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#mybatis-plus配置 |
mybatis-plus: |
mapper-locations: classpath:com/logpm/**/mapper/*Mapper.xml |
#实体扫描,多个package用逗号或者分号分隔 |
typeAliasesPackage: com.logpm.**.entity |
#swagger扫描路径配置 |
swagger: |
base-packages: |
- org.springblade |
- com.logpm |
#oss配置 |
oss: |
enabled: true |
name: minio |
tenant-mode: false |
endpoint: |
access-key: D99KGE6ZTQXSATTJWU24 |
secret-key: QyVqGnhIQQE734UYSUFlGOZViE6+ZlDEfUG3NjhJ |
bucket-name: bladex |
#blade配置 |
blade: |
#本地文件上传 |
file: |
remote-mode: true |
upload-domain: http://localhost:8999 |
remote-path: /usr/share/nginx/html |
logging: |
config: classpath:logback.xml |
spring: |
main: |
allow-circular-references: true |
xxl: |
job: |
accessToken: '' |
admin: |
addresses: |
executor: |
appname: logpm-factory-xxljob |
ip: |
logpath: ../data/applogs/logpm-factory-xxljob/jobhandler |
logretentiondays: -1 |
port: 7018