@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
where ldpl.material_name is not null and ldpl.stock_article_id = ldbs.stock_article_id) materialName, |
(select IFNULL(sum(lds.stock_quantity),0) |
from logpm_distribution_stock lds |
where lds.stock_article = ldbs.stock_article_id ) preparedQuantity , |
where lds.stock_article = ldbs.stock_article_id AND lds.bill_lading_id = ldbl.id ) preparedQuantity , |
(select COALESCE(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT lwtg.tray_code SEPARATOR ','), '') |
from logpm_distribution_parcel_list ldpl |
LEFT JOIN logpm_warehouse_tray_goods lwtg on lwtg.association_id = ldpl.id and lwtg.association_type = '3' |
@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
logpm_distrilbution_bill_lading AS ldbl |
LEFT JOIN logpm_distrilbution_bill_stock ldbs ON ldbs.bill_lading_id = ldbl.id |
LEFT JOIN logpm_distribution_stock_article ldsa on ldbs.stock_article_id = ldsa.id |
LEFT JOIN logpm_distribution_stock lds on lds.stock_article = ldbs.stock_article_id |
<!-- LEFT JOIN logpm_distribution_stock lds on lds.stock_article = ldbs.stock_article_id--> |
LEFT JOIN logpm_distribution_bill_lading_scan AS ldbls ON ldbl.id = ldbls.bill_lading_id |
<where> |
ldbs.is_deleted = 0 and ldbs.bill_lading_id = #{param.billLadingId} and ldbs.order_status in (1,3) |
</where> |
GROUP BY ldbl.id |
GROUP BY ldbl.id,ldbs.stock_article_id |
</select> |
<select id="getBillOrderPack" resultType="com.logpm.distribution.vo.DistributionBillOrderPackVO"> |