You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2156 lines
55 KiB
2156 lines
55 KiB
<template> |
<BasicContainer ref="basicContainer" :option="option" :leftClick="leftClick"> |
<template #head> |
<view class="head"> |
<!-- 顶部 --> |
<view class="head_top"> |
<input type="text" v-model="details.searchCode" placeholder="请输入包条码" class="head_top_search" /> |
<view class="button" @click="handleSearch">确认</view> |
</view> |
<!-- tabBar选项卡 --> |
<view class="tabBar"> |
<view :class="{'tabBar-item': true, 'active': tabBarCode === 1}" @click="handleTabBarCode(1)"> |
有数据 |
</view> |
<!-- 无包条数据 --> |
<view :class="{'tabBar-item': true, 'active': tabBarCode === 2}" @click="handleTabBarCode(2)"> |
无数据 |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- 控件 --> |
<view class="control"> |
<template v-if="!showControl"> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleShowControl(1)" v-show="!showControl && tabBarCode === 1">状态修改 |
</view> |
<!-- 合同号盘点时, 暂不支持新增 --> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleAddZero" |
v-show="!showControl && tabBarCode !== 1 && details.pageType !== 3">添加零担 |
</view> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleAddStock" |
v-show="!showControl && tabBarCode !== 1 && details.pageType !== 3">添加物料 |
</view> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleShowControl(2)" v-show="!showControl">批量删除</view> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleShowControl(3)" |
v-show="!showControl && details.pageType !== 2 ">批量上架</view> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleShowControl(4)" v-show="!showControl && tabBarCode === 1">批量盘点 |
</view> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleCheckAll">全选</view> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleInvertSelection">反选</view> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleClose"> |
取消 |
</view> |
<view class="button" @click.stop="handleConFirm"> |
确认 |
</view> |
</template> |
</view> |
<view class="checkInfo"> |
<view class="checkInfo_item"> |
<text>已盘数量/总数:</text> |
<text>{{details.scanNum + '/' + (details.orderList.length + details.stockList.length)}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="checkInfo_item"> |
<!-- 随机盘点 --> |
<template v-if="details.pageType === 1"> |
<text>订单号:</text> |
<text>{{details.scanNum + '/' + details.totalNum}}</text> |
</template> |
<!-- 按库位盘点 --> |
<template v-else-if="details.pageType === 2"> |
<text>库位号:</text> |
<text>{{details.pageInfos.positionCode}}</text> |
</template> |
<!-- 按合同号盘点 --> |
<template v-else-if="details.pageType === 3"> |
<text>合同号:</text> |
<text>{{details.pageInfos.orderCode}}</text> |
</template> |
<!-- 按托盘盘点 --> |
<template v-else-if="details.pageType === 4"> |
<text>托盘码:</text> |
<text>{{details.pageInfos.trayCode}}</text> |
</template> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<template #body> |
<!-- 主体内容 --> |
<view class="main"> |
<!-- <scroll-view class="scvmabx" @scrolltolower='()=>{}' scroll-y="true" @touchmove.stop="()=>{}"> --> |
<scroll-view class="scvmabx" scroll-y="true"> |
<!-- 有数据 --> |
<block v-for="item in details.renderList" :key="item"> |
<!-- 订制品 --> |
<view :class="{ |
'main_render': true, |
'active': false, |
'delete': false, |
'edit': false |
}"> |
<view @click.stop="handleItemChoose(item)" v-show="showControl"> |
<!-- 被选中 --> |
<image v-show="item.isChoose" src="@/static/ck.png" class="main_render_checkImg" mode=""> |
</image> |
<!-- 不被选中 --> |
<image v-show="!item.isChoose" src="@/static/nock.png" class="main_render_checkImg" mode=""> |
</image> |
</view> |
<view class="main_render_container"> |
<!-- 有数据 --> |
<template v-if="tabBarCode === 1"> |
<view class="main_render_item"> |
<view> |
包条码: {{item.orderPackageCode || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
<view :style="{color : (item.isManuallyAdd ? '#f00' : '#000')}" |
@click="editOrderCode(item)"> |
合同号: {{item.orderCode || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<!-- 零担 --> |
<template v-else-if="tabBarCode === 2 && Number(item.questTarget) === 2"> |
<view class="main_render_item" :style="{color : (item.isManuallyAdd ? '#f00' : '#000')}" |
@click="editZero(item)"> |
<view> |
运单号: {{item.waybillNumber || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
<view> |
合同号: {{item.orderCode || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<!-- 库存品 --> |
<template v-if="tabBarCode === 2 && Number(item.questTarget) === 3" |
:style="{color : (item.isManuallyAdd ? '#f00' : '#000')}" @click="editOrderCode(item)"> |
<view class="main_render_item"> |
<view> |
物料编码: {{item.materialCode || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
<view> |
合同号: {{item.orderCode || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<view class="main_render_item"> |
<view> |
库位: {{item.allocation || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
<template v-if="tabBarCode !== 1"> |
<view> |
物品名称: {{item.materialName || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
<view> |
数量: {{item.quantity || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<view> |
状态: |
{{details.stateArr.find(val => val.code === Number(item.cargoName)).title || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
</template> |
</view> |
<view class="main_render_item"> |
<template v-if="tabBarCode !== 1"> |
<view> |
状态: |
{{details.stateArr.find(val => val.code === Number(item.cargoName)).title || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
</template> |
<view class=""> |
类型: <text |
class="main_render_item_type">{{details.typeArr.find(val => val.code === Number(item.questTarget)).title}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class=""> |
盘点状态: |
<text :class="{ |
'main_render_item_type': true, |
'active': Number(item.questStatus) !== 1 |
}"> |
{{details.checkStatus.find(val => val.code === Number(item.questStatus)).title}} |
</text> |
</view> |
<view class="button_box"> |
<view class="button" @click="handleState(item)"> |
处理 |
</view> |
<view class="button" v-if='details.pageType !== 4' @click="handleItemUp(item)"> |
上架 |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</block> |
<view class="main_footer"> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<!-- 提交 --> |
<button @click="submitCheck" class="submitButton" type="primary">提交盘点</button> |
</view> |
</template> |
</BasicContainer> |
<!-- 弹出层 -- 上架 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_Up"> |
<view class="popUpTitle"> |
请扫描新的库位码,如果该货物已在其它库位,使用该功能会重新绑定库位 |
</view> |
<!-- <input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.scancode" type="text" placeholder="请扫描货位码" disabled /> --> |
<view class="popUpInfo"> |
货位信息: {{details.positionInfo.positionCode || '暂无数据'}} |
</view> |
</PopUp> |
<!-- 弹出层 -- 状态修改 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_EditState"> |
<view class="popUp_EditState_container"> |
<block v-for="item in details.stateArr" :key="item"> |
<view class="popUp_row"> |
<view class="popUp_row_item" @click.stop="handleCheck(item)"> |
<!-- 被选中 --> |
<image v-show="item.isCheck" src="@/static/check.png" class="popUp_row_checkImg" mode=""></image> |
<!-- 不被选中 --> |
<image v-show="!item.isCheck" src="@/static/nocheck.png" class="popUp_row_checkImg" mode=""> |
</image> |
<view class="popUp_row_title">{{item.title}}</view> |
</view> |
<!-- 输入框 --> |
<template v-if="tabBarCode === 2 && item.code !== 10"> |
<input class="input" type="number" @blur="inputNum(item)" :disabled="item.disabled" |
v-model="item.value" /> |
</template> |
<!-- 在库数 --> |
<template v-else-if="tabBarCode === 2 && item.code === 10"> |
<view class="input"> |
{{item.value - details.stateArr[2].value - details.stateArr[4].value - details.stateArr[5].value}} |
</view> |
</template> |
</view> |
</block> |
</view> |
</PopUp> |
<!-- 弹出层 -- 删除 / 盘点 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_Handle"></PopUp> |
<!-- 弹出层 -- 是否移托 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_RemoveTary"> |
<view class=""> |
包条码: {{details.removeTray.orderPackageCode}} |
</view> |
<view class=""> |
该包条绑定托盘: {{details.removeTray.trayCode}} |
</view> |
<view class=""> |
本托盘: {{details.pageInfos.trayCode}} |
</view> |
</PopUp> |
<!-- 弹出层 -- 新增 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_Add"> |
<view class=""> |
包条码: {{details.scancode}} |
</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.orderCode" type="text" placeholder="请输入合同号" /> |
<view style=" |
display: flex; |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
"> |
<block v-for="item in details.addType" :key="item"> |
<view class="popUp_row_item" @click.stop="()=>{details.addType.forEach(val => val.isCheck = !val.isCheck)}"> |
<!-- 被选中 --> |
<image v-show="item.isCheck" src="@/static/check.png" class="popUp_row_checkImg" mode=""></image> |
<!-- 不被选中 --> |
<image v-show="!item.isCheck" src="@/static/nocheck.png" class="popUp_row_checkImg" mode=""> |
</image> |
<view class="popUp_row_title">{{item.title}}</view> |
</view> |
</block> |
</view> |
</PopUp> |
<!-- 弹出层 -- 新增库存品 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_AddStock"> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>合同号:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.orderCode" type="text" placeholder="请输入合同号" /> |
</view> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>批次号:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.incomingBatch" type="text" placeholder="请输入批次号" /> |
</view> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>物料名称:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.materialName" @blur="handleShowMaterial" type="text" |
placeholder="请输入物料编码或物料名称" /> |
<template v-if="details.showList.showMaterial"> |
<view class="select_content"> |
<bolck v-for="val in details.materialNameList" :key="val"> |
<template v-if="val"> |
<view @click="()=>{ |
details.addInfo.materialName = val.materialName |
details.addInfo.materialCode = val.materialCode |
details.showList.showMaterial = false |
}"> |
{{val.materialName}} |
</view> |
</template> |
</bolck> |
</view> |
</template> |
</view> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>商城:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.marketName" @blur="handleShowMarket" type="text" |
placeholder="请选择商城" /> |
<template v-if="details.showList.showMarket"> |
<view :class="{'select_content': true, 'show': details.showMarket}"> |
<bolck v-for="val in details.marketNameList" :key="val"> |
<template v-if="val"> |
<view @click="()=>{ |
details.addInfo.marketName = val.clientName |
details.addInfo.clientName = val.clientName |
details.addInfo.marketId = |
details.showList.showMarket = false |
}"> |
{{val.clientName}} |
</view> |
</template> |
</bolck> |
</view> |
</template> |
</view> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>在库数量:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.quantity" type="number" placeholder="请输入在库数量" /> |
</view> |
</PopUp> |
<!-- 弹出层 -- 新增零担 --> |
<PopUp ref="popUp_AddZero"> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>运单号:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.waybillNumber" type="text" placeholder="请输入运单号" /> |
</view> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>合同号:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.orderCode" type="text" placeholder="请输入请输入合同号" /> |
</view> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>物料名称:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.materialName" type="text" placeholder="请输入物料名称" /> |
</view> |
<view class="popUp_Add_row"> |
<view>数量:</view> |
<input class="popUpInput" v-model="details.addInfo.quantity" type="number" placeholder="请输入数量" /> |
</view> |
</PopUp> |
<!-- #ifdef APP --> |
<saomiao2 :ishidestop="scanState !== 0"></saomiao2> |
<!-- #endif --> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { |
onShow, |
onLoad, |
onHide |
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app' |
import { reactive, toRefs, ref, onMounted } from "vue"; |
import utils from '@/utils/utils.js'; |
import { |
getWarehouseTaskgetTaskConInfo, |
postWarehouseTaskSelectPackageInfo, |
postWarehouseTaskQuestDetailAllocation, |
postWarehouseTaskAddDataInfo, |
postqueryfindMaterialList, |
pgetgetMaterialName, |
getWarehouseTaskDeleteQuestChild |
} from '@/api/user.js'; |
import useSystemSettingsStore from '@/store/useSystemSettingsStore'; |
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'; |
const { scanState } = storeToRefs(useSystemSettingsStore()) |
const option = reactive({ |
/** 页面标题 */ |
title: '', |
/** 页面是否有数据, 默认为有 (暂时没用) */ |
haveData: true, |
/** 页面数据是否加载完毕, (暂时无用) */ |
isEnd: true, |
/** 页面刷新 */ |
async pullDownRefreshInitPage() { |
details.scanNum = 0 |
const res = await initPage() |
if (details.tabBarCode === 1) details.renderList = details.orderList |
else if (details.tabBarCode === 2) details.renderList = details.stockList |
return res |
}, |
async reachBottomInitPage() { |
return null |
} |
}) |
const details = reactive({ |
/** 页面级数据 */ |
pageInfos: {}, |
/** 页面类型 1: 随机盘点; 2: 按库位盘点; 3: 按合同号盘点; 4: 按托盘盘点; */ |
pageType: 1, |
/** 选项卡页码 */ |
tabBarCode: 1, |
/** 搜索的码值 */ |
searchCode: '', |
/** 是否显示控件 */ |
showControl: false, |
/** 扫描后的值 */ |
scancode: '', |
/** 页面渲染数组 */ |
renderList: [], |
/** 有包条数据的数组 -- 定制品 + 部分库存品 */ |
orderList: [], |
/** 无包条数据的数组 -- 部分库存品 + 零担 */ |
stockList: [], |
/** 批量处理类型 1: 状态修改; 2: 批量删除; 3: 批量上架; 4: 批量盘点 */ |
handleType: 1, |
/** 是否扫描 */ |
isScan: true, |
/** 上架扫描 */ |
upScan: false, |
/** 有数据新增类型 */ |
addType: [ |
{ title: '定制品', isCheck: true }, |
{ title: '库存品', isCheck: false }, |
], |
/** 在库状态字典 */ |
stateArr: [ |
{ |
title: '在库', |
isCheck: true, |
value: 1, |
code: 10, |
disabled: true, |
name: 'stockNum' |
}, |
{ |
title: '破损', |
isCheck: false, |
value: 0, |
code: 20, |
disabled: true, |
name: 'wornNum' |
}, |
{ |
title: '丢失', |
isCheck: false, |
value: 0, |
code: 30, |
disabled: true, |
name: 'lossNum' |
}, |
{ |
title: '不可修复', |
isCheck: false, |
value: 0, |
code: 40, |
disabled: true, |
name: 'noRepairNum' |
}, |
{ |
title: '配送', |
isCheck: false, |
value: 0, |
code: 50, |
disabled: true, |
name: 'deliveNum' |
}, |
{ |
title: '未入库', |
isCheck: false, |
value: 0, |
code: 60, |
disabled: true, |
name: 'noReceivedNum' |
} |
], |
/** 盘点状态字典表 */ |
checkStatus: [ |
{ code: 0, title: '待盘点' }, |
{ code: 1, title: '已盘点' }, |
{ code: 2, title: '未盘点' }, |
{ code: 3, title: '已排除' }, |
], |
/** 类型字典表 */ |
typeArr: [ |
{ code: 1, title: '定制品' }, |
{ code: 2, title: '零担' }, |
{ code: 3, title: '库存品' }, |
], |
/** 总数 */ |
totalNum: 0, |
/** 已扫数量 */ |
scanNum: 0, |
/** 上架时的库位信息 */ |
positionInfo: { |
/** 库位码 */ |
positionCode: '', |
/** 库位ID */ |
allocationId: '' |
}, |
/** 新增内容 */ |
addInfo: { |
/** 合同号 */ |
orderCode: '' |
}, |
/** 商城名称数组 */ |
marketNameList: [], |
/** 物料名称数组 */ |
materialNameList: [{ materialName: 1 }], |
/** 是否显示下拉框 */ |
showList: { |
showMarket: false, |
showMaterial: false |
}, |
/** 是否为全选 */ |
isAll: false, |
/** 关闭扫描监听 */ |
stopScan: false, |
/** 被移动的包条数据 */ |
removeTray: {} |
}) |
// 获取组件实例 |
/** 基本组件 */ |
const basicContainer = ref(null) |
/** 弹出层 -- 上架 */ |
const popUp_Up = ref(null) |
/** 弹出层 -- 状态修改 */ |
const popUp_EditState = ref(null) |
/** 弹出层 -- 删除 / 盘点 */ |
const popUp_Handle = ref(null) |
/** 弹出层 -- 新增 */ |
const popUp_Add = ref(null) |
/** 弹出层 -- 新增零担 */ |
const popUp_AddZero = ref(null) |
/** 弹出层 -- 新增库存品 */ |
const popUp_AddStock = ref(null) |
/** 弹出层 -- 是否移托 */ |
const popUp_RemoveTary = ref(null) |
// 页面初始化执行回调 |
onLoad((info) => { |
console.log('info :>> ', info); |
const infos = JSON.parse( |
console.log('object :>> ', JSON.parse(; |
option.title = infos.title |
details.pageType = infos.pageType |
details.pageInfos = infos |
}) |
onShow(() => { |
// #ifdef APP |
// 开启监听扫描 |
uni.$off('scancodedate') |
uni.$on('scancodedate', function (code) { |
if (code) { |
// 是否接受扫描的值 |
if (details.stopScan) return |
// 获取扫描的值 |
details.scancode = code |
// 是否进行上架扫描 |
if (details.upScan) scanUp() |
// 是否匹配数据 |
else if (details.isScan) scandata() |
} |
}) |
// #endif |
// 初始化请求页面数据 |
// initPage() |
const timer = setTimeout(() => { |
basicContainer.value.startPullDownRefresh() |
// 清除定时器 |
clearTimeout(timer) |
}, 200) |
}) |
/** 请求页面数据 */ |
async function initPage() { |
try { |
const orderRes = initOrder() |
const stockRes = initStock() |
const _promiseAll = Promise.all([orderRes, stockRes]) |
console.log('_promiseAll :>> ', _promiseAll); |
return _promiseAll |
} catch (e) { |
//TODO handle the exception |
} |
} |
/** 请求页面数据 -- 有数据 */ |
async function initOrder() { |
try { |
const queryData = { |
typeState: 1, |
type: 2, |
questType: details.pageType, |
code: details.pageInfos.trayCode, |
questId: details.pageInfos.questId, |
questNum: details.pageInfos.questNum, |
} |
if (details.pageType === 2) queryData.code = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
else if (details.pageType === 3) queryData.code = details.pageInfos.orderCode |
else if (details.pageType === 4) queryData.code = details.pageInfos.trayCode |
const res = await getWarehouseTaskgetTaskConInfo(queryData) |
const { code, data } = res |
if (code !== 200 || !data) return |
details.orderList = data.list || [] |
details.orderList.forEach(val => { |
if (!val.questChildVOList) val.cargoName = 10 |
else { |
// 盘点过的数据, 排查在库状态 |
val.questChildVOList.forEach(item => { |
if (item.questNum !== 0) val.cargoName = item.cargoName |
}) |
} |
// 记录所有已盘点的数量 |
if (Number(val.questStatus) === 1) { |
details.scanNum++ |
// 该条在系统中记录已盘点 |
val.isTask = true |
} |
}) |
} catch (e) { |
//TODO handle the exception |
} finally { |
return null |
} |
} |
/** 请求页面数据 -- 无数据 */ |
async function initStock() { |
try { |
const queryData = { |
typeState: 2, |
type: 1, |
questType: details.pageType, |
code: details.pageInfos.trayCode, |
questId: details.pageInfos.questId, |
questNum: details.pageInfos.questNum, |
} |
if (details.pageType === 2) queryData.code = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
else if (details.pageType === 3) queryData.code = details.pageInfos.orderCode |
else if (details.pageType === 4) queryData.code = details.pageInfos.trayCode |
const res = await getWarehouseTaskgetTaskConInfo(queryData) |
const { code, data } = res |
if (code !== 200 || !data) return |
details.stockList = data.list || [] |
// 记录所有已盘点的数量 |
details.stockList.forEach(val => { |
if (!val.cargoName) val.cargoName = 10 |
if (Number(val.questStatus) === 1) { |
details.scanNum++ |
val.isTask = true |
} |
}) |
} catch (e) { |
//TODO handle the exception |
} finally { |
return null |
} |
} |
/** 扫描后执行的回调 -- 对比包件码 */ |
async function scandata() { |
if (details.tabBarCode !== 1) return |
// 是否扫描到已有包条 |
let _flag = false |
for (let i = 0; i <= details.renderList.length - 1; i++) { |
const _item = details.renderList[i] |
// 匹配包条码, 包条码一致时更改状态 |
if (details.scancode === _item.orderPackageCode) { |
if (Number(_item.questStatus) === 1) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '重复扫描', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke('重复扫描') |
// #endif |
_flag = true |
break |
} |
_item.questStatus = 1 |
_flag = true |
details.scanNum++ |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke(details.scanNum + '件') |
// #endif |
// 退出循环 |
break |
} |
} |
// 扫到已有包条退出函数 || 合同号盘点时不支持新增 |
if (_flag && details.pageType === 3) return |
try { |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: '数据加载中', |
mask: true |
}); |
const queryData = { |
code: details.scancode, |
questId: details.pageInfos.questId, |
questNum: details.pageInfos.questNum |
} |
// 查询包条码 |
const res = await postWarehouseTaskSelectPackageInfo(queryData) |
console.log('res :>> ', res); |
const { code, data } = res |
console.log('code :>> ', code); |
// 当后台查询出数据时直接添加 |
if (code === 200 && data && data.length !== 0) { |
data.forEach(val => { |
// 托盘盘点 (判断该数据是否已打托) |
if (details.pageType === 4 && val.trayCode) { |
details.removeTray = val |
popUp_RemoveTary.value.setDetails({ |
title: '是否移托', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
val.questStatus = 1 |
details.scanNum++ |
val.isNew = true |
if (!val.cargoName) val.cargoName = 10 |
val.trayCode = details.pageInfos.trayCode |
val.trayId = details.pageInfos.trayId |
val.isChange = true |
details.orderList.push(val) |
console.log('val :>> ', val); |
popUp_RemoveTary.value.details.showPopUp = false |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke(details.scanNum + '件') |
// #endif |
} |
}) |
return |
} |
val.questStatus = 1 |
details.scanNum++ |
val.isNew = true |
val.isChange = true |
if (!val.cargoName) val.cargoName = 10 |
if (details.pageType === 2) { |
val.allocationId = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
val.allocation = details.pageInfos.positionCode |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 3) { |
val.orderCode = details.pageInfos.orderCode |
val.orderId = details.pageInfos.orderId |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 4) { |
val.trayCode = details.pageInfos.trayCode |
val.trayId = details.pageInfos.trayId |
} |
details.orderList.push(val) |
}) |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke(details.scanNum + '件') |
// #endif |
} else if (code === 3001) { |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke('该包件已盘点') |
// #endif |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '该包件已盘点', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
return |
} else if (code !== 4000) { |
details.addInfo.orderCode = '' |
details.stopScan = true |
// 手动录入新增 |
popUp_Add.value.setDetails({ |
title: '新增', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
const _order = { |
orderPackageCode: details.scancode, |
questStatus: 1, |
orderCode: details.addInfo.orderCode, |
allocation: '', |
cargoName: 10, |
isChoose: false, |
/** 为手动添加 */ |
isManuallyAdd: true, |
/** 物料类型 */ |
questTarget: 1 |
} |
if (details.pageType === 2) { |
_order.allocationId = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
_order.allocation = details.pageInfos.positionCode |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 3) { |
_order.orderCode = details.pageInfos.orderCode |
_order.orderId = details.pageInfos.orderId |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 4) { |
_order.trayCode = details.pageInfos.trayCode |
_order.trayId = details.pageInfos.trayId |
} |
const _flag = details.addType.find(val => val.isCheck).title |
if (_flag === '定制品') _order.questTarget = 1 |
else _order.questTarget = 3 |
details.orderList.push(_order) |
details.scanNum++ |
// 清空数据 |
details.addInfo = {} |
// 关闭弹窗 |
popUp_Add.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.stopScan = false |
}, |
close() { |
details.stopScan = false |
details.addInfo = {} |
popUp_Add.value.details.showPopUp = false |
} |
}) |
} |
} catch (err) { |
console.log('err :>> ', err); |
//TODO handle the exception |
} finally { |
uni.hideLoading() |
} |
} |
/** 扫描后执行的回调 -- 上架时扫描货位码 */ |
async function scanUp() { |
try { |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: '数据加载中', |
mask: true |
}); |
const queryData = { |
questId: details.pageInfos.questId, |
allocationId: details.scancode |
} |
const res = await postWarehouseTaskQuestDetailAllocation(queryData) |
const { code, data } = res |
if (code === 200 && data) details.positionInfo = data |
else { |
details.positionInfo.positionCode = '' |
details.positionInfo.allocationId = '' |
} |
} catch (e) { |
//TODO handle the exception |
} finally { |
uni.hideLoading() |
} |
} |
// 改变选项卡激活状态 |
function handleTabBarCode(code : number) { |
if (details.tabBarCode === code) return |
details.tabBarCode = code |
details.showControl = false |
if (details.tabBarCode === 1) details.renderList = details.orderList |
else if (details.tabBarCode === 2) details.renderList = details.stockList |
} |
/** 搜索 */ |
const handleSearch = () => { |
details.scancode = details.searchCode |
scandata() |
} |
/** 修改合同号 */ |
const editOrderCode = (item : any) => { |
// 是否为手动添加, 手动添加才能更改 |
if (!item.isManuallyAdd) return |
details.addInfo.orderCode = item.orderCode |
popUp_Add.value.setDetails({ |
title: '修改合同号', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
item.orderCode = details.addInfo.orderCode |
details.addInfo.orderCode = '' |
details.addInfo = {} |
popUp_Add.value.details.showPopUp = false |
}, |
close() { |
details.addInfo = {} |
popUp_Add.value.details.showPopUp = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 修改零担 */ |
const editZero = (item : any) => { |
// 是否为手动添加, 手动添加才能更改 |
if (!item.isManuallyAdd) return |
// 回显数据 |
details.addInfo.waybillNumber = item.waybillNumber |
details.addInfo.orderCode = item.orderCode |
details.addInfo.quantity = item.quantity |
details.addInfo.materialName = item.materialName |
popUp_AddZero.value.setDetails({ |
title: '修改零担信息', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
if (!details.addInfo.orderCode) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入合同号', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
if (!details.addInfo.materialName) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入物料名称', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
const _number = Number(details.addInfo.quantity) |
if (_number !== _number || _number <= 0) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '数量为大于0的数字', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
item.orderCode = details.addInfo.orderCode |
item.waybillNumber = details.addInfo.waybillNumber |
item.quantity = _number |
item.materialName = details.addInfo.materialName |
item.stockNum = _number |
details.addInfo.orderCode = '' |
details.addInfo = {} |
popUp_AddZero.value.details.showPopUp = false |
}, |
close() { |
details.addInfo = {} |
popUp_AddZero.value.details.showPopUp = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 开启控件区 */ |
const handleShowControl = (_type : number) => { |
// 按托盘上架只能整托上架 |
if (_type === 3 && details.pageType === 4) { |
// 清空扫描的值 |
details.scancode = '' |
// 开启上架扫描 |
details.upScan = true |
// 开启弹窗 |
popUp_Up.value.setDetails({ |
title: '批量上架', |
showPopUp: true, |
confirmText: '确认上架', |
success() { |
const { positionCode, allocationId } = details.positionInfo |
let content = '' |
let _number = 0 |
if (positionCode) { |
const _arr = [...details.stockList, ...details.orderList] |
for (let i = 0; i <= _arr.length - 1; i++) { |
const _item = _arr[i] |
if (_item.questStatus === 1) { |
// 改变库位信息 |
_item.allocationId = allocationId |
_item.allocation = positionCode |
_item.isChange = true |
_number++ |
} |
// 重置选中状态 |
} |
content = '上架成功' + _number + '件' |
} else content = '上架失败, 库位数据有误' |
uni.showToast({ |
title: content, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke(content) |
// #endif |
// 重置库位信息 |
details.positionInfo.allocationId = '' |
details.positionInfo.positionCode = '' |
// 关闭弹出层 |
popUp_Up.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.upScan = false |
}, |
close() { |
popUp_Up.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.upScan = false |
} |
}) |
return |
} |
details.showControl = true |
// 更改控件区操控类型 |
details.handleType = _type |
// #ifdef APP |
switch (_type) { |
case 1: |
utils.ttsspke('状态修改') |
break |
case 2: |
utils.ttsspke('批量删除') |
break |
case 3: |
utils.ttsspke('批量上架') |
break |
case 4: |
utils.ttsspke('批量盘点') |
break |
} |
// #endif |
} |
/** 重置处理状态 */ |
const initState = (cargoName ?: any) => { |
console.log('cargoName :>> ', cargoName); |
if (details.tabBarCode === 1) { |
if (cargoName) { |
// 根据指定值激活状态 |
details.stateArr.forEach((val) => { |
if (val.code === cargoName) { |
val.isCheck = true |
val.value = 1 |
} else { |
val.isCheck = false |
val.value = 0 |
} |
}) |
} else { |
// 没有传入指定值, 重置处理状态 |
details.stateArr.forEach((val, index) => { |
if (index === 0) { |
val.isCheck = true |
val.value = 1 |
} else { |
val.isCheck = false |
val.value = 0 |
} |
}) |
} |
} else { |
if ( |
cargoName.stockNum |
|| cargoName.wornNum |
|| cargoName.lossNum |
|| cargoName.noRepairNum |
|| cargoName.deliveNum |
|| cargoName.noReceivedNum) { |
details.stateArr.forEach((val) => { |
const _value = cargoName[] |
console.log(' :>> ',; |
console.log('_value :>> ', _value); |
if (_value > 0 && _value) val.value = _value |
else val.value = 0 |
}) |
} else { |
cargoName.questChildVOList.forEach((val, index) => { |
details.stateArr[index].isCheck = val.questNum === 0 ? false : true |
details.stateArr[index].value = val.questNum |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
/** 取消当前操作 */ |
const handleClose = () => { |
details.showControl = false |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke('取消当前操作') |
// #endif |
} |
/** 批量修改状态 */ |
const batchEditState = () => { |
console.log('修改') |
// 重置状态 |
initState() |
// details.showControl = true |
popUp_EditState.value.setDetails({ |
title: '状态修改', |
confirmText: '确认修改', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
const _value = details.stateArr.find(val => val.isCheck) |
let _number = 0 |
for (let i = 0; i <= details.renderList.length - 1; i++) { |
const _item = details.renderList[i] |
if (_item.isChoose) { |
_item.cargoName = _value.code |
_number++ |
if (_item.questStatus !== 1) { |
// 改变盘点状态 |
_item.questStatus = 1 |
details.scanNum++ |
} |
} |
// 重置选中状态 |
_item.isChoose = false |
} |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke('成功修改' + _number + '件') |
// #endif |
// 关闭弹窗 |
popUp_EditState.value.details.showPopUp = false |
// 改变盘点状态 |
details.showControl = false |
console.log('111 :>> ', 111); |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 批量删除 */ |
const batchDelete = () => { |
// 开启弹窗 |
popUp_Handle.value.setDetails({ |
title: '批量删除', |
showPopUp: true, |
confirmText: '确认删除', |
async success() { |
const submitData = { questDetailIds: [], questId: details.pageInfos.questId, questNum: details.pageInfos.questNum } |
let _flag = false |
details.renderList.forEach((val, index) => { |
if (val.isChoose && val.questDetailId && val.isTask) submitData.questDetailIds.push(val.questDetailId) |
if (!val.isTask && (val.isNew || val.isManuallyAdd)) { |
// 删除新增但还未提交的数据 |
details.renderList.splice(index, 1) |
_flag = true |
} |
}) |
if (submitData.questDetailIds.length === 0 && !_flag) { |
popUp_Handle.value.details.showPopUp = false |
return uni.showToast({ |
title: '无可删除数据', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
if (submitData.questDetailIds.length !== 0) { |
const res = await getWarehouseTaskDeleteQuestChild(submitData) |
const { code, msg } = res |
if (code === 200 && msg) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: msg, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
details.renderList.forEach((val) => { |
if (val.isChoose && val.questDetailId && val.isTask) { |
val.questStatus = 0 |
val.isTask = false |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
details.scanNum = [...details.orderList, ...details.stockList].reduce((curr, item) => { |
if (item.questStatus === 1) return curr + 1 |
return curr |
}, 0) |
popUp_Handle.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.showControl = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 显示物料 */ |
const handleShowMaterial = async () => { |
try { |
if (!details.addInfo.materialName) return |
const res = await postqueryfindMaterialList({ materialCode: details.addInfo.materialName }) |
const { code } = res |
if (code !== 200 || ! || === 0) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '暂无数据', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
details.materialNameList = |
details.showList.showMaterial = true |
} catch (e) { |
//TODO handle the exception |
} finally { |
uni.hideLoading() |
} |
} |
/** 显示商城 */ |
const handleShowMarket = async () => { |
if (!details.addInfo.marketName) return |
try { |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: '数据请求中', |
mask: false |
}); |
const res = await pgetgetMaterialName({ code: details.addInfo.marketName, size: 500 }) |
const { code } = res |
if (code !== 200 || ! || === 0) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '暂无数据', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
details.marketNameList = |
details.showList.showMarket = true |
} catch (e) { |
//TODO handle the exception |
} finally { |
uni.hideLoading() |
} |
} |
/** 批量上架 */ |
const batchUp = () => { |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke('请扫描库位码') |
// #endif |
// 清空扫描的值 |
details.scancode = '' |
// 开启上架扫描 |
details.upScan = true |
// 判断是否全选 |
details.isAll = details.renderList.every(val => val.isChoose) |
let title = '批量上架' |
// 开启弹窗 |
popUp_Up.value.setDetails({ |
title, |
showPopUp: true, |
confirmText: '确认上架', |
success() { |
const { positionCode, allocationId } = details.positionInfo |
let content = '' |
let _number = 0 |
if (positionCode) { |
for (let i = 0; i <= details.renderList.length - 1; i++) { |
const _item = details.renderList[i] |
if (_item.isChoose) { |
// 改变库位信息 |
_item.allocationId = allocationId |
_item.allocation = positionCode |
_item.isChange = true |
_number++ |
if (_item.questStatus !== 1) { |
// 改变盘点状态 |
details.renderList[i].questStatus = 1 |
// 改变已盘点数 |
details.scanNum++ |
} |
} |
// 重置选中状态 |
_item.isChoose = false |
} |
content = '上架成功' + _number + '件' |
} else content = '上架失败, 库位数据有误' |
uni.showToast({ |
title: content, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke(content) |
// #endif |
// 重置库位信息 |
details.positionInfo.allocationId = '' |
details.positionInfo.positionCode = '' |
// 关闭弹出层 |
popUp_Up.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.showControl = false |
details.upScan = false |
}, |
close() { |
popUp_Up.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.upScan = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 批量盘点 */ |
const batchCheck = () => { |
// 开启弹窗 |
popUp_Handle.value.setDetails({ |
title: '批量盘点', |
showPopUp: true, |
confirmText: '确认盘点', |
success() { |
for (let i = 0; i <= details.renderList.length - 1; i++) { |
const _item = details.renderList[i] |
if (_item.isChoose && _item.questStatus !== 1) { |
// 改变盘点状态 |
details.renderList[i].questStatus = 1 |
// 改变已盘点数 |
details.scanNum++ |
} |
// 重置选中状态 |
_item.isChoose = false |
} |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke(details.scanNum + '件') |
// #endif |
popUp_Handle.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.showControl = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 全选 */ |
const handleCheckAll = () => { |
if (details.renderList.length === 0) return |
for (let i = 0; i < details.renderList.length; i++) { |
details.renderList[i].isChoose = true |
} |
} |
/** 反选 */ |
const handleInvertSelection = () => { |
if (details.renderList.length === 0) return |
for (let i = 0; i < details.renderList.length; i++) { |
details.renderList[i].isChoose = !details.renderList[i].isChoose |
} |
} |
/** 复选框 */ |
const handleItemChoose = (_item : any) => { |
_item.isChoose = !_item.isChoose |
} |
/** 状态修改弹窗内按钮点击 -- 单选 */ |
const handleCheck = (_item : any) => { |
if (details.tabBarCode === 1) { |
// 有数据的情况 |
for (let i = 0; i < details.stateArr.length; i++) { |
const _value = details.stateArr[i] |
_value.value = 0 |
_value.isCheck = false |
} |
_item.isCheck = true |
_item.value = 1 |
if (_item.title === '破损' || _item.title === '不可修复') details.stateArr[0].value = 1 |
} else { |
console.log('details.stateArr[0].value :>> ', details.stateArr[0].value); |
// 无数据 |
if (_item.title === '在库') return |
// 当在库数为0时, 不能选择破损或不可修复 |
if (details.stateArr[0].value === 0 && _item.title === '破损' || details.stateArr[0].value === 0 && _item.title === '不可修复') return |
_item.isCheck = !_item.isCheck |
_item.disabled = !_item.isCheck |
if (_item.disabled && _item.code !== details.stateArr[0].code) _item.value = 0 |
} |
} |
/** 处理 */ |
const handleState = (_item : any) => { |
// 重置状态 |
if (details.tabBarCode === 1) initState(_item.cargoName) |
else initState(_item) |
popUp_EditState.value.setDetails({ |
title: '状态修改', |
confirmText: '确认修改', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
if (tabBarCode.value === 1) { |
const _value = details.stateArr.find(val => val.isCheck) |
_item.cargoName = _value.code |
// 改变盘点状态 |
} else { |
details.stateArr.forEach(val => { |
if (val.isCheck && Number(val.value) !== 0) _item[] = Number(val.value) |
}) |
} |
console.log('_item :>> ', _item); |
if (_item.questStatus !== 1) details.scanNum++ |
_item.questStatus = 1 |
// 改变已盘点数 |
// 关闭弹窗 |
popUp_EditState.value.details.showPopUp = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 上架 */ |
const handleItemUp = (_item : any) => { |
// 获取库位码 |
details.scancode = _item.allocationId |
details.positionInfo.positionCode = _item.positionCode |
// 开启上架扫描 |
details.upScan = true |
popUp_Up.value.setDetails({ |
title: '上架', |
confirmText: '确认上架', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
let content = '' |
const { allocationId, positionCode } = details.positionInfo |
if (positionCode) { |
_item.allocationId = allocationId |
_item.allocation = positionCode |
// 改变已盘点数 |
if (_item.questStatue !== 1) details.scanNum++ |
// 更改上架状态 |
_item.questStatus = 1 |
_item.isChange = true |
content = '上架成功' |
} else content = '上架失败, 库位数据有误' |
uni.showToast({ |
title: content, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
// #ifdef APP |
utils.ttsspke(content) |
// #endif |
// 重置库位数据 |
details.positionInfo.positionCode = '' |
details.positionInfo.allocationId = '' |
// 关闭上架扫描 |
popUp_Up.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.upScan = false |
}, |
close() { |
popUp_Up.value.details.showPopUp = false |
details.upScan = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 新增零担 */ |
const handleAddZero = () => { |
popUp_AddZero.value.setDetails({ |
title: '新增零担', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
if (!details.addInfo.orderCode) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入合同号', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
if (!details.addInfo.materialName) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入物料名称', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
const _number = Number(details.addInfo.quantity) |
if (_number !== _number || _number <= 0) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '数量为大于0的数字', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
const _order = { |
questStatus: 1, |
orderCode: details.addInfo.orderCode, |
waybillNumber: details.addInfo.waybillNumber, |
positionCode: '', |
quantity: _number, |
materialName: details.addInfo.materialName, |
cargoName: 10, |
stockNum: _number, |
isChoose: false, |
/** 为手动添加 */ |
isManuallyAdd: true, |
/** 物料类型 */ |
questTarget: 2 |
} |
if (details.pageType === 2) { |
_order.allocationId = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
_order.allocation = details.pageInfos.positionCode |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 3) { |
_order.orderCode = details.pageInfos.orderCode |
_order.orderId = details.pageInfos.orderId |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 4) { |
_order.trayCode = details.pageInfos.trayCode |
_order.trayId = details.pageInfos.trayId |
} |
details.stockList.push(_order) |
details.scanNum++ |
// 清空数据 |
details.addInfo = {} |
// 关闭弹窗 |
popUp_AddZero.value.details.showPopUp = false |
}, |
close() { |
details.addInfo = {} |
popUp_AddZero.value.details.showPopUp = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 新增库存品 */ |
const handleAddStock = () => { |
popUp_AddStock.value.setDetails({ |
title: '新增零担', |
showPopUp: true, |
success() { |
if (!details.addInfo.orderCode || !details.addInfo.incomingBatch) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入合同号或批次号', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
// if (!details.addInfo.incomingBatch) return uni.showToast({ |
// title: '请输入批次号', |
// icon: 'none' |
// }) |
if (!details.addInfo.clientName) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入正确的商场', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
if (!details.addInfo.materialName) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '请输入物料名称', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
const _number = Number(details.addInfo.quantity) |
if (_number !== _number || _number <= 0) return uni.showToast({ |
title: '数量为大于0的数字', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
const _order = { |
questStatus: 1, |
orderCode: details.addInfo.orderCode, |
incomingBatch: details.addInfo.incomingBatch, |
positionCode: '', |
quantity: _number, |
materialName: details.addInfo.materialName, |
clientName: details.addInfo.clientName, |
cargoName: 10, |
stockNum: _number, |
isChoose: false, |
/** 为手动添加 */ |
isManuallyAdd: true, |
/** 物料类型 */ |
questTarget: 3 |
} |
if (details.pageType === 2) { |
_order.allocationId = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
_order.allocation = details.pageInfos.positionCode |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 3) { |
_order.orderCode = details.pageInfos.orderCode |
_order.orderId = details.pageInfos.orderId |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 4) { |
_order.trayCode = details.pageInfos.trayCode |
_order.trayId = details.pageInfos.trayId |
} |
details.stockList.push(_order) |
details.scanNum++ |
// 清空数据 |
details.addInfo = {} |
// 关闭弹窗 |
popUp_AddStock.value.details.showPopUp = false |
}, |
close() { |
details.addInfo = {} |
details.materialNameList = [] |
details.marketNameList = [] |
popUp_AddStock.value.details.showPopUp = false |
} |
}) |
} |
/** 左侧返回按钮 */ |
const leftClick = () => { |
/* popUp_Handle.value.setDetails({ |
title: '有数据未提交, 是否返回', |
showPopUp: true, |
confirmText: '确认返回 ', |
success() { |
uni.navigateBack() |
} |
}) */ |
uni.navigateBack() |
} |
/** 确认 */ |
const handleConFirm = () => { |
switch (details.handleType) { |
case 1: // 批量修改状态 |
batchEditState() |
break; |
case 2: // 批量删除 |
batchDelete() |
break; |
case 3: // 批量上架 |
batchUp() |
break; |
case 4: // 批量盘点 |
batchCheck() |
break; |
} |
} |
/** 输入 */ |
const inputNum = (_item) => { |
let _maxNum = details.stateArr[0].value - details.stateArr[2].value - details.stateArr[4].value - details.stateArr[5].value |
let _number = Number(_item.value) |
if (_number !== _number) return _item.value = 0 |
else if (_number <= 0) return _item.value = 0 |
else if (_maxNum < 0) _item.value = 0 |
else _item.value = _number |
} |
/** 提交盘点*/ |
const submitCheck = async () => { |
try { |
if (details.orderList.length === 0 && details.stockList.length === 0) return |
// 开启loading动画 |
uni.showLoading({ |
title: '提交中', |
mask: true |
}) |
// 提交信息 |
const submitData = { |
questId: details.pageInfos.questId, |
questNum: details.pageInfos.questNum, |
// 在库的ids数组 |
questDetailIds: [], |
// 其它类型组成的数组 |
questDetailList: [] |
} |
details.orderList.forEach(val => { |
if (Number(val.questStatus) !== 1) return |
// 不是新增的且状态为在库 |
if (!val.isManuallyAdd |
// && !val.isNew |
// && !val.isChange |
&& Number(val.cargoName) === 10 |
) { |
console.log('1 :>> ', 1); |
submitData.questDetailIds.push(val.questDetailId) |
if (!val.isChange) return |
} |
const _item = { |
/** 在库数量 */ |
stockNum: 1, |
/** 丢失数量 */ |
lossNum: 0, |
/** 配送数量 */ |
deliveNum: 0, |
/** 破损数量 */ |
wornNum: 0, |
/** 不可修复数量 */ |
noRepairNum: 0, |
/** 未入库数量 */ |
noReceivedNum: 0, |
id: val.questDetailId, |
/** 上架修改后的库位id */ |
groundingAllocationId: val.allocationId, |
groundingPositionCode: val.allocation, |
questId: details.pageInfos.questId, |
questNum: details.pageInfos.questNum, |
orderCode: val.orderCode, |
orderId: val.orderId, |
questType: details.pageType, |
questTarget: val.questTarget, |
isNew: 0 |
} |
_item.isNew = val.isManuallyAdd ? 1 : 0 |
if (val.isNew || val.isManuallyAdd) { |
if (details.pageType === 2) { |
_item.allocationId = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
_item.positionCode = details.pageInfos.allocation |
// 当修改前和修改后的Id一样时, 删除修改后的 |
if (_item.groundingAllocationId === _item.allocationId) { |
delete _item.groundingAllocationId |
delete _item.groundingPositionCode |
} |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 4) { |
_item.trayCode = val.trayCode |
_item.trayId = val.trayId |
} |
_item.orderPackageCode = val.orderPackageCode |
_item.orderPackageId = val.orderPackageId |
} |
// 不改变在库数的 |
const _whiteCodeArr = [10, 20, 40] |
if (!_whiteCodeArr.includes(Number(val.cargoName))) _item.stockNum = 0 |
const _key = details.stateArr.find(value => value.code === Number(val.cargoName)).name |
// 对状态赋值 |
_item[_key] = 1 |
submitData.questDetailList.push(_item) |
}) |
details.stockList.forEach(val => { |
if (Number(val.questStatus) !== 1) return |
if (!val.isManuallyAdd |
&& !val.isNew |
&& val.lossNum === 0 |
&& val.deliveNum === 0 |
&& val.wornNum === 0 |
&& val.noRepairNum === 0 |
&& val.noReceivedNum === 0 |
&& Number(val.cargoName) === 1 |
// && !val.isChange |
) { |
submitData.questDetailIds.push(val.questDetailId) |
if (!val.isChange) return |
} |
const _item = { |
/** 在库数量 */ |
stockNum: val.stockNum || 0, |
/** 丢失数量 */ |
lossNum: val.lossNum || 0, |
/** 配送数量 */ |
deliveNum: val.deliveNum || 0, |
/** 破损数量 */ |
wornNum: val.wornNum || 0, |
/** 不可修复数量 */ |
noRepairNum: val.noRepairNum || 0, |
/** 未入库数量 */ |
noReceivedNum: val.noReceivedNum || 0, |
/** 上架后的库位id */ |
groundingAllocationId: val.allocationId, |
groundingPositionCode: val.allocation, |
id: val.questDetailId, |
questId: details.pageInfos.questId, |
waybillNumber: val.waybillNumber, |
quantity: val.quantity, |
materialName: val.materialName, |
orderCode: val.orderCode, |
orderId: val.orderId, |
questType: details.pageType, |
questTarget: val.questTarget, |
isNew: 0 |
} |
// 计算在库数 |
_item.stockNum = _item.stockNum - _item.lossNum - _item.deliveNum - _item.noReceivedNum |
_item.isNew = val.isManuallyAdd ? 1 : 0 |
if (_item.isNew === 1) { |
if (details.pageType === 2) { |
_item.allocationId = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
_item.groundingAllocationId = details.pageInfos.allocationId |
_item.groundingPositionCode = details.pageInfos.positionCode |
} |
else if (details.pageType === 4) { |
_item.trayCode = val.trayCode |
_item.trayId = val.trayId |
} |
} |
submitData.questDetailList.push(_item) |
}) |
console.log('submitData :>> ', submitData); |
const res = await postWarehouseTaskAddDataInfo(submitData) |
console.log('res :>> ', res); |
const { code } = res |
if (code === 200) { |
// 提交成功返回上一级页面 |
uni.navigateBack() |
} |
} catch (err) { |
console.log('err :>> ', err); |
//TODO handle the exception |
} finally { |
// 关闭Loading动画 |
uni.hideLoading() |
} |
} |
const { |
pageType, |
showControl, |
tabBarCode |
} = toRefs(details) |
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