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<!-- <u-navbar title="签收订单扫描" placeholder border=true :autoBack="true" leftIconSize='35'></u-navbar> -->
<u-navbar title="签收订单扫描" bgColor='#D3832A' leftIconColor='#ffffff' titleStyle='color:#ffffff' placeholder
:autoBack="true" leftIconSize='35'></u-navbar>
<view class="hdstop">
<view class="khxb">
<view class="butlur" @click="showsdqs">
<view class="tps">
<view class="scinp">
<cusSelects @change='checktype' :data='typearr' :value="schanvalue" placeholder='全部' :arrLeft='5' size='145'
<view class="inputs">
<input placeholder="请输入查询的订单号" v-model="inputtxt" />
<view class="btscan" @click="initpage">查询</view>
<view class="tabtip">
<view @click="setorderStatus(1)">
<view :class="orderStatus==1?'xz':''">定制品</view>
<view @click="setorderStatus(2)">
<view :class="orderStatus==2?'xz':''">零担</view>
<view @click="setorderStatus(3)">
<view :class="orderStatus==3?'xz':''">库存品</view>
<scroll-view class="scve" scroll-y="true">
<view class="mabx">
<block v-for="(item,index) in datalist">
<!-- 定制品 -->
<template v-if="orderStatus===1">
<view class="itec" @click="setcheckindex(index)">
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;"
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">总数:</text>{{item.reservationNum}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">计划:</text>{{item.reservationNum}}</view>
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">装车:</text>{{item.loadingNub}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">签收:</text>{{item.signforNub}}</view>
<view class="xialaxz" v-if="listcheckindex==index">
<view v-for="ite in item.distributionAppParcelListVOS">
<view>扫描状态:{{ite.orderPackageStatus === '70'?'已扫':'未扫'}}</view>
<view :class="item.signforNub==0?'tip tp2':item.signforNub==item.reservationNum?'tip tp1':'tip tp3'">
<!-- 零担 -->
<template v-if="orderStatus===2">
<view class="itec" @click="checkphon(item,index)">
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;"
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;"
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">计划签收:</text>{{item.reservationNum}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">实际签收:</text>{{item.loadingNub}}</view>
<view v-if="item.complete"
:class="item.completecode==3?'tip tp1':item.completecode==1?'tip tp2':'tip tp3'">
<!-- 库存品 -->
<template v-if="orderStatus===3">
<view class="itec" @click="setcheckindex(index)">
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">SKU:</text>{{item.sku}}</view>
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">物品:</text>{{item.descriptionGoods}}</view>
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">规格:</text>{{item.specification}}</view>
<view class="contenbx1">
<view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">单位:</text>{{item.logpmUnit}}</view>
<!-- <view><text style="color: #90A0AF;">签收:</text>{{item.signforNub}}</view> -->
<!-- <view :class="item.signforNub==0?'tip tp2':item.signforNub==item.reservationNum?'tip tp1':'tip tp3'">{{item.signforNub==0?'未扫':item.signforNub==item.reservationNum?'齐套':'部分扫'}}</view> -->
<tips ref="tip"></tips>
<tiplist ref="tiplists"></tiplist>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {
} from '@/api/user.js'
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app'
import cusSelects from '@/compoment/cus-selects-fan/cus-selects-fan.vue'
import { computed, inject, reactive, ref, toRefs, watchEffect } from "vue";
const utils = inject('utils') as any
let details = reactive({
schanvalue: '',
typearr: [
value: 3,
label: '齐套'
value: 2,
label: '部分扫'
value: 1,
label: '未扫'
items: {} as any,
datalist: [] as any,
orderArr: [],
zeroArr: [],
stockArr: [],
id: '',
orderStatus: 1,
scancode: '',
deliveryId: '',
orderType: '' as string | number,
inputtxt: '',
listcheckindex: -1,
const tiplists = ref(null)
const tip = ref(null)
const Plannednub = computed(() => {
let num = 0
// 将所有订单的计划件数相加
num += details.orderArr.reduce((curr, item) => curr + item.reservationNum, 0)
num += details.zeroArr.reduce((curr, item) => curr + item.reservationNum, 0)
num += details.stockArr.reduce((curr, item) => curr + item.reservationNum, 0)
return num
const ordNub = computed(() => {
return details.datalist.length
const signNub = computed(() => {
let num = 0
details.datalist.map(item => {
if (item.signforNub) {
num += item.signforNub
return num
// watchEffect(() => {
// if (signNub.value != 0) {
// console.log(signNub.value + '件')
// utils.ttsspke(signNub.value + '件')
// }
// })
onLoad(async (op) => {
try {
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
// 获取路由中传递数据
details.items = JSON.parse(op.item)
details.id = JSON.parse(op.item).id
details.deliveryId = op.deliveryId
// 初始化请求页面数据
let data = {
reservationId: details.items.id,
completecode: details.orderType,
orderCode: details.inputtxt
details.datalist = []
// 零担和定制品
let response = null
response = await signfororder(data)
details.zeroArr = []
details.orderArr = []
response.data.records.forEach(val => {
// 零担订单
if (val.isZero === '1') return details.zeroArr.push(val)
// 库存品
let response1 = await signforinventory(data)
details.stockArr = response1.data.records || []
console.log('response :>> ', response);
console.log('response1 :>> ', response1);
// 定制品
if (details.orderStatus === 1) details.datalist = details.orderArr
// 零担
else if (details.orderStatus === 2) details.datalist = details.zeroArr
// 库存品
else details.datalist = details.stockArr
} catch (err) {
console.log('err :>> ', err);
//TODO handle the exception
onShow(() => {
uni.$on('scancodedate', function (code) {
if (code) {
details.scancode = code
onHide(() => {
function goorderdetail(item) {
url: '/pagesHome/pages/orderDetails/orderDetails?orderCode=' + item.orderCode
async function scandata() {
let data = {
barcode: details.scancode,
deliveryId: details.deliveryId,
reservationId: details.id,
// 定制品
if (details.orderStatus == 1) {
let response = await signforsignfor(data)
if (response.code === 200) {
// #ifdef APP
utils.ttsspke(signNub.value + '件')
// #endif
else if (response.code == 3006) {
isshow: true,
content: '请确认是否异常签收',
success: async () => {
let data = {
barcode: details.scancode,
deliveryId: details.deliveryId,
reservationId: details.id
let response = await signforsignforcontinue(data)
title: response.msg,
icon: 'none'
tip.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
cancel: () => {
tip.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
close: () => {
tip.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
} else {
title: response.msg,
icon: 'none'
} else if (details.orderStatus == 2) {
// data.barcode="23072405915-2"
let response = await signforsignforIn(data)
if (response.code == 3006) {
isshow: true,
content: '请确认是否异常签收',
success: async () => {
let data = {
barcode: details.scancode,
deliveryId: details.deliveryId,
reservationId: details.id
let response = await signforsignforcontinue(data)
title: response.msg,
icon: 'none'
tip.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
cancel: () => {
tip.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
close: () => {
tip.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
} else {
title: response.msg,
icon: 'none'
function showsdqs() {
isshow: true,
tipstate: 1,
title: '请输入扫描的码',
placeholder: '请输入扫描的码',
inputtext: '',
success: (detail) => {
details.scancode = detail.inputtext
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
cancel: () => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
close: () => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
function setorderStatus(state : number) {
details.orderStatus = state
// initpage()
// 定制品
if (details.orderStatus === 1) {
details.datalist = details.orderArr
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
// 零担
else if (details.orderStatus === 2) {
details.datalist = details.zeroArr
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
// 库存品
else {
details.datalist = details.stockArr
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
async function initpage() {
let data = {
reservationId: details.id,
completecode: details.orderType,
orderCode: details.inputtxt,
details.datalist = []
let response = null;
// 定制品和零担
if (details.orderStatus == 1 || details.orderStatus === 2) {
response = await signfororder(data)
details.zeroArr = []
details.orderArr = []
response.data.records.forEach(val => {
// 零担订单
if (val.isZero === '1') return details.zeroArr.push(val)
// 库存品
else if (details.orderStatus == 3) {
response = await signforinventory(data)
details.stockArr = response.data.records || []
// 定制品
if (details.orderStatus === 1) details.datalist = details.orderArr
// 零担
else if (details.orderStatus === 2) details.datalist = details.zeroArr
// 库存品
else details.datalist = details.stockArr
function setcheckindex(index : number) {
if (details.listcheckindex == index) {
details.listcheckindex = -1
} else {
details.listcheckindex = index
function checktype(e) {
if (e == '') {
details.schanvalue = ''
details.orderType = ''
details.typearr.map(item => {
if (item.value == e) {
details.schanvalue = item.label
details.orderType = item.value
function checkphon(item : object, index : number) {
console.log('item :>> ', item);
// 零担订单
if (item.isZero === '1') {
const inpList = item.distributionParcelNumberVOS.map(val => {
return {
id: val.parcelListId,
title: val.firsts,
value: val.signingNum,
maxNum: val.reservationNum,
minNum: 0,
type: 'Number',
disabled: (val.signingNum === val.reservationNum),
allocationId: val.allocationId,
orderCode: val.orderCode,
stockArticleId: val.stockArticleId
// 提交模式
title: '设置零担物料数量',
isshow: true,
tipstate: 4,
inputtext: '',
confirmTxt: '确认',
isonecheck: true,
success: async (deta) => {
try {
if (deta.inpList.some(val => val.disabled)) return tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
if (deta.inpList.length === 0 || item.completeStact) return tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
mask: true,
title: "提交中"
let data = {
reservationId: details.items.id,
deliveryId: details.deliveryId,
orderId: deta.inpList[0].stockArticleId,
loadingId: uni.getStorageSync('checkvehicle').id,
parcelListDTOS: []
data.parcelListDTOS = deta.inpList.map(val => {
console.log('val :>> ', val);
return {
parcelListId: val.id,
stockArticleId: val.stockArticleId,
signingNum: val.value,
const res = await signforZeroSignfor(data)
if (res.audio) {
// #ifdef APP
// #endif
} catch (err) {
console.log('err :>> ', err);
//TODO handle the exception
} finally {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
cancel: (details) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
close: (details) => {
tiplists.value.setdetails({ isshow: false })
// details.listcheckindex=index
if (details.listcheckindex == index) {
details.listcheckindex = -1
} else {
details.listcheckindex = index
const { listcheckindex, inputtxt, orderStatus, datalist, items, typearr, schanvalue } = toRefs(details)
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