@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d
<if test="param.overTime != null ">and date_format(from_unixtime(lawo.over_time),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(#{param.overTime}),'%Y-%m-%d') </if> |
<if test="param.waybillMall != null and param.waybillMall != '' ">and lawo.waybill_mall like concat('%', #{param.waybillMall },'%') </if> |
<if test="param.deliveryDriver != null and param.deliveryDriver != '' ">and lawo.delivery_driver = #{param.deliveryDriver } </if> |
<if test="param.customerServiceState != null and param.customerServiceState == 30 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('30','40') </if> |
<if test="param.customerServiceState != null and param.customerServiceState == 30 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('40') </if> |
<!-- 马远东背锅--> |
<!-- <if test="param.customerServiceState != null and param.customerServiceState == 30 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('30','40') </if>--> |
<if test="param.customerServiceState != null and param.customerServiceState == 31 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('30') </if> |
<if test="param.customerServiceState != null and param.customerServiceState == 20 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('30') </if> |
<if test="param.customerServiceState != null and param.customerServiceState == 10 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('80','100') </if> |