You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
325 lines
11 KiB
325 lines
11 KiB
2 years ago
<hd-popup id="datepickerPop" type="bottom" @close="onClose" :maskClick="true" destroy>
<view class="hd-date-picker">
<view class="hd-date-content" @touchmove.stop.prevent catchtouchmove="true">
<view class="header">
<view class="header-btn" @click.stop="onCancel">取消</view>
<view class="header-btn" :style="customStyle" @click.stop="onConfirm">确定</view>
<view class="main">
<picker-view :indicator-style="indicatorStyle" :value="selectedValue" @change="onChange">
<picker-view-column v-for="(column, i) in columns" :key="i">
<view class="main-row" v-for="(item, j) in column.values" :key="j">{{ item }}{{ column.type }}</view>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, inject, ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { CommonUtil, RegUtil, datePickerDefaultKey, datePickerDefaultOptionKey, getDefaultOptions, usePopup } from '../..'
import { DatePickerType, DatePickerOptions } from './types'
import { DatePickerUtil } from '../../libs/utils/DatePicker'
interface Props {
// 日期选择器唯一标识
id?: string
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
id: ''
* DatePicker 日期选择
* @vuese:test 时12
const currentDate = ref<number | string>(new Date().getTime()) // 初始选择的日期时间,默认当前时间。
const startDate = ref<number>(new Date(new Date().getFullYear() - 10, 0, 1).getTime()) // 最小日期时间。默认:十年前
const endDate = ref<number>(new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + 10, 11, 31).getTime()) // 最大日期时间。默认:十年后
const maxHour = ref<number>(23) // 可选的最大小时,针对 time 类型
const maxMinute = ref<number>(59) // 可选的最大分钟,针对 time 类型
const maxSecond = ref<number>(59) // 可选的最大秒,针对 time 类型
const minHour = ref<number>(0) // 可选的最小小时,针对 time 类型
const minMinute = ref<number>(0) // 可选的最小分,针对 time 类型
const minSecond = ref<number>(0) // 可选的最小秒,针对 time 类型
const type = ref<DatePickerType>('date') // 类型,默认为date
const themeColor = ref<string>('') // 主题颜色
const indicatorStyle = ref<string>(`height: ${uni.upx2px(88)}px;`) // picker样式
const selectedValue = ref<number[]>([]) // date-picker选中的值
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
const success = ref<Function | null>(null) // 成功的回调
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
const fail = ref<Function | null>(null) // 失败的回调
const columns = ref<Record<string, any>[]>([]) // 列
const datepickerPop = usePopup('datepickerPop') // 弹出框
const datePickerKey = ? '__DATE_PICKER__' + : datePickerDefaultKey
const datePickerOptionKey = ? '__DATE_PICKER_OPTION__' + : datePickerDefaultOptionKey
const datePickerShow = inject(datePickerKey) || ref<boolean>(false) // 是否展示datePicker组件
const datePickerOption = inject(datePickerOptionKey) || ref<DatePickerOptions>(getDefaultOptions()) // datePicker选项
// 监听函数式调用是否展示弹出框
() => datePickerShow.value,
(newVal: boolean) => {
if (newVal) {
// 监听options变化展示
() => datePickerOption.value,
(newVal: DatePickerOptions) => {
* 自定义样式
const customStyle = computed(() => {
if (themeColor.value) {
color: themeColor.value
} else {
return ''
// 打开
function show() {
// 关闭
function hide() {
* 重置参数
function reset(option: DatePickerOptions) {
if (option) {
currentDate.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.currentDate) ? option.currentDate! : currentDate.value
startDate.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.startDate) ? option.startDate! : startDate.value
endDate.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.endDate) ? option.endDate! : endDate.value
maxHour.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.maxHour) ? option.maxHour! : maxHour.value
maxMinute.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.maxMinute) ? option.maxMinute! : maxMinute.value
maxSecond.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.maxSecond) ? option.maxSecond! : maxSecond.value
minHour.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.minHour) ? option.minHour! : minHour.value
minMinute.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.minMinute) ? option.minMinute! : minMinute.value
minSecond.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.minSecond) ? option.minSecond! : minSecond.value
type.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.type) ? option.type! : type.value
themeColor.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.themeColor) ? option.themeColor! : themeColor.value
success.value = RegUtil.isDef(option.success) ? option.success! : null
fail.value = RegUtil.isDef( ?! : null
columns.value = getColumns() // 获取列
currentDate.value = correctValue(currentDate.value) // 修正当前值
selectedValue.value = getSeletedValue() // 获取选择值(用于pick-view显示)
// 获取显示的列
function getColumns() {
let columns: Record<string, any>[] = [] // 列
// 当类型为时间,时分秒只需取最大最小值区间即可
if (type.value === 'time') {
columns = [
type: '时',
range: [minHour.value, maxHour.value]
type: '分',
range: [minMinute.value, maxMinute.value]
type: '秒',
range: [minSecond.value, maxSecond.value]
} else {
columns = DatePickerUtil.getColumns(startDate.value, endDate.value, currentDate.value as number, type.value)
const results ={ type, range }) => {
const values = DatePickerUtil.times(range[1] - range[0] + 1, (index) => {
const value = range[0] + index
return type === '年' ? `${value}` : padZero(value)
return { type, values }
return results
function getSeletedValue() {
const results: number[] = [] // 结果
let selectedArr: Record<string, any>[] = [] // 选中项数组
if (type.value === 'time') {
let [hour, minute, second] = (currentDate.value as string).split(':')
hour = padZero(DatePickerUtil.getRange(Number(hour), minHour.value, maxHour.value))
minute = padZero(DatePickerUtil.getRange(Number(minute), minMinute.value, maxMinute.value))
second = padZero(DatePickerUtil.getRange(Number(second), minSecond.value, maxSecond.value))
selectedArr = [
{ type: '时', value: hour },
{ type: '分', value: minute },
{ type: '秒', value: second }
} else {
const current = new Date(currentDate.value) // 当前时间
selectedArr = [
{ type: '年', value: current.getFullYear() },
{ type: '月', value: current.getMonth() + 1 },
{ type: '日', value: current.getDate() },
{ type: '时', value: current.getHours() },
{ type: '分', value: current.getMinutes() },
{ type: '秒', value: current.getSeconds() }
] // 选择的日期分开的数组
columns.value.forEach((column) => {
selectedArr.forEach((item) => {
if (item.type === column.type) {
const index: number = column.values.findIndex((value) => {
item.value = item.type === '年' ? `${item.value}` : padZero(item.value)
return value === item.value
if (index >= 0) {
return results
* 修正选择时间的正确性
function correctValue(date: string | number) {
let currectDate: string | number = date
if (type.value !== 'time' && !RegUtil.isValidDate(currectDate)) {
currectDate = startDate.value
} else if (type.value === 'time' && !currectDate) {
currectDate = `${new Date(startDate.value).getHours()}:${new Date(startDate.value).getMinutes()}:${new Date(startDate.value).getSeconds()}`
} else if (type.value === 'time' && currectDate && typeof currectDate === 'number') {
currectDate = `${new Date(currectDate).getHours()}:${new Date(currectDate).getMinutes()}:${new Date(currectDate).getSeconds()}`
if (type.value === 'time') {
let [hour, minute, second] = (currectDate as string).split(':')
hour = padZero(DatePickerUtil.getRange(Number(hour), minHour.value, maxHour.value))
minute = padZero(DatePickerUtil.getRange(Number(minute), minMinute.value, maxMinute.value))
second = padZero(DatePickerUtil.getRange(Number(second), minSecond.value, maxSecond.value))
return `${hour}:${minute}:${second}`
currectDate = DatePickerUtil.getRange(currectDate as number, startDate.value, endDate.value)
return currectDate
* 不足两位补零
function padZero(val) {
return `00${val}`.slice(-2)
function onClose() {
datePickerShow.value = false
function onCancel() {
function onConfirm() {
if (success.value) {
date: type.value === 'time' ? currentDate.value : DatePickerUtil.getFmtDate(currentDate.value as number, type.value),
dateValueIndex: selectedValue.value
* picker change事件触发
* @param {Object} e
function onChange(e) {
let value: string | number = ''
const detailValue = e.detail.value
if (type.value === 'time') {
// 如果是选择时间,则直接拼接
value = `${+columns.value[0].values[detailValue[0]]}:${+columns.value[1].values[detailValue[1]]}:${+columns.value[2].values[detailValue[2]]}`
} else {
// 如果选择日期,则需要判断选择的年月是否有某天
const year = +columns.value[0].values[detailValue[0]]
const month = +columns.value[1].values[detailValue[1]]
const maxDate = DatePickerUtil.getMonthEndDay(year, month)
let date = 1
// 非year-month的日期类型会选择day
if (type.value !== 'year-month') {
date = +columns.value[2].values[detailValue[2]]
date = date > maxDate ? maxDate : date
let hour = 0
let minute = 0
let second = 0
if (type.value === 'date-time') {
hour = +columns.value[3].values[detailValue[3]]
minute = +columns.value[4].values[detailValue[4]]
second = +columns.value[5].values[detailValue[5]]
} else if (type.value === 'date-hour-minute') {
hour = +columns.value[3].values[detailValue[3]]
minute = +columns.value[4].values[detailValue[4]]
value = new Date(year, month - 1, date, hour, minute, second).getTime()
currentDate.value = correctValue(value)
columns.value = getColumns()
selectedValue.value = getSeletedValue()
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '../../libs/css/index.scss';
.hd-date-picker {
position: relative;
.hd-date-content {
width: 100%;
.header {
height: 88rpx;
background-color: $color-white;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
padding: 0 40rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
.header-btn {
color: $color-text-thirdly;
font-size: 34rpx;
.header-btn--confirm {
color: $color-primary;
.main {
height: 480rpx;
width: 100%;
background-color: $color-white;
.main-row {
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
height: 88rpx;
line-height: 88rpx;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
font-size: 30rpx;
picker-view-column {
height: 480rpx !important;