"use strict"; const common_vendor = require("../../common/vendor.js"); const api_user = require("../../api/user.js"); const utils_cacheimg = require("../../utils/cacheimg.js"); require("../../utils/request.js"); require("../../store/index.js"); require("../../utils/functions.js"); require("../../utils/IDCardVerification.js"); require("../../utils/base64.js"); require("../../config/host.js"); require("../../utils/md5.js"); if (!Array) { const _easycom_u_navbar2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("u-navbar"); const _component_tips = common_vendor.resolveComponent("tips"); (_easycom_u_navbar2 + _component_tips)(); } const _easycom_u_navbar = () => "../../uni_modules/uview-plus/components/u-navbar/u-navbar.js"; if (!Math) { _easycom_u_navbar(); } const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ common_vendor.defineComponent({ __name: "index", setup(__props) { const tip = common_vendor.ref(null); let details = common_vendor.reactive({ tablist: [ // { // type: 1, // name: '库内', // minilist: [ // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '订单分拣', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/ordersorting/ordersorting', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '库存品分拣', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/lnventorysorting/lnventorysorting', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '扫码上架', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/ScanUpType/ScanUpType', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '手动上架', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/PeopleScanUpType/PeopleScanUpType', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '移库', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/RelocationType/RelocationType', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '滞留', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/Retention/Retention', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '合托', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/MergeTray/MergeTray', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '下架', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/DownGoodsType/DownGoodsType', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '空置托盘', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/RemoveTray/RemoveTray', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '复核', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/Check/Check', // }, // ] // }, // { // type: 1, // name: '出库', // minilist: [ // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '拣货扫描', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/pickingScan/pickingScan', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '自提扫描', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/SelfPickupScan/SelfPickupScan', // }, // ] // }, // { // type: 1, // name: '配送', // minilist: [ // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '装车扫描', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/LoadingScan/LoadingScan', // }, // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '签收扫描', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/signinScan/signinScan', // }, // ] // }, // { // type: 1, // name: '离线上传', // minilist: [ // { // icon: 'http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png', // name: '离线上传', // router: '/pagesHome/pages/OfflineUpload/OfflineUpload', // }, // ] // }, ] }); function gopathpage(path) { common_vendor.index.navigateTo({ url: path }); } async function init() { let tabber = common_vendor.index.getStorageSync("homerouter"); if (tabber) { details.tablist = tabber; return; } let res = await api_user.appMenuroutes({}); console.log(res, "-------------"); if (res.code == 200) { getimgcache(res.data[0]); } else { common_vendor.index.showToast({ title: res.msg, icon: "none" }); } } async function initbuts() { let authbut = common_vendor.index.getStorageSync("authbuts"); if (authbut) { return; } let butres = await api_user.appbuttons({}); console.log(butres.data); let qxan = []; butres.data.map((item) => { item.children.map((ite) => { qxan.push(ite.name); }); }); common_vendor.index.setStorageSync("authbuts", qxan); } common_vendor.onShow(() => { init(); }); common_vendor.onLoad(() => { initbuts(); }); common_vendor.watchEffect(() => { if (details.tablist.length > 0) { common_vendor.index.setStorageSync("homerouter", details.tablist); } }); async function getimgcache(list) { let maxarr = []; for (let item of list.children) { let arr = { type: 1, name: item.name, minilist: [] }; for (let ite of item.children) { let result = await utils_cacheimg.getImageCache("http://htys.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/htys/afb031efec7d2f8620ee68c71f87a80e.png"); console.log("image cache", result); let obj = { icon: result, name: ite.name, router: ite.path }; arr.minilist.push(obj); } maxarr.push(arr); } details.tablist = maxarr; console.log(details.tablist); } const { tablist } = common_vendor.toRefs(details); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: common_vendor.p({ title: "工作台", placeholder: true, border: "true", leftIcon: "" }), b: common_vendor.f(common_vendor.unref(tablist), (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: common_vendor.t(item.name), b: common_vendor.f(item.minilist, (ite, k1, i1) => { return { a: ite.icon, b: common_vendor.t(ite.name), c: common_vendor.o(($event) => gopathpage(ite.router)) }; }) }; }), c: common_vendor.sr(tip, "6909f83c-1", { "k": "tip" }) }; }; } }); const MiniProgramPage = /* @__PURE__ */ common_vendor._export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__file", "F:/物流/logPm/pages/index/index.vue"]]); wx.createPage(MiniProgramPage);