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73 lines
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<!--pages/look/look.wxml--> |
<wxs module="filter"> |
var setTag = function(state) { |
var obj = {} |
if(state===1){ |
obj = { |
sname:'ycj', |
text:'已成交' |
} |
}else if(state===2){ |
obj = { |
sname:'wcj', |
text:'未成交' |
} |
}else{ |
obj = { |
sname:'gsz', |
text:'公示中' |
} |
} |
return obj |
}; |
module.exports = {setTag:setTag}; |
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<text class="look-top-text">土地池</text> |
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src="../../assets/images/add.png"></cover-image> |
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<cover-view class="item-name">{{}}</cover-view> |
</cover-view> |
<cover-view class="timer">20XX年 - 20XX年</cover-view> |
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<view class="item-name">{{}}</view> |
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