@ -389,102 +389,105 @@
</select> |
<select id="selectAllStockList" resultType="com.logpm.distribution.vo.DistributionStockListVO"> |
tenant_id, |
id, |
create_user, |
create_time, |
update_user, |
update_time, |
status, |
is_deleted, |
create_dept, |
reserve1, |
reserve2, |
reserve3, |
reserve4, |
reserve5, |
order_code, |
incoming_batch, |
service_number, |
material_id, |
description_goods, |
cargo_number, |
cargo_norms, |
cargo_unit, |
warehouse_id, |
warehouse_name, |
storage_location, |
mall_id, |
mall_code, |
mall_name, |
quantity_stock, |
store_id, |
store_code, |
store_name, |
quantity_occupied, |
outbound_quantity, |
despatch, |
stock_article_id, |
factory, |
category, |
<!-- unpack,--> |
parcel_list_id, |
shopping_mall, |
market_id, |
market_name, |
market_code, |
stock_list_code, |
service_type, |
pid, |
brand_name, |
brand_id, |
warehousing_time, |
unpacking_quantity, |
license_plate, |
tray_id, |
tray_name, |
sku, |
grounding_time, |
unpack |
ldsl.tenant_id, |
ldsl.id, |
ldsl.create_user, |
ldsl.create_time, |
ldsl.update_user, |
ldsl.update_time, |
ldsl.status, |
ldsl.is_deleted, |
ldsl.create_dept, |
ldsl.reserve1, |
ldsl.reserve2, |
ldsl.reserve3, |
ldsl.reserve4, |
ldsl.reserve5, |
ldsl.order_code, |
ldsl.incoming_batch, |
ldsl.service_number, |
ldsl.material_id, |
ldsl.description_goods, |
ldsl.cargo_number, |
ldsl.cargo_norms, |
ldsl.cargo_unit, |
ldsl.warehouse_id, |
ldsl.warehouse_name, |
ldsl.storage_location, |
ldsl.mall_id, |
ldsl.mall_code, |
ldsl.mall_name, |
ldsl.quantity_stock, |
ldsl.store_id, |
ldsl.store_code, |
ldsl.store_name, |
ldsl.quantity_occupied, |
ldsl.outbound_quantity, |
ldsl.despatch, |
ldsl.stock_article_id, |
ldsl.factory, |
ldsl.category, |
-- ldsl.unpack, |
ldsl.parcel_list_id, |
ldsl.shopping_mall, |
ldsl.market_id, |
ldsl.market_name, |
ldsl.market_code, |
ldsl.stock_list_code, |
ldsl.service_type, |
ldsl.pid, |
ldsl.brand_name, |
ldsl.brand_id, |
ldsl.warehousing_time, |
ldsl.unpacking_quantity, |
ldsl.license_plate, |
ldsl.tray_id, |
ldsl.tray_name, |
ldsl.sku, |
ldsl.grounding_time, |
ldsl.unpack, |
lwug.position_code |
logpm_distribution_stock_list |
logpm_distribution_stock_list ldsl |
logpm_warehouse_updown_goods lwug ON ldsl.material_id = lwug.association_id |
<where> |
service_type = #{par.serviceType} and warehouse_id = #{par.warehouseId} and is_deleted = 0 |
ldsl.service_type = #{par.serviceType} and ldsl.warehouse_id = #{par.warehouseId} and ldsl.is_deleted = 0 |
<if test="par.incomingBatch != null and par.incomingBatch != ''"> |
and incoming_batch like concat('%',#{par.incomingBatch},'%') |
and ldsl.incoming_batch like concat('%',#{par.incomingBatch},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.orderCode != null and par.orderCode != ''"> |
and order_code like concat('%',#{par.orderCode},'%') |
and ldsl.order_code like concat('%',#{par.orderCode},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.serviceNumber != null and par.serviceNumber != ''"> |
and service_number like concat('%',#{par.serviceNumber},'%') |
and ldsl.service_number like concat('%',#{par.serviceNumber},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.marketCode != null and par.marketCode != ''"> |
and market_code like concat('%',#{par.marketCode},'%') |
and ldsl.market_code like concat('%',#{par.marketCode},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.marketName != null and par.marketName != ''"> |
and market_name like concat('%',#{par.marketName},'%') |
and ldsl.market_name like concat('%',#{par.marketName},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.storeName != null and par.storeName != ''"> |
and store_name like concat('%',#{par.storeName},'%') |
and ldsl.store_name like concat('%',#{par.storeName},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.storeCode != null and par.storeCode != ''"> |
and store_code like concat('%',#{par.storeCode},'%') |
and ldsl.store_code like concat('%',#{par.storeCode},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.storeCode != null and par.storeCode != ''"> |
and store_code like concat('%',#{par.storeCode},'%') |
and ldsl.store_code like concat('%',#{par.storeCode},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.cargoNumber != null and par.cargoNumber != ''"> |
and cargo_number like concat('%',#{par.cargoNumber},'%') |
and ldsl.cargo_number like concat('%',#{par.cargoNumber},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.descriptionGoods != null and par.descriptionGoods != ''"> |
and description_goods like concat('%',#{par.descriptionGoods},'%') |
and ldsl.description_goods like concat('%',#{par.descriptionGoods},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.brandName != null and par.brandName != ''"> |
and brand_name like concat('%',#{par.brandName},'%') |
and ldsl.brand_name like concat('%',#{par.brandName},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="par.sku != null and par.sku != ''"> |
and sku like concat('%',#{par.sku},'%') |
and ldsl.sku like concat('%',#{par.sku},'%') |
</if> |
</where> |
</select> |