You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
152 lines
7.8 KiB
152 lines
7.8 KiB
<?php |
use App\Common\Util\TP; |
use Plugins\ApiDoc\Admin\Controller\DocumentController; |
use Sc\Util\HtmlElement\El; |
use Sc\Util\HtmlStructure\Html\Js\Axios; |
use Sc\Util\HtmlStructure\Html\Js\JsCode; |
use Sc\Util\HtmlStructure\Html\Js\JsFunc; |
use Sc\Util\HtmlStructure\Html\Js\JsIf; |
use Sc\Util\HtmlStructure\Html\Js\JsVar; |
/** @var \Sc\Util\HtmlStructure\Html\Js\Vue $vue */ |
$apiInfo = El::double('el-card')->setAttr('v-if', 'currentApiInfo')->append( |
El::double('template')->setAttr('#header')->append( |
El::double('div')->append( |
El::double('el-icon') |
->addClass('icon cur') |
->setAttr('@click.stop', 'toggleStar(currentApiInfo.url)') |
->append('<component :is="Stars.includes(currentApiInfo.url) ? \'StarFilled\' : \'Star\'">'), |
El::fromCode("<b v-if='currentApiInfo.method == GET' style='color: #F56C6C'>GET</b><b v-else style='color: #67C23A'>POST</b>"), |
El::fromCode("{{ }}{{ currentApiInfo.url }}"), |
El::fromCode("<el-icon class='cur send' v-loading='loading' @click='sendRequest' title='发送测试请求'><Promotion /></el-icon>"), |
), |
El::double('div')->setAttr('style', 'position: relative;top:10px')->append( |
El::double('el-text')->setAttr('style', 'margin-right: 10px;') |
->append("token:") |
->append(El::double('el-text')->setAttr('style', 'color: #409EFF')->append("{{ currentApiInfo.auth == 'strength' ? '必须' : (currentApiInfo.auth == 'weak' ? '可选' : '无须') }}")), |
El::double('el-text')->append("版本:"), |
El::double('el-tag')->setAttr('v-for', '(version, index) in currentApiInfo.version') |
->setAttr('size', 'small') |
->setAttr('style', 'margin-left: 5px;') |
->append('{{ version }}') |
) |
), |
El::double('el-tabs')->setAttr('v-model', 'showApiInfo') |
->setAttr('@tab-change', 'apiShowType')->append( |
El::double('el-tab-pane')->setAttr('label', '请求参数')->setAttr('name', 'Form')->append( |
El::double('el-scrollbar')->setAttr('style', 'height: calc(100vh - 250px);')->append( |
El::double('el-form')->setAttrs([ |
'ref' => 'form', |
'label-position' => 'top', |
])->append( |
El::double('el-form-item') |
->setAttr('v-for', 'param in currentApiInfo.requestParams') |
->append( |
El::double('template')->setAttr('#label')->append( |
El::double('span')->setAttr('v-if', 'param.version > 1') |
->setAttr('style', 'color:#67C23A') |
->text('V{{ param.version }} {{}}<i style="color: #ccc"><{{ param.type }}></i>{{ param.describe }}'), |
El::double('span')->setAttr('v-else-if', 'param.version < 0') |
->setAttr('style', 'color:#F56C6C;text-decoration: line-through;') |
->text('V{{ Math.abs(param.version) }} {{}}<i style="color: #ccc"><{{ param.type }}></i>{{ param.describe }}'), |
El::double('span')->setAttr('v-else', 'param.version < 0') |
->text('{{}}<i style="color: #ccc"><{{ param.type }}></i>{{ param.describe }}') |
), |
El::double('el-input')->setAttr('v-if', "param.type === 'Integer' || param.type === 'Float'") |
->setAttr('v-model.number', 'apiFormData[]'), |
El::double('el-input')->setAttr('v-else-if', "param.type === 'String'") |
->setAttr('v-model.number', 'apiFormData[]'), |
El::double('el-input') |
->setAttr("v-else") |
->setAttr(':readonly', "true") |
->setAttr(':placeholder', "'请使用json组件模拟数据'") |
) |
) |
) |
), |
El::double('el-tab-pane')->setAttr('label', 'Json')->setAttr('name', 'Json')->append( |
El::fromCode('<div id="paramShowJson" style="width: 100%; height: calc(100vh - 250px);"></div>'), |
), |
El::double('el-tab-pane')->setAttr('label', '请求脚本')->setAttr('name', 'Scripts')->append( |
El::double('iframe')->setAttr("src", TP::route()->to([DocumentController::class, 'requestCode'])), |
), |
El::double('el-tab-pane')->setAttr('label', '响应')->setAttr('name', 'Response')->append( |
El::fromCode('<div id="ResponseJson" v-if="typeof response === \'object\'" style="width: 100%; height: calc(100vh - 250px);"></div>'), |
El::fromCode('<div v-else v-html="response" style="width: 100%; height: calc(100vh - 250px);"></div>'), |
), |
) |
); |
$vue->addMethod('getApiInfo', JsFunc::anonymous(['api'])->code( |
Axios::get(TP::route()->to([DocumentController::class, 'doc'])) |
->success(JsCode::make( |
JsVar::set("this.ApiInfo", ''), |
JsVar::set("this.ApiInfo.versionSelect", ' => {return {label: "版本:" + v, value: v}})'), |
JsCode::raw('this.$message.success("已获取最新文档信息,当前最新版本:" + Math.max(') |
)) |
)); |
$vue->addMethod('apiShowType', JsFunc::anonymous(['name'])->code( |
JsCode::raw('console.log(name)'), |
JsIf::when("name === 'Json' && this.apiFormEditor === null")->then( |
JsCode::raw("this.apiFormEditor = new JSONEditor(document.getElementById('paramShowJson'), this.jsonEditorInitOptions('code', (value) => { |
this.apiFormData = JSON.parse(value); |
}))"), |
), |
JsIf::when("name === 'Response' && this.responseEditor === null")->then( |
JsCode::raw("this.responseEditor = new JSONEditor(document.getElementById('ResponseJson'), this.jsonEditorInitOptions('code', (value) => {}))"), |
), |
JsCode::raw('this.$nextTick(() => { |
this.apiFormEditor && this.apiFormEditor.set(this.apiFormData); |
});'), |
)); |
$vue->addMethod('jsonEditorInitOptions', JsFunc::anonymous(['type', 'onChange'])->code( |
JsCode::raw("return { |
mode: type, |
modes: ['code', 'form', 'text', 'tree', 'view', 'preview'], // allowed modes |
onChangeText: onChange, |
}") |
)); |
$vue->addMethod('sendRequest', JsFunc::anonymous()->code( |
JsCode::raw('let code = localStorage.getItem("requestCode");'), |
JsIf::when('code.length > 0')->then(<<<JS |
let request = { |
setResponse(response){ |
VueApp.response = response; |
if (typeof response === 'object'){ |
VueApp.responseEditor && VueApp.responseEditor.set(VueApp.response); |
} |
VueApp.loading = false; |
}, |
call(url, method, data){ |
let request = { |
url: url, |
method: method, |
data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) |
}; |
let VueApp = null; |
try{ |
eval(code); |
}catch (e) { |
alert(e.message) |
} |
} |
}; |
this.showApiInfo = "Response"; |
this.apiShowType(this.showApiInfo); |
this.loading = true; |
|, this.currentApiInfo.method, this.apiFormData); |
JS) |
)); |
return $apiInfo; |