@ -75,12 +75,12 @@
where lddd.bill_lading_id = #{id} and lddd.is_deleted = 0 |
</select> |
<select id="listCode" resultType="com.logpm.distribution.vo.app.DistrilbutionBillLadingInventoryAppVO"> |
<!-- select lddd.quantity,lddd.stock_list_id stockListId,lddd.id ldddId |
select lddd.quantity,lddd.stock_list_id stockListId,lddd.id ldddId |
from logpm_distribution_delivery_details lddd LEFT JOIN logpm_distribution_stock lds on lddd.stock_list_id = lds.stock_list_id |
where lddd.is_deleted = 0 and lds.bill_lading_id = #{billLadingId} and lds.coding = #{coding} --> |
select lddd.quantity,lddd.stock_list_id stockListId,lddd.id ldddId |
from logpm_distribution_delivery_details lddd |
where lddd.is_deleted = 0 and lddd.bill_lading_id = #{billLadingId} |
where lddd.is_deleted = 0 and lds.bill_lading_id = #{billLadingId} and lds.coding = #{coding} |
<!-- select lddd.quantity,lddd.stock_list_id stockListId,lddd.id ldddId--> |
<!-- from logpm_distribution_delivery_details lddd--> |
<!-- where lddd.is_deleted = 0 and lddd.bill_lading_id = #{billLadingId} and lds.coding = #{coding}--> |
</select> |
<select id="getBillOrderInventory" resultType="com.logpm.distribution.vo.DistributionBillInventoryVO"> |
select DISTINCT ldsl.sku, ldsl.description_goods descriptionGoods, lddd.quantity, ldsl.cargo_number cargoNumber, ldsl.cargo_unit cargoUnit, |