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1065 lines
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1065 lines
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<template> |
<u-navbar title="人工上架" bgColor='#D3832A' leftIconColor='#ffffff' titleStyle='color:#ffffff' placeholder |
:autoBack="true" leftIconSize='35'></u-navbar> |
<image mode="widthFix" class="bgimg" src="/pagesHome/static/bgby.png"></image> |
<view class="scanqcview"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/scanqc.png"></image> |
<view>请直接扫描库位码</view> |
</view> |
<view class="topviewbox"> |
<view class="oebox"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/changku.png"></image> |
<view>{{(reqobj.warehouseName||'')+'-'+(reqobj.areaTitle||'')+'-'+(reqobj.shelfTitle||"")+'-'+(reqobj.allocationTitle||'')}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="contview"> |
<view> |
<view> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uname.png"></image> |
<view>仓库名称</view> |
</view> |
<view>{{reqobj.warehouseName}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/changkuquyu.png"></image> |
<view>仓库区域</view> |
</view> |
<view>{{reqobj.areaTitle}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="numbox"> |
<view> |
<view> |
<view>库位总数</view> |
<view>{{reqobj.orderTotalnum||0}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>库位单数</view> |
<view>{{reqobj.totalNum||0}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>库存品总数</view> |
<view>{{reqobj.stockTotalNum||0}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>库存品数</view> |
<view>{{reqobj.stockNum||0}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tabchecklist"> |
<view @click="setstate(1)" :class="checkstate==1?'xz':''"> |
<view>待上架数据</view> |
<view></view> |
</view> |
<view @click="setstate(2)" :class="checkstate==2?'xz':''"> |
<view>库位数据</view> |
<view></view> |
</view> |
<view @click="setstate(3)" :class="checkstate==3?'xz':''"> |
<view>库位托盘</view> |
<view></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="scview"> |
<scroll-view class="sclcs" scroll-y="true"> |
<view class="visc"> |
<view class="item1" v-for="item in uplistarr" v-if="checkstate==1"> |
<!-- <view v-if="upshelfScanType==1||upshelfScanType==2"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata1.png"></image> |
<view>服务号:{{item.serviceNum}}</view> |
</view> --> |
<view v-if="upshelfScanType==1||upshelfScanType==2" @click.stop="goorderdetail(item)"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata2.png"></image> |
<view>合同号:{{item.orderCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="upshelfScanType==1||upshelfScanType==2"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata3.png"></image> |
<view>上架数量:<text class="numb">{{item.enterNum}}</text></view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="upshelfScanType==3||upshelfScanType==4" @click.stop="goorderdetail(item)"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata2.png"></image> |
<view>合同号:{{item.orderCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="upshelfScanType==3||upshelfScanType==4"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata3.png"></image> |
<view>上架数量:<text class="numb">{{item.enterNum}}</text></view> |
</view> |
<!-- <view v-if="upshelfScanType==3"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata2.png"></image> |
<view>订单自编号:{{item.orderCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="upshelfScanType==3"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata2.png"></image> |
<view>包条码:{{item.orderPackageCode}}</view> |
<image class="removeicons" src="/pagesHome/static/removeitem.png"></image> |
</view> |
<view v-if="upshelfScanType==4"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata1.png"></image> |
<view>托盘号:{{item.trayCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="upshelfScanType==4"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata2.png"></image> |
<view>订单自编码:{{item.orderCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="upshelfScanType==4"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/uoicondata3.png"></image> |
<view>托盘在托数:{{item.shelfNum}}</view> |
</view> --> |
<!-- <image v-if="upshelfScanType==1" class="qtimgzt" |
:src="item.completeSet==1?'/pagesHome/static/qitao.png':'/pagesHome/static/weiqitao.png'"> |
</image> --> |
</view> |
<view class="item2" v-for="item in datalist" v-if="checkstate==2"> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==1"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>服务号:{{item.serviceNum}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==1" @click.stop="goorderdetail(item)"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>订单自编号:{{item.orderCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==2"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>运单号:{{item.waybillNo}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==2" @click.stop="goorderdetail(item)"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>订单自编号:{{item.orderCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==3"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>物料编号:{{item.materialCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==3"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>物料名称:{{item.materialName}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==3"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>商场名称:{{item.marketName}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==3" @click.stop="goorderdetail(item)"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>订单自编号:{{item.orderCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tpbx" v-if="item.goodsType==3"> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>批次号:{{item.incomingBatch}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="viewnum"> |
<view>总包数:{{item.totalNum}}</view> |
<view>扫码数:{{item.shelfNum}}</view> |
</view> |
<image class="qtimgzt" :src="item.totalNum==item.shelfNum?'/pagesHome/static/qitao.png':'/pagesHome/static/weiqitao.png'"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="item1" v-for="item in [1]" v-if="checkstate==3&&reqobj.trayCode"> |
<view> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/kuweiicon.png"></image> |
<view>托盘码:{{reqobj.trayCode}}</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<image src="/pagesHome/static/scanicon.png"></image> |
<view>扫码包数:{{reqobj.trayNum}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
</view> |
<view class="butbox"> |
<view @click="setshowstate(2)">{{upshelfScanType=='1'?'添加运单':upshelfScanType=='2'?'添加订单':upshelfScanType=='3'?'添加物料':'添加物料'}}</view> |
<view @click="uplist">上架</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tanchuangbg" v-if="showstate"> |
<view class="inputbox" @click.stop.prevent v-if="showstate==2"> |
<view class="makinp" @click="checkmake" v-if="details.upshelfScanType=='3'||details.upshelfScanType=='4'"> |
{{Marketlist[checkmakindex]?.marketName||'没有商场'}} |
</view> |
<view class="inputscan"> |
<input :placeholder="'输入'+(details.upshelfScanType=='1'?'运单号':details.upshelfScanType=='2'?'订单自编号':details.upshelfScanType=='3'?'物料编号':'物料名称')" v-model="waybillCode" /> |
<view class="scanbt" @click="scanlist">搜索</view> |
</view> |
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scvbw"> |
<view class="scboxitem"> |
<view class="items" @click="setchecl(index)" v-for="(item,index) in codelist"> |
<view class="type1s"> |
<view @click.stop="goorderdetail(item)"> |
<view>订单号:</view> |
<view>{{item.orderCode}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="type1s"> |
<view> |
<view>剩余件数:</view> |
<view>{{item.residueNumber||'暂无数据'}}件</view> |
</view> |
<view> |
<view>总件数:</view> |
<view>{{item.totalNumber||'暂无数据'}}件</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="type1s"> |
<view> |
<view>运单号:</view> |
<view>{{item.waybillCode||'暂无数据'}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="rksu" @click.stop.prevent> |
<view> |
<view>入库数:</view> |
<input placeholder="请输入入库数" v-model="item.enterNum"/> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="lisbite" v-if="checkinarr.indexOf(index)!=-1"> |
<view class="itembox" v-for="ite in item.list"> |
<view v-if="ite.areaName||ite.allocationName">库位:{{ite.areaName+'-'+ite.allocationName}}</view> |
<view>托盘码:{{ite.trayCode}}</view> |
<view>数量:{{ite.num}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<view class="btx"> |
<view class="cancel" @click="setshowstate(0)">取消</view> |
<view class="confirm" @click="confirmlist">确认</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<saomiao2></saomiao2> |
<tips ref="tip"></tips> |
<tiplist ref="tiplists"></tiplist> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { |
warehouseTrayTypefindAllMarket, |
warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfScanGoods, |
warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfScanAllocation, |
warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfOrder, |
warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfPackage, |
warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfTray, |
warehouseUpdownTypegetZeroOrderByCode, |
warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfZeroOrder, |
warehouseUpdownTypegetStockByParam, |
warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfStockList, |
} from '@/api/user.js' |
import { |
onLoad, |
onShow, |
onHide, |
onUnload |
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app' |
import { reactive, ref, toRefs, watchEffect } from "vue"; |
const tip = ref(null) |
const tiplists=ref(null) |
let details = reactive({ |
checkstate: 1, |
upshelfScanType: '', |
scancode: '', |
allocationId: '',//库位id |
datalist: [], |
reqobj: {} as any, |
uplistarr: [], |
showstate:0, |
waybillCode:'', |
codelist:[], |
Marketlist:[], |
checkmakindex:0, |
checkinarr:[], |
}) |
onLoad((op) => { |
details.upshelfScanType = op.type |
// details.scancode = '1697135045579067394' |
// scandata() |
initmarke() |
// setTimeout(()=>{ |
// details.scancode='23072506670-2' |
// scandata() |
// },4500) |
uni.$on('scancodedate', function (code) { |
if (code) { |
// console.log(code); |
details.scancode = code |
scandata() |
} |
}) |
}) |
function stop(){ |
} |
watchEffect(()=>{ |
if(Number(details.upshelfScanType)==1||Number(details.upshelfScanType)==2){ |
details.uplistarr=fn2(details.uplistarr,'orderCode') |
}else if(Number(details.upshelfScanType)==3){ |
details.uplistarr=fn2(details.uplistarr,'orderPackageCode') |
}else if(Number(details.upshelfScanType)==4){ |
details.uplistarr=fn2(details.uplistarr,'trayCode') |
} |
}) |
function goorderdetail(item){ |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url:'/pagesHome/pages/orderDetails/orderDetails?orderCode='+item.orderCode |
}) |
} |
function checkmake(){ |
let list=[] |
|>{ |
list.push(item?.marketName) |
}) |
tiplists.value.setdetails({ |
title:'请选择商场', |
isshow:true, |
tipstate:2, |
list, |
checklist:[], |
inputtext:'', |
confirmTxt:'确认选择', |
isonecheck:true, |
success:(deta)=>{ |
if(deta.checklist.length==0){ |
uni.showToast({ |
title:'请选择商场', |
icon:'none' |
}) |
return |
} |
details.checkmakindex=deta.checklist[0] |
tiplists.value.setdetails({isshow:false}) |
details.codelist=[] |
}, |
cancel:(details)=>{ |
tiplists.value.setdetails({isshow:false}) |
}, |
close:(details)=>{ |
tiplists.value.setdetails({isshow:false}) |
} |
}) |
} |
async function initmarke(){ |
let data={ |
warehouseCode:'LQ' |
} |
let res=await warehouseTrayTypefindAllMarket(data) |
console.log(; |
| |
} |
async function scanlist(){ |
details.codelist=[] |
let response=null |
if(Number(details.upshelfScanType)==1||Number(details.upshelfScanType)==2){ |
let data={ |
zeroType:Number(details.upshelfScanType)==1?2:1, |
code:details.waybillCode |
} |
response=await warehouseUpdownTypegetZeroOrderByCode(data) |
}else if(Number(details.upshelfScanType)==3||Number(details.upshelfScanType)==4){ |
let data={ |
stockType:Number(details.upshelfScanType)==3?1:2, |
value:details.waybillCode, |
marketId:details.Marketlist[details.checkmakindex].marketId |
} |
response=await warehouseUpdownTypegetStockByParam(data) |
} |
console.log(response); |
| |
|>{ |
item['enterNum']=0 |
return item |
}) |
} |
function confirmlist(){ |
|>{ |
if(item.enterNum>0&&item.enterNum<=item.residueNumber){ |
item.marketId=details.Marketlist[details.checkmakindex].marketId |
details.uplistarr.push(item) |
//,index)=>{ |
// if(item.orderCode==it.orderCode){ |
// details.uplistarr.splice(index,1,item) |
// }else if(item.materialCode==it.materialCode){ |
// details.uplistarr.splice(index,1,item) |
// } |
// }) |
} |
}) |
details.uplistarr=fn2(details.uplistarr,'orderCode') |
details.showstate=0 |
details.codelist=[] |
details.waybillCode='' |
} |
function setshowstate(state:number){ |
details.showstate=state |
} |
async function scandata() { |
//是否有库位id,有库位ID就扫描包条码否则只能扫描库位码 |
// if (Number(details.upshelfScanType) == 1 || Number(details.upshelfScanType) == 2) { |
// } |
let data = { |
allocationId: details.scancode, |
} |
let res = await warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfScanAllocation(data) |
console.log(res); |
if (res.code == 200) { |
details.reqobj = |
details.allocationId = |
details.datalist = ( || [] |
} else { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: res.msg, |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
} |
} |
function uplist() { |
tip.value.setdetails({ |
title: '提示', |
content: '确认上架?', |
confirmTxt: '确认', |
isshow: true, |
isshowcancel: true, |
success: async () => { |
if (details.uplistarr.length == 0) { |
let content = '' |
if (Number(details.upshelfScanType) == 4) { |
content = '请先扫描托盘码' |
} else { |
content = '请先扫描包件数据' |
} |
tip.value.setdetails({ |
title: '警告', |
content, |
confirmTxt: '确认', |
isshow: true, |
isshowcancel: true, |
success: () => { |
tip.value.setisshow(false) |
}, |
cancel: () => { |
tip.value.setisshow(false) |
}, |
close: () => { |
tip.value.setisshow(false) |
} |
}) |
return |
} |
let res |
|>{ |
if(item.enterNum>item.totalNumber){ |
item.enterNum=item.totalNumber |
} |
}) |
if (Number(details.upshelfScanType) == 1 || Number(details.upshelfScanType) == 2) { |
let data = { |
allocationId: details.allocationId, |
upShelfZeroOrderList: details.uplistarr, |
} |
res = await warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfZeroOrder(data) |
} else if (Number(details.upshelfScanType) == 3 ||Number(details.upshelfScanType) == 4) { |
let data = { |
allocationId: details.allocationId, |
upShelfStockList: details.uplistarr, |
} |
res = await warehouseUpdownTypeupShelfStockList(data) |
} |
if (res.code == 200) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '上架成功', |
icon: 'none' |
}) |
details.uplistarr = [] |
details.scancode = details.allocationId |
details.allocationId = '' |
scandata() |
} |
tip.value.setisshow(false) |
}, |
cancel: () => { |
tip.value.setisshow(false) |
}, |
close: () => { |
tip.value.setisshow(false) |
} |
}) |
} |
function setchecl(index:number){ |
if(details.checkinarr.indexOf(index)==-1){ |
details.checkinarr.push(index) |
}else{ |
details.checkinarr.splice(details.checkinarr.indexOf(index),1) |
} |
} |
function setstate(state : number) { |
details.checkstate = state |
} |
//去重 |
function fn2(tempArr,fnname) { |
let result = []; |
|>{ |
if(result.length==0){ |
item.enterNum=Number(item.enterNum) |
result.push(item) |
}else{ |
let ckindex=-1 |
|,index)=>{ |
if(ite[fnname]==item[fnname]){ |
ckindex=index |
} |
}) |
if(ckindex!=-1){ |
result[ckindex].enterNum+=Number(item.enterNum) |
}else{ |
item.enterNum=Number(item.enterNum) |
result.push(item) |
} |
} |
}) |
return result; |
}; |
const { |
checkinarr, |
checkmakindex, |
Marketlist, |
codelist, |
waybillCode, |
showstate, |
uplistarr, |
checkstate, |
upshelfScanType, |
allocationId, |
datalist, |
reqobj |
} = toRefs(details) |
</script> |
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