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<view class="pages">
<mp-navigation-bar ext-class="set-bar" title="预览"></mp-navigation-bar>
<view class="table">
<view class="tr bg-w">
<view class="th">文件名</view>
<view class="th1">操作</view>
<scroll-view scroll-y="{{true}}" style="height: 43rem;">
<block wx:for="{{previewFileList}}" wx:key="index">
<view class="tr bg-g" wx:if="{{index % 2 == 0}}">
<view class="td">{{item.fileName}}</view>
<view class="td2">
<text class="see" bindtap='preview' data-type="{{item.filePath}}">点击查看</text>
<view class="tr" wx:else>
<view class="td">{{item.fileName}}</view>
<view class="td2">
<text class="see" bindtap='preview' data-type="{{item.filePath}}">点击查看</text>
<view wx:if="{{previewFileList.length <= 0}}" class="noText">暂无数据</view>
<loading hidden="{{loadingHidden}}">