left join (select ltwt.waybill_id,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ltwt.warehouse_id) warehouse_ids from logpm_trunkline_waybill_track ltwt group by ltwt.waybill_id) t on t.waybill_id = lww.id
where lww.is_deleted = 0
<iftest="param.waybillNoList != null">
and lww.waybill_no not in
@ -942,10 +941,10 @@
and lww.create_time <= #{param.createTimeEndDate}
<iftest="param.agent != null and param.agent != ''">
and lww.Locate(#{param.agent},agent) > 0
and Locate(#{param.agent},lww.agent) > 0
<iftest="param.goodsName != null and param.goodsName != ''">
and lww.Locate(#{param.goodsName},goods_name) > 0
and Locate(#{param.goodsName},lww.goods_name) > 0
<iftest="param.freezeStatus != null">
and lww.freeze_status = #{param.freezeStatus}
@ -953,7 +952,7 @@
<iftest="param.abolishStatus != null">
and lww.abolish_status = #{param.abolishStatus}
<iftest="param.remark != null and param.reamrk != ''">
<iftest="param.remark != null and param.remark != ''">
and Locate(#{param.remark},lww.remark) > 0
<iftest="param.consigneeAddress != null and param.consigneeAddress != ''">