Browse Source


汤建军 1 year ago
  1. 20
  2. 8


@ -107,9 +107,6 @@
<if test="param.first != null and param.first != '' ">and lawo.first like concat('%', #{param.first },'%') </if>
<if test="param.secondary != null and param.secondary != '' ">and lawo.secondary like concat('%', #{param.secondary },'%') </if>
<if test="param.vehicleRoute != null and param.vehicleRoute != '' ">and lawo.vehicle_route like concat('%', #{param.vehicleRoute },'%') </if>
<!-- create_time >= unix_timestamp('2013-10-24 00:00:00') and create_time <= unix_timestamp('2013-10-24 23:59:59')
date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d')
<if test="param.brandName !=null and param.brandName !='' " >and lawo.brand_name like concat('%', #{param.brandName },'%') </if>
<if test="param.deliverGoodsTime != null ">and date_format(from_unixtime( lawo.deliver_goods_time),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(#{param.deliverGoodsTime },'%Y-%m-%d') </if>
<if test="param.discoveryTime != null ">and date_format(from_unixtime(lawo.discovery_time),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format( #{param.discoveryTime},'%Y-%m-%d') </if>
@ -130,7 +127,7 @@ date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d
<if test="param.customerServiceName != null and param.customerServiceName != '' ">and lawo.customer_service_name like concat('%', #{param.customerServiceName },'%') </if>
<if test="param.waybillMallId != null and param.waybillMallId != '' ">and lawo.waybill_mall_id = #{param.waybillMallId } </if>
<if test="param.problemDescription != null and param.problemDescription != '' ">and lawo.problem_description = #{param.problemDescription} </if>
<if test="param.warehouseId != null and param.warehouseId != '' and param.handleStatus != 20">and lawo.warehouse_id = #{param.warehouseId} </if>
<if test="param.warehouseId != null and param.warehouseId != '' and param.handleStatus != null ">and (lap.warehouse_id = #{param.warehouseId} OR lap.business_id = #{param.warehouseId}) </if>
<if test="param.personResponsible != null and param.personResponsible != '' ">and lawo.person_responsible = #{param.personResponsible } </if>
<if test="param.processNumber != null and param.processNumber != '' ">and lawo.process_number = #{param.processNumber } </if>
<if test="param.reviewedBy != null and param.reviewedBy != '' ">and lawo.reviewed_by = #{param.reviewedBy } </if>
@ -143,7 +140,11 @@ date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d
<if test="param.customerIdentification != null and param.customerIdentification == 1 ">
and lawo.work_order_status IN ( '10', '20', '21', '30', '40', '50', '60', '70', '80', '90' ,'100','110')
<if test="param.handleStatus != null "> or 1=1 </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus != null and param.handleStatus == 40 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('10') and lap.types_of = '2' and lap.processing_status in ('1') </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus != null and param.handleStatus == 50 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('20') and lap.types_of = '2' </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus!= null and param.handleStatus == 30"> and lawo.work_order_status in (21,30) and lap.processing_status = '4' </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus!= null and param.handleStatus == 10 ">and lap.types_of = '2' </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus!= null and param.handleStatus == 20 ">and ((lawo.work_order_status in (80,100,70) OR lacr.warehouse_id=#{param.warehouseId}) AND lawo.warehouse_id =#{param.warehouseId} ) </if>
<if test="param.workOrderType != null and param.workOrderType != '' ">and lawo.work_order_type = #{param.workOrderType } </if>
<if test="param.discoveryNode != null and param.discoveryNode != '' ">and lawo.discovery_node = #{param.discoveryNode } </if>
<if test="param.workOrderNumber != null and param.workOrderNumber != '' ">and lawo.work_order_number like concat('%',#{param.workOrderNumber },'%') </if>
@ -153,15 +154,8 @@ date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d
<if test="param.first != null and param.first != '' ">and lawo.first like concat('%', #{param.first },'%') </if>
<if test="param.secondary != null and param.secondary != '' ">and lawo.secondary like concat('%', #{param.secondary },'%') </if>
<if test="param.vehicleRoute != null and param.vehicleRoute != '' ">and lawo.vehicle_route like concat('%', #{param.vehicleRoute },'%') </if>
<if test="param.warehouseId != null and param.warehouseId != '' and param.handleStatus != 20 "> and lap.business_id = #{param.warehouseId} </if>
<if test="param.workOrderStatus != null and param.workOrderStatus != '' and param.handleStatus != 40 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ( #{param.workOrderStatus }) </if>
<!-- <if test="param.workOrderStatus != null and param.workOrderStatus != '' and param.customerServiceState == null "> and lawo.work_order_status in ( #{param.workOrderStatus }) and lap.types_of = '2' </if>-->
<if test="param.handleStatus != null and param.handleStatus == 40 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('10') and lap.types_of = '2' and lap.processing_status in ('1') </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus != null and param.handleStatus == 50 "> and lawo.work_order_status in ('20') and lap.types_of = '2' </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus!= null and param.handleStatus == 10 ">and lap.types_of = '2' </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus!= null and param.handleStatus == 30">and lawo.work_order_status in (21,30) and lap.processing_status = '4' </if>
<if test="param.handleStatus!= null and param.handleStatus == 20 ">and lawo.work_order_status in (80,100,70) and lacr.warehouse_id=#{param.warehouseId} </if>
<if test="param.customerServiceState!= null and param.customerServiceState == 80 ">and lawo.work_order_status in ('10') </if>
<if test="param.customerServiceState!= null and param.customerServiceState == 80 ">and lawo.work_order_status in ('10') </if>
ORDER BY lawo.create_time DESC


@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ public class BasicdataVehicleImportExcel implements Serializable {
* 车长;单位M
@ExcelProperty(index = 6,value ="车长;单位(M)")
private BigDecimal vehicleCommander;
* 外廓高
@ExcelProperty(index = 7,value ="外廓高")
@ExcelProperty(index = 7,value ="外廓高;单位(M)")
private BigDecimal vehicleHeight;
* 车牌颜色;1-黄色,2-蓝色,3-绿色,4-蓝绿色,5-其他
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public class BasicdataVehicleImportExcel implements Serializable {
* 核定体积
private BigDecimal approvedVolume;
