You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

277 lines
11 KiB

2 years ago
"use strict";
const common_vendor = require("../../../common/vendor.js");
const api_user = require("../../../api/user.js");
if (!Array) {
const _easycom_u_navbar2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("u-navbar");
const _component_saomiao2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("saomiao2");
const _component_tips = common_vendor.resolveComponent("tips");
(_easycom_u_navbar2 + _component_saomiao2 + _component_tips)();
const _easycom_u_navbar = () => "../../../uni_modules/uview-plus/components/u-navbar/u-navbar.js";
if (!Math) {
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ common_vendor.defineComponent({
__name: "Relocation",
setup(__props) {
const tip = common_vendor.ref(null);
let details = common_vendor.reactive({
scancode: "",
pagetype: "",
allocationId: "",
dtilobj: {},
trayCode: "",
scanlist: [],
obldate: {},
codenumer: 0,
isshowtot: false
common_vendor.onLoad((op) => {
details.pagetype = op.type;
details.scancode = "1697135045583261698";
2 years ago
common_vendor.index.$on("scancodedate", function(code) {
if (code) {
details.scancode = code;
function goorderdetail(item) {
url: "/pagesHome/pages/orderDetails/orderDetails?orderCode=" + item.orderCode
2 years ago
const traynumber = common_vendor.computed(() => {
let numbers = 0;
details.scanlist.map((item) => {
if (item.shelfNum) {
numbers += item.shelfNum;
} else if (item.num) {
numbers += item.num;
return numbers;
common_vendor.watchEffect(() => {
details.scanlist.map((item) => {
details.codenumer += item.shelfNum;
async function scandata() {
let res = null;
if (!details.allocationId) {
let data = {
allocationId: details.scancode
res = await api_user.warehouseUpdownTypemoveAllocationScanTarget(data);
if (res.code == 200) {
details.dtilobj = res.data;
details.allocationId = res.data.allocationId;
details.scancode = "";
2 years ago
if (details.pagetype == "1") {
let data = {
trayCode: details.scancode
res = await api_user.warehouseUpdownTypemoveAllocationScanTrayCode(data);
if (res.code == 200) {
details.trayCode = details.scancode;
details.scanlist = res.data.list;
details.obldate = res.data;
2 years ago
} else if (details.pagetype == "2") {
let data = {
allocationId: details.allocationId,
orderPackageCode: details.scancode
res = await api_user.warehouseUpdownTypemoveAllocationScanPackage(data);
if (res.code == 200) {
details.scanlist = details.scanlist.concat(res.data);
async function uplist() {
let res = null;
if (details.pagetype == "1") {
let data = {
allocationId: details.allocationId,
trayCode: details.trayCode
res = await api_user.warehouseUpdownTypemoveAllocationByTrayCode(data);
} else if (details.pagetype == "2") {
let data = {
allocationId: details.allocationId,
upShelfPackageList: details.scanlist
res = await api_user.warehouseUpdownTypemoveAllocationPackageList(data);
if (res.code == 200) {
details.scancode = "";
details.allocationId = "";
details.dtilobj = {};
details.obldate = {};
details.trayCode = "";
details.scanlist = [];
details.isshowtot = false;
function setstate(flg) {
if (flg && !details.trayCode && details.pagetype == "1") {
title: "请扫描正确的托盘码",
icon: "none"
} else if (flg && details.scanlist.length == 0 && details.pagetype == "2") {
title: "请扫描正确的包件码",
icon: "none"
2 years ago
details.isshowtot = flg;
const {
} = common_vendor.toRefs(details);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, _j, _k, _l, _m, _n, _o, _p;
2 years ago
return common_vendor.e({
a: common_vendor.p({
title: common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == "1" ? "托盘移库" : "按件移库",
bgColor: "#D3832A",
leftIconColor: "#ffffff",
titleStyle: "color:#ffffff",
placeholder: true,
autoBack: true,
leftIconSize: "35"
b: common_vendor.t((((_a = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _a.warehouseName) || "") + "-" + (((_b = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _b.areaTitle) || "") + "-" + (((_c = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _c.shelfTitle) || "") + "-" + (((_d = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _d.allocationTitle) || "")),
c: common_vendor.t(((_e = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _e.warehouseName) || "暂无数据"),
d: common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == 2
2 years ago
}, common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == 2 ? {
e: common_vendor.unref(scancode),
f: common_vendor.o(($event) => common_vendor.isRef(scancode) ? scancode.value = $event.detail.value : null),
g: common_vendor.o(scandata)
2 years ago
} : {}, {
h: common_vendor.t(((_f = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _f.trayCode) || "暂无数据"),
i: common_vendor.t(common_vendor.unref(dtilobj).trayNum || "0"),
j: common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == 2
}, common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == 2 ? {
k: common_vendor.t(common_vendor.unref(traynumber) || "0")
} : {}, {
l: common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == 1
}, common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == 1 ? {
m: common_vendor.f(common_vendor.unref(scanlist), (item, k0, i0) => {
2 years ago
return common_vendor.e({
a: item.goodsType == 1
}, item.goodsType == 1 ? {
b: common_vendor.t(item.serviceNum)
} : {}, {
c: item.goodsType == 1
}, item.goodsType == 1 ? {
d: common_vendor.t(item.orderCode),
e: common_vendor.o(($event) => goorderdetail(item))
2 years ago
} : {}, {
f: item.goodsType == 2
}, item.goodsType == 2 ? {
g: common_vendor.t(item.waybillNo)
} : {}, {
h: item.goodsType == 2
}, item.goodsType == 2 ? {
i: common_vendor.t(item.orderCode),
j: common_vendor.o(($event) => goorderdetail(item))
} : {}, {
k: item.goodsType == 3
}, item.goodsType == 3 ? {
l: common_vendor.t(item.materialCode)
} : {}, {
m: item.goodsType == 3
}, item.goodsType == 3 ? {
n: common_vendor.t(item.materialName)
} : {}, {
o: item.goodsType == 3
}, item.goodsType == 3 ? {
p: common_vendor.t(item.marketName)
} : {}, {
q: item.goodsType == 3
}, item.goodsType == 3 ? {
r: common_vendor.t(item.orderCode),
s: common_vendor.o(($event) => goorderdetail(item))
} : {}, {
t: item.goodsType == 3
}, item.goodsType == 3 ? {
v: common_vendor.t(item.incomingBatch)
} : {}, {
w: item.trayCode
}, item.trayCode ? {
x: common_vendor.t(item.trayCode)
} : {}, {
y: common_vendor.t(item.totalNum),
z: common_vendor.t(item.shelfNum),
A: item.totalNum == item.shelfNum ? "/pagesHome/static/qitao.png" : "/pagesHome/static/weiqitao.png"
2 years ago
n: common_vendor.t(common_vendor.unref(obldate).areaName + "-" + common_vendor.unref(obldate).allocationName)
} : {}, {
o: common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == 2
}, common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == 2 ? {
p: common_vendor.f(common_vendor.unref(scanlist), (item, k0, i0) => {
return {
a: common_vendor.t(item.orderCode),
b: common_vendor.o(($event) => goorderdetail(item)),
c: common_vendor.t(item.orderPackageCode),
d: common_vendor.t(item.positionCode)
} : {}, {
q: common_vendor.o(($event) => setstate(true)),
r: common_vendor.unref(isshowtot)
2 years ago
}, common_vendor.unref(isshowtot) ? common_vendor.e({
s: common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == "1"
2 years ago
}, common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == "1" ? {
t: common_vendor.t((((_g = common_vendor.unref(obldate)) == null ? void 0 : _g.areaName) || "") + "-" + (((_h = common_vendor.unref(obldate)) == null ? void 0 : _h.shelfName) || "") + "-" + (((_i = common_vendor.unref(obldate)) == null ? void 0 : _i.allocationName) || "")),
v: common_vendor.t(common_vendor.unref(trayCode)),
w: common_vendor.t(common_vendor.unref(traynumber)),
x: common_vendor.t((((_j = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _j.areaTitle) || "") + "-" + (((_k = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _k.shelfTitle) || "") + "-" + (((_l = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _l.allocationTitle) || "")),
y: common_vendor.o(($event) => setstate(false)),
z: common_vendor.o(uplist)
2 years ago
} : {}, {
A: common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == "2"
2 years ago
}, common_vendor.unref(pagetype) == "2" ? common_vendor.e({
B: common_vendor.t(common_vendor.unref(traynumber)),
C: common_vendor.t((((_m = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _m.areaTitle) || "") + "-" + (((_n = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _n.shelfTitle) || "") + "-" + (((_o = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _o.allocationTitle) || "")),
D: common_vendor.unref(dtilobj).trayCode
2 years ago
}, common_vendor.unref(dtilobj).trayCode ? {
E: common_vendor.t((_p = common_vendor.unref(dtilobj)) == null ? void 0 : _p.trayCode)
2 years ago
} : {}, {
F: common_vendor.o(($event) => setstate(false)),
G: common_vendor.o(uplist)
2 years ago
}) : {}) : {}, {
H: common_vendor.sr(tip, "8738e2f6-2", {
2 years ago
"k": "tip"
const MiniProgramPage = /* @__PURE__ */ common_vendor._export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__file", "D:/workspace/logpm/pagesHome/pages/Relocation/Relocation.vue"]]);
2 years ago