You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
134 lines
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134 lines
0 B
2 years ago
* @Author: weisheng
* @Date: 2022-02-16 13:21:51
* @LastEditTime: 2023-03-24 10:31:03
* @LastEditors: weisheng
* @Description: Progress 进度条
* @FilePath: \fant-mini-plus\src\uni_modules\fant-mini\components\hd-progress\hd-progress.vue
* 记得注释
<view class="hd-progress" :style="trackStyle">
<view class="hd-progress-line" :style="lineStyle">
<text class="hd-progress-line__text" v-if="textShow">{{ text }}</text>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, getCurrentInstance, onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import { CommonUtil } from '../../index'
// 取大于等于0且小于等于100
function format(rate) {
return Math.min(Math.max(rate, 0), 100)
// Circle 环形进度条
interface Props {
// 是否置灰
inactive?: boolean
// 进度百分比,推荐使用v-model方式
modelValue: number
// 是否显示进度文字
showText?: boolean
// 进度条文字
text?: string
// 进度文字颜色
textColor?: string
// 进度条颜色
color?: string
// 进度条底色
layerColor?: string
// 进度条粗细,默认单位为px
strokeWidth?: number | string
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
// 是否置灰
inactive: false,
// 进度百分比,推荐使用v-model方式
modelValue: 0,
// 是否显示进度文字
showText: true,
// 进度条文字
text: '',
// 进度文字颜色
textColor: '#FFFFFF',
// 进度条颜色
color: '#1C64FD',
// 进度条底色
layerColor: '#EBEEF5',
// 进度条粗细,默认单位为px
strokeWidth: '24rpx'
const width = ref<number>(0) // 组件宽度
// 进度条管道样式
const trackStyle = computed(() => {
let style: Record<string, string | number> = {
background: props.inactive ? '#EBEEF5' : props.layerColor,
height: CommonUtil.addUnit(CommonUtil.getPx(props.strokeWidth), 'px'),
'border-radius': CommonUtil.addUnit(CommonUtil.getPx(props.strokeWidth), 'px')
// 进度条样式
const lineStyle = computed(() => {
const rate = format(props.modelValue)
const tempHeight = CommonUtil.getPx(props.strokeWidth) as number
const style: Record<string, number | string> = {
background: props.inactive ? '#DEDEDE' : props.color,
height: CommonUtil.addUnit(CommonUtil.getPx(props.strokeWidth), 'px'),
'border-radius': CommonUtil.addUnit(CommonUtil.getPx(props.strokeWidth), 'px'),
width: `${rate}%`,
color: props.inactive ? '#FFFFFF' : props.textColor,
'font-size': CommonUtil.addUnit(tempHeight * 0.8, 'px')
// 是否展示文字
const textShow = computed(() => {
const tempHeight = CommonUtil.getPx(CommonUtil.addUnit(props.strokeWidth) || '') as number
const rate = format(props.modelValue)
if (tempHeight >= 12 && (rate / 100) * width.value > tempHeight * 0.72 * props.text.length) {
return props.showText
} else {
return false
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance() as any
onMounted(() => {
CommonUtil.getRect('.hd-progress', false, proxy).then((data: any) => {
width.value = data.width
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.hd-progress {
width: 100%;
margin: 12rpx 0;
min-height: 8rpx;
&-line {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-end;
min-height: 8rpx;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: inherit;
transition: all 0.4s ease-out;
&__text {
transform: scale(0.9);
margin-right: 5rpx;