@ -86,22 +86,61 @@
<select id="findWaybillListNotBillladingId" resultType="com.logpm.warehouse.vo.WarehouseWaybillVO"> |
select lww.waybill_no waybillNo, |
lww.create_time createTime, |
lww.goods_name goodsName, |
lww.destination destination, |
lww.shipper_name shipperName, |
lww.shipper_mobile shipperMobile, |
lww.consignee_name consigneeName, |
lww.consignee_mobile consigneeMobile, |
lww.remark remark |
lww.create_time createTime, |
lww.goods_name goodsName, |
lww.destination destination, |
lww.customer_train customerTrain, |
lww.shipper shipper, |
lww.total_count totalCount, |
lww.total_weight totalWeight, |
lww.total_volume totalVolume, |
lww.total_freight totalFreight, |
lww.shipper_name shipperName, |
lww.shipper_mobile shipperMobile, |
lww.consignee consignee, |
lww.consignee_name consigneeName, |
lww.consignee_mobile consigneeMobile, |
lww.destination_warehouse_name destinationWarehouseName, |
lww.remark remark |
from logpm_warehouse_waybill lww |
where lww.stock_count != total_count |
<if test="list != null and @org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils@isNotEmpty(list)"> |
and lww.departure_warehouse_id = #{param.warehouseId} |
<if test="param.waybillNos != null and @org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils@isNotEmpty(param.waybillNos)"> |
and lww.waybill_no not in |
<foreach collection="list" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> |
<foreach collection="param.waybillNos" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> |
#{item} |
</foreach> |
</if> |
<if test="param.waybillNo != null and param.waybillNo != ''"> |
and lww.waybill_no like concat(#{param.waybillNo},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.shipper != null and param.shipper != ''"> |
and lww.shipper like concat(#{param.shipper},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.consignee != null and param.consignee != ''"> |
and lww.consignee like concat(#{param.consignee},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.shipperName != null and param.shipperName != ''"> |
and lww.shipper_name like concat(#{param.shipperName},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.customerTrain != null and param.customerTrain != ''"> |
and lww.customer_train like concat(#{param.customerTrain},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.goodsName != null and param.goodsName != ''"> |
and lww.goods_name like concat(#{param.goodsName},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.remark != null and param.remark != ''"> |
and lww.remark like concat(#{param.remark},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.startDate != null "> |
and lww.create_time >= #{param.startDate} |
</if> |
<if test="param.endDate != null "> |
and lww.create_time <= #{param.endDate} |
</if> |
<if test="param.destinationWarehouseName != null and param.destinationWarehouseName != '' "> |
and lww.destination_warehouse_name like concat(#{param.destinationWarehouseName},'%') |
</if> |
</select> |