You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
534 lines
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<span slot="title">{{}}</span> |
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检索:<el-input v-model="searchText" style="width: 200px" placeholder="搜索:地址|名字" clearable></el-input> |
版本检索:<el-select v-model="version" style="width: 200px" placeholder="版本号"> |
<el-option v-for="vv in ApiInfo.version" :value="vv" :label="'版本:' + vv"></el-option> |
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<el-row v-if="" :gutter="10"> |
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<el-tag>{{currentApiInfo.method}}</el-tag> |
<el-link type="primary">{{}}{{currentApiInfo.url}}</el-link> |
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<el-form-item > |
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<b style="color:#E6A23C" v-if="request.version">V{{Math.abs(request.version)}}</b> |
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<i style="color: #cccccc"><{{request.type}}></i>{{request.describe}} |
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<el-form-item> |
<template slot="label"> |
<b style="color:#E6A23C" v-if="request.version">V{{Math.abs(request.version)}}</b> |
<el-link type="primary" :class="{'re-del':request.version < 0, 're-add':request.version > 0}" :underline="false">[{{ }}.{{}}]</el-link> |
<i style="color: #cccccc"><{{requestChildren.type}}></i>{{request.describe}}.{{requestChildren.describe}} |
</template> |
<el-input v-if="request.type === 'Object'" v-model="form[][]"></el-input> |
<el-input v-else value="请使用json组件模拟数据" readonly=""></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</template> |
</template> |
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<div id="paramShowJson" style="width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 173px);"></div> |
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<el-tab-pane label="请求前脚本" name="scriptBefore"> |
<textarea id="requestBefore" ></textarea> |
</el-tab-pane> |
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<textarea id="requestAfter" ></textarea> |
</el-tab-pane> |
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<div v-if="typeof this.response === 'object'"> |
<div id="responseJson" style="width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 173px);"></div> |
</div> |
<div v-else style="width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 173px);" v-html="response"></div> |
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</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-alert type="info" :closable="false"> |
<template slot="title"> |
<i v-if="currentApiInfo.auth === 'strength'" style="color:#F56C6C;font-size: 20px;position: relative;right: 5px;top: 2px;" class="el-icon-s-check"></i> |
<i v-if="currentApiInfo.auth === 'weak'" style="color:#67C23A;font-size: 20px;position: relative;right: 5px;top: 2px;" class="el-icon-s-check"></i> |
<i v-if="!currentApiInfo.auth" style="font-size: 20px;position: relative;right: 5px;top: 2px;" class="el-icon-s-check"></i> |
<el-tag type="danger" v-if="currentApiInfo.method.toUpperCase() === 'GET'" effect="dark">GET</el-tag> |
<el-tag type="warning" v-if="currentApiInfo.method.toUpperCase() === 'POST'" effect="dark">POST</el-tag> |
<span style="font-size: 18px;color: #606266">{{}}</span> |
</template> |
<?php if(\App\Common\Util\AdminAuth::isSuper()) { ?> |
<span> |
<el-link>请求位置:</el-link> <el-link type="primary">{{}}</el-link> |
</span> |
<?php } ?> |
</el-alert> |
<el-alert id="url" type="success" :closable="false"> |
<template slot="title" > |
<div> |
<el-link><b>请求地址:</b></el-link> |
</div> |
<div> |
<el-link type="primary"><b>URL:</b> <i>{{ + currentApiInfo.url}}</i></el-link> |
<el-link> <i class="el-icon-document-copy" @click="copy( + currentApiInfo.url)"></i></el-link> |
</div> |
<div> |
<el-link type="primary"><b>Path:</b> <i>{{ currentApiInfo.url }}</i> </el-link> |
<el-link> <i class="el-icon-document-copy" @click="copy(currentApiInfo.url)"></i></el-link> |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-alert> |
<el-tabs v-model="paramInfo" @tab-click="paramToggle"> |
<el-tab-pane label="请求参数" name="request"> |
<el-table |
:data="currentApiInfo.requestParams" |
style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px;" |
row-key="name" |
border |
:row-class-name="tableVersionClass" |
default-expand-all> |
<el-table-column prop="name" label="字段" ></el-table-column> |
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<el-table-column prop="describe" label="描述" ></el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="响应参数" name="response"> |
<el-table |
:data="currentApiInfo.responseParams" |
style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px;" |
row-key="name" |
border |
:row-class-name="tableVersionClass" |
default-expand-all> |
<el-table-column prop="name" label="字段"></el-table-column> |
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<el-table-column prop="version" align="center" label="版本" ></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="describe" label="描述" ></el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
</el-tabs> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-main> |
</el-container> |
</el-container> |
<el-dialog title="文档说明" :visible.sync="docDesVisible"> |
<el-alert title="页面介绍" type="success" :closable="false"> |
<div><i class="el-icon-star-on" style="color: #E6A23C"></i> 已做标记,可认为是收藏,接口详情点击可切换标记状态</div> |
<div><i class="el-icon-star-off" style="color: #E6A23C"></i> 未做标记</div> |
<div><i style="color:#F56C6C;" class="el-icon-s-check"></i>必须使用Token验证</div> |
<div><i style="color:#67C23A;" class="el-icon-s-check"></i>使用Token数据, 不验证</div> |
<div><i style="color:#909399;" class="el-icon-s-check"></i> 无需token</div> |
<div><i class="el-icon-s-promotion"></i> 发送模拟请求</div> |
</el-alert> |
<el-alert title="响应介绍" type="warning" :closable="false"> |
<div><b>code:</b> 状态码</div> |
<div><b>data:</b> 数据</div> |
<div><b>msg:</b> 响应提示语</div> |
<div><b>ts:</b> 当前时间戳(秒)</div> |
<hr> |
<div><b>code 值说明:</b></div> |
<div><b style="margin-left: 10px">200:</b>成功</div> |
<div><b style="margin-left: 10px">202:</b>失败</div> |
<div><b style="margin-left: 10px">1001:</b>刷新token,此时响应数据会带上新的token</div> |
<div><b style="margin-left: 10px">1002:</b>token无效,应要求用户重新登录</div> |
</el-alert> |
<el-alert title="认证说明" type="error" :closable="false"> |
<div>认证方式采用JWT方式, 传输方式使用Header参数: Authenticate</div> |
<div><b>例:</b>Authenticate: Bearer G0peyJhbGciF7hOiJyaXB.G0peyJhbGciF7hOiJyaXB.G0peyJhbGciF7hOiJyaXB</div> |
</el-alert> |
</el-dialog> |
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responseJsonEl:'', |
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scriptAfterRequestEl:'', |
scriptBeforeRequest:`// 请求之前会调用此段代码\n// requestData 对象包含请求参数,可在此更改,异步请求库为:axios \n// ApiInfo 对象包含接口信息\n// console.log(requestData);\n// console.log(ApiInfo);`, |
scriptAfterRequest:`// 请求之后调用此段代码\n// ApiInfo 对象包含接口信息\n// response 对象包含响应的数据\n// console.log(ApiInfo);\n// console.log(response);`, |
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currentApiInfo:{}, |
ApiInfo:{}, |
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mounted(){ |
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mark(url){ |
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searchP(item){ |
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if(this.version && !a.version.includes(this.version * 1)) { |
show = false; |
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return show; |
}, |
handleSelect(key, keyPath) { |
let s = key.split('-') |
let currentApiInfo = this.ApiInfo.apiLists[s[0]].children[s[1]]; |
this.currentApiInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentApiInfo)); |
this.form = this.requestParamsResolve(this.currentApiInfo.requestParams); |
this.paramShowJsonEl && this.paramShowJsonEl.set(this.form); |
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requestParamsResolve(params){ |
let forms = {}; |
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forms[params[i].name] = []; |
if(params[i].children && params[i].children.length > 0){ |
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break; |
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case 'float': |
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break; |
default: |
forms[params[i].name] = ''; |
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handleClose(key, keyPath) { |
console.log(key, keyPath); |
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paramToggle(el){ |
console.log(el) |
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paramShowTypeToggle(el){ |
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this.jsonEditorInitOptions('code', (jsonString) => { |
this.form = JSON.parse(jsonString); |
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send(){ |
this.sendIcon = 'el-icon-loading'; |
this.paramShowType = 'response'; |
let requestData = { |
url: this.currentApiInfo.url, |
method:this.currentApiInfo.method |
}; |
if (this.form){ |
this.currentApiInfo.method.toUpperCase() === 'GET' |
? requestData.params = this.form |
: = this.form; |
} |
let ApiInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.currentApiInfo)); |
{ |
eval(this.scriptBeforeRequest); |
} |
axios(requestData).then(res => { |
this.response =; |
this.sendIcon = 'el-icon-s-promotion'; |
this.responseJsonHandle(); |
{ |
let response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; |
eval(this.scriptAfterRequest); |
} |
}).catch((error) => { |
this.response = error; |
this.sendIcon = 'el-icon-s-promotion'; |
this.responseJsonHandle(); |
}); |
}, |
responseJsonHandle(){ |
setTimeout(() => { |
if (typeof this.response === 'object') { |
if (!this.responseJsonEl) { |
this.responseJsonEl = new JSONEditor( |
document.getElementById("responseJson"), |
this.jsonEditorInitOptions('code') |
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this.responseJsonEl = null; |
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jsonEditorInitOptions(defaultMode = 'tree', change){ |
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copy(text){ |
navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); |
this.$message.success('复制成功'); |
}, |
exportApi(file){ |
let reader = new FileReader() |
reader.readAsText(file.raw,'UTF-8'); |
reader.onload = function (e) { |
try { |
let urlData = JSON.parse(this.result); |
}catch(e){ |
APP.$message.error('识别失败'); |
} |
}; |
}, |
getApiInfo(){ |
axios({ |
url:"<?= \App\Common\Util\TP::route()->to([\Plugins\ApiDoc\Admin\Controller\DocumentController::class, 'doc']) ?>" |
}).then(res => { |
this.ApiInfo =; |
}) |
}, |
tableVersionClass({row, rowIndex}){ |
if(!row.version) return ''; |
return row.version > 0 ? 't-add' : 't-del'; |
} |
} |
}); |
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