relative; |
z-index: $u-upload-status-icon-Zindex; |
} |
&__message { |
font-size: $u-upload-message-font-size; |
color: $u-upload-message-color; |
margin-top: $u-upload-message-margin-top; |
} |
} |
&__button { |
@include flex(column); |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
width: $u-upload-button-width; |
height: $u-upload-button-height; |
background-color: $u-upload-button-bgColor; |
border-radius: $u-upload-button-border-radius; |
margin: $u-upload-botton-margin; |
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ |
box-sizing: border-box; |
/* #endif */ |
&__text { |
font-size: $u-upload-text-font-size; |
color: $u-upload-text-color; |
margin-top: $u-upload-text-margin-top; |
} |
&--hover { |
background-color: $u-upload-hover-bgColor; |
} |
&--disabled { |
opacity: $u-upload-disabled-opacity; |
} |
} |
} |