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2 years ago
<view wx:if="{{a}}" class="bgmab data-v-9e7f9bb6" bindtap="{{j}}"><view class="modtips data-v-9e7f9bb6" catchtap="{{i}}"><view class="title data-v-9e7f9bb6">{{b}}</view><view class="contents data-v-9e7f9bb6">{{c}}</view><view class="buts data-v-9e7f9bb6"><view wx:if="{{d}}" bindtap="{{f}}" class="cancel data-v-9e7f9bb6">{{e}}</view><view bindtap="{{h}}" class="confirm data-v-9e7f9bb6">{{g}}</view></view></view></view>