@ -64,59 +64,58 @@
</select> |
<select id="pageListApp" resultType="com.logpm.distribution.vo.DistrilbutionBillLadingAppVO"> |
select 3 carType, |
bl.`condition` `condition`, |
bl.Pick_up_plate pickUpPlate, |
bl.consignee consignee, |
bl.create_time, |
bl.pick_up_time, |
bl.stock_article_id stockArticleId |
from logpm_distrilbution_bill_lading bl |
where bl.is_deleted = 0 |
and DATE_FORMAT(bl.pick_up_time,'%Y-%m-%d') = #{param.pickUpTime} |
select ldbl.id billLadingId, |
3 carType, |
ldbl.`condition` `condition`, |
ldbl.Pick_up_plate pickUpPlate, |
ldbl.consignee consignee, |
ldbl.create_time, |
ldbl.pick_up_time, |
ldbl.stock_article_id stockArticleId |
from logpm_distrilbution_bill_lading ldbl |
where ldbl.is_deleted = 0 |
<if test="param.pickUpTimeStart != null and param.pickUpTimeStart!='' ">ldbl.pick_up_time <= #{param.pickUpTimeStart} </if> |
<if test="param.pickUpTimeEnd != null and param.pickUpTimeEnd!='' ">ldbl.pick_up_time >= #{param.pickUpTimeEnd} </if> |
</select> |
<select id="selectDataByBillLadingId" resultType="com.logpm.distribution.vo.DistrilbutionBillLadingAppVO"> |
select 3 carType, |
bl.`condition` `condition`, |
bl.Pick_up_plate pickUpPlate, |
bl.consignee consignee, |
bl.create_time, |
bl.pick_up_time, |
bl.stock_article_id stockArticleId |
from logpm_distrilbution_bill_lading bl |
where bl.is_deleted = 0 |
and bl.id = #{billLadingId} |
select ldbl.id billLadingId, |
3 carType, |
ldbl.`condition` `condition`, |
ldbl.Pick_up_plate pickUpPlate, |
ldbl.consignee consignee, |
ldbl.create_time, |
ldbl.pick_up_time, |
ldbl.stock_article_id stockArticleId |
from logpm_distrilbution_bill_lading ldbl |
where ldbl.is_deleted = 0 |
and ldbl.id = #{billLadingId} |
</select> |
<select id="selectDetailList" resultType="com.logpm.distribution.vo.app.DistrilbutionAppBillLadingDetailVO"> |
select pl.stock_article_id stockArticleId, |
pl.order_self_numbering orderSelfNumbering, |
pl.packet_bar_code packetBarCode, |
select ldpl.stock_article_id stockArticleId, |
ldpl.order_self_numbering orderSelfNumbering, |
ldpl.packet_bar_code packetBarCode, |
case |
when bls.id is null then 1 |
when ldbls.id is null then 1 |
else 2 |
end scanStatus, |
0 errorStatus |
from logpm_distribution_parcel_list pl |
left join logpm_distribution_bill_lading_scan bls on bls.parcel_list_id = pl.id and sa.is_deleted = 0 |
from logpm_distribution_parcel_list ldpl |
left join logpm_distribution_bill_lading_scan ldbls on ldbls.parcel_list_id = ldpl.id and ldbls.is_deleted = 0 |
<where> |
and pl.is_deleted = 0 |
and pl.stock_article_id = #{stockArticleId} |
and ldpl.is_deleted = 0 |
and ldpl.stock_article_id = #{stockArticleId} |
<if test="orderSelfNumbering != null and orderSelfNumbering !=''"> |
and pl.order_self_numbering like ${orderSelfNumbering} |
and ldpl.order_self_numbering = ${orderSelfNumbering} |
</if> |
<if test="scanStatus != null and scanStatus=1"> |
and bls.id is null |
<if test="scanStatus != null and scanStatus==1"> |
and ldbls.id is null |
</if> |
<if test="scanStatus != null and scanStatus=2"> |
and bls.id is not null |
<if test="scanStatus != null and scanStatus==2"> |
and ldbls.id is not null |
</if> |
</where> |
where pl.is_deleted = 0 |
and pl.stock_article_id = |
and bls.id is null |
</select> |
<select id="getOneOwn" resultType="com.logpm.distribution.vo.DistrilbutionBillLadingVO"> |
select ldbl.id,ldbl.stockup_code stockupCode,ldbl.pick_up_time pickUpTime,ldbl.stockup_area stockupArea,ldbl.consignee, |