@ -68,19 +68,23 @@
<where> |
lwup.is_deleted = 0 |
<if test="param.warehouseName!=null and param.warehouseName!=''"> |
and ldpl.warehouse like concat('%',#{param.warehouseName},'%') |
and ldpl.warehouse like concat(#{param.warehouseName},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.orderCode!=null and param.orderCode!=''"> |
and ldpl.order_code like concat('%',#{param.orderCode},'%') |
and ldpl.order_code like concat(#{param.orderCode},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.warehouseIdList != null and @org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils@isNotEmpty(param.warehouseIdList)"> |
and lwup.warehouse_id in |
<foreach collection="param.warehouseIdList" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator=","> |
#{item} |
</foreach> |
AND ldpl.warehouse_id IN |
<foreach collection="param.warehouseIdList" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator=","> |
#{item} |
</foreach> |
</if> |
<if test="param.orderPackageCode!=null and param.orderPackageCode!=''"> |
and ldpl.order_package_code like concat('%',#{param.orderPackageCode},'%') |
and ldpl.order_package_code like concat(#{param.orderPackageCode},'%') |
</if> |
<if test="param.bindingType!=null and param.bindingType!=''"> |
and lwup.binding_type = #{param.bindingType} |