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167 lines
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<!--pages/look/look.wxml--> |
<wxs module="filter"> |
var setActive = function (arr, id) { |
var str = ''; |
var has = arr.some(function (item) { |
return item === id; |
}); |
if (has) { |
str = 'check-active' |
} |
return str; |
}; |
module.exports = { setActive: setActive }; |
</wxs> |
<view class="pages"> |
<mp-navigation-bar ext-class="set-bar" title="看地" back="{{false}}"></mp-navigation-bar> |
<view class="main"> |
<view class="look-top"> |
<view class="look-search center {{is_search?'focusing':''}}" bindtap="searchFun"> |
<image class="look-s-icon" src="../../assets/images/search.png"></image> |
<input type="text" focus="{{is_focusing}}" auto-focus="{{is_focusing}}" model:value="{{land_name}}" |
hold-keyboard="true" bindinput="inputFun" bindfocus="inputFun" placeholder="请输入搜索内容" /> |
<image class="del ml10" bindtap="emptyFun" wx:if="{{land_name != '' && land_name}}" |
src="../../assets/images/del-icon.png" mode="widthFix"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="look-top-right flex-center" bindtap="comeList"> |
<image class="look-top-tag" src="../../assets/images/s-icon.png"></image> |
<text class="look-top-text">列表</text> |
</view> |
<!-- 搜索内容 --> |
<view class="searchList" wx:if="{{ is_searchList}}"> |
<scroll-view class="list_ul pl20" scroll-y="true"> |
<view class="list_li ptb30 pr20" data-item="{{item}}" bindtap="chooseFun" wx:for="{{list_arr}}" |
key="{{index}}"> |
<view class="title f32 c3 bold"> |
{{item.landListedId}} |
</view> |
<view class="describe f28 c9 mt15"> |
{{item.landCode}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list_li ptb30 pr20 c9 flex_center" wx:if="{{list_arr.length<=0}}"> |
暂无数据 |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
<view class="flex_center pb20"> |
<button bindtap="escFun">关闭</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<mp-dialog title="{{titleLand}} " show="{{dialogVisible}}" bindbuttontap="tapDialogButton" buttons="{{buttons}}"> |
<view class="list"> |
<view class="list-info"> |
<view class="list-info-item">总计容建筑面积:{{totalConsArea}}(㎡)</view> |
<view class="list-info-item">楼面起始价:{{startingFloorPrice}}(万)</view> |
<view class="list-info-item">起始总价:{{transferPrice}}(万)</view> |
<view class="list-info-item">竞拍时间:{{auctionDate}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</mp-dialog> |
<mp-half-screen-dialog show="{{halfScreenDialogVisible}}" closabled="{{true}}" maskClosable="{{true}}" |
bindclose="closeLayerSetting" title="地图设置"> |
<view class="tab-list" slot="footer"> |
<view class="list-box"> |
<view class="list-title">看地块</view> |
<view class="list-info"> |
<view class="list-item {{filter.setActive(actives,1)}}" data-id="{{1}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
已出让 |
</view> |
<view class="timer timer-start"> |
<picker range="{{years}}" header-text="开始年份" value="{{indexStart}}" range-key="label" |
bindchange="bindPickerChangeStart"> |
<text>{{start}}年</text> |
</picker> |
</view> |
<text class="timer-link">-</text> |
<view class="timer timer-end"> |
<picker range="{{years}}" header-text="结束年份" value="{{indexEnd}}" range-key="label" |
bindchange="bindPickerChangeEnd"> |
<text>{{end}}年</text> |
</picker> |
</view> |
<view class="list-item cross {{filter.setActive(actives,2)}}" data-id="{{2}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
挂牌中 |
</view> |
<view class="list-item cross {{filter.setActive(actives,3)}}" data-id="{{3}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
拟挂牌 |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-box"> |
<view class="list-title">看区位</view> |
<view class="list-info"> |
<view class="list-item {{filter.setActive(actives,4)}}" data-id="{{4}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
行政区 |
</view> |
<view class="list-item {{filter.setActive(actives,5)}}" data-id="{{5}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
大组团 |
</view> |
<view class="list-item {{filter.setActive(actives,6)}}" data-id="{{6}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
小组团 |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-box"> |
<view class="list-title">看配套</view> |
<view class="list-info"> |
<view class="list-item {{filter.setActive(actives,7)}}" data-id="{{7}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
配套 |
</view> |
<view class="list-item {{filter.setActive(actives,8)}}" data-id="{{8}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
环线 |
</view> |
<view class="list-item {{filter.setActive(actives,9)}}" data-id="{{9}}" bindtap="checkBtn"> |
3KM圈 |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</mp-half-screen-dialog> |
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bindclose="closeVisionDialog" title="图层设置"> |
<view class="tab-list1" slot="footer"> |
<view class="vision1" data-id="1" bindtap="mapTabItem"> |
<image data-type="reduce" mode="scaleToFill" class="vision_img" |
src="../../assets/images/vision2.jpg"> |
</image> |
<view class="vision-font">卫星地图</view> |
<view class="{{satellite==1?'blueActive':''}}"> |
<icon wx:if="{{satellite==1}}" class="icon-box-img" type="success" size="28"></icon> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="vision2" data-id="2" bindtap="mapTabItem"> |
<image data-type="reduce" mode="scaleToFill" class="vision_img" |
src="../../assets/images/vision1.png"> |
</image> |
<view class="vision-font">标准地图</view> |
<view class="{{satellite==2?'blueActive':''}}"> |
<icon wx:if="{{satellite==2}}" class="icon-box-img" type="success" size="28"></icon> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</mp-half-screen-dialog> |
<map class="map" enable-satellite="{{satellite==1?true:false}}" scale="{{scale}}" markers="{{markers}}" |
latitude="{{latitude}}" longitude="{{longitude}}" bindmarkertap="markertap" polygons="{{polygons}}" |
circles="{{circles}}" bindregionchange="regionchange" bindtap="onMapTaped" show-location> |
<cover-image bindtap="changeVision" class="map-scale map-scale-vision" |
src="../../assets/images/mapVision.png"> |
</cover-image> |
<cover-image data-type="add" bindtap="showLayerSetting" class="map-scale map-scale-layer" |
src="../../assets/images/add.png"></cover-image> |
<cover-image data-type="reduce" bindtap="scaleBack" class="map-scale map-scale-reduce" |
src="../../assets/images/myback.png"></cover-image> |
</map> |
</view> |
</view> |