@ -157,6 +157,21 @@
<if test="param.destinationWarehouseName != null and param.destinationWarehouseName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.destinationWarehouseName},lww.destination_warehouse_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.firsts != null and param.firsts != ''"> |
and cls.firsts like concat('%',#{param.firsts},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.senconds != null and param.senconds != ''"> |
and cls.senconds like concat('%',#{param.senconds},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.thirds != null and param.thirds != ''"> |
and cls.thirds like concat('%',#{param.thirds},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.materialCode != null and param.materialCode != ''"> |
and cls.material_code like concat('%',#{param.materialCode},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.materialName != null and param.materialName != ''"> |
and cls.material_name like concat('%',#{param.materialName},'%') |
</if> |
order by cls.loading_abnormal desc,cls.unload_abnormal desc,cls.create_time asc |
</select> |
@ -738,6 +753,94 @@
from logpm_trunkline_cars_load_scan ltcls |
left join logpm_warehouse_waybill lww on ltcls.waybill_id = lww.id |
where ltcls.load_id = #{param.loadId} |
<if test="param.waybillNo != null and param.waybillNo != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.waybillNo},ltcls.waybill_no) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.orderCode != null and param.orderCode != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.orderCode},ltcls.order_code) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.scanCode != null and param.scanCode != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.scanCode},ltcls.scan_code) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.loadingUserName != null and param.loadingUserName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.loadingUserName},ltcls.loading_user_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.warehouseName != null and param.warehouseName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.warehouseName},ltcls.warehouse_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.finalNodeName != null and param.finalNodeName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.finalNodeName},ltcls.final_node_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.finalNodeName != null and param.finalNodeName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.finalNodeName},ltcls.final_node_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.scanStatus != null"> |
and ltcls.scan_status = #{param.scanStatus} |
</if> |
<if test="param.trayName != null and param.trayName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.trayName},ltcls.tray_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.trayCode != null and param.trayCode != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.trayCode},ltcls.tray_code) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.unloadTrayName != null and param.unloadTrayName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.unloadTrayName},ltcls.unload_tray_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.unloadTrayCode != null and param.unloadTrayCode != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.unloadTrayCode},ltcls.unload_tray_code) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.unloadNodeName != null and param.unloadNodeName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.unloadNodeName},ltcls.unload_node_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.unloadUserName != null and param.unloadUserName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.unloadUserName},ltcls.unload_user_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.type != null"> |
and ltcls.`type` = #{param.type} |
</if> |
<if test="param.isData != null"> |
and ltcls.is_data = #{param.isData} |
</if> |
<if test="param.loadingAbnormal != null"> |
and ltcls.loading_abnormal = #{param.loadingAbnormal} |
</if> |
<if test="param.unloadAbnormal != null"> |
and ltcls.unload_abnormal = #{param.unloadAbnormal} |
</if> |
<if test="param.isSupple != null"> |
and ltcls.is_supple = #{param.isSupple} |
</if> |
<if test="param.createTimeStart != null"> |
and ltcls.create_time >= #{param.createTimeStart} |
</if> |
<if test="param.createTimeEnd != null"> |
and ltcls.create_time <= #{param.createTimeEnd} |
</if> |
<if test="param.unloadTimeStart != null"> |
and ltcls.unload_time >= #{param.unloadTimeStart} |
</if> |
<if test="param.unloadTimeEnd != null"> |
and ltcls.unload_time <= #{param.unloadTimeEnd} |
</if> |
<if test="param.destinationWarehouseName != null and param.destinationWarehouseName != ''"> |
and Locate(#{param.destinationWarehouseName},lww.destination_warehouse_name) > 0 |
</if> |
<if test="param.firsts != null and param.firsts != ''"> |
and ltcls.firsts like concat('%',#{param.firsts},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.senconds != null and param.senconds != ''"> |
and ltcls.senconds like concat('%',#{param.senconds},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.thirds != null and param.thirds != ''"> |
and ltcls.thirds like concat('%',#{param.thirds},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.materialCode != null and param.materialCode != ''"> |
and ltcls.material_code like concat('%',#{param.materialCode},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.materialName != null and param.materialName != ''"> |
and ltcls.material_name like concat('%',#{param.materialName},'%') |
</if> |
order by ltcls.loading_abnormal desc,ltcls.unload_abnormal desc,ltcls.create_time asc |
</select> |