You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
5.2 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = exports.Scope = void 0;
var _scopeflags = require("./scopeflags");
var _parseError = require("../parse-error");
class Scope {
constructor(flags) {
this.var = new Set();
this.lexical = new Set();
this.functions = new Set();
this.flags = flags;
exports.Scope = Scope;
class ScopeHandler {
constructor(parser, inModule) {
this.parser = void 0;
this.scopeStack = [];
this.inModule = void 0;
this.undefinedExports = new Map();
this.parser = parser;
this.inModule = inModule;
get inTopLevel() {
return (this.currentScope().flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_PROGRAM) > 0;
get inFunction() {
return (this.currentVarScopeFlags() & _scopeflags.SCOPE_FUNCTION) > 0;
get allowSuper() {
return (this.currentThisScopeFlags() & _scopeflags.SCOPE_SUPER) > 0;
get allowDirectSuper() {
return (this.currentThisScopeFlags() & _scopeflags.SCOPE_DIRECT_SUPER) > 0;
get inClass() {
return (this.currentThisScopeFlags() & _scopeflags.SCOPE_CLASS) > 0;
get inClassAndNotInNonArrowFunction() {
const flags = this.currentThisScopeFlags();
return (flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_CLASS) > 0 && (flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_FUNCTION) === 0;
get inStaticBlock() {
for (let i = this.scopeStack.length - 1;; i--) {
const {
} = this.scopeStack[i];
if (flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_STATIC_BLOCK) {
return true;
if (flags & (_scopeflags.SCOPE_VAR | _scopeflags.SCOPE_CLASS)) {
return false;
get inNonArrowFunction() {
return (this.currentThisScopeFlags() & _scopeflags.SCOPE_FUNCTION) > 0;
get treatFunctionsAsVar() {
return this.treatFunctionsAsVarInScope(this.currentScope());
createScope(flags) {
return new Scope(flags);
enter(flags) {
exit() {
const scope = this.scopeStack.pop();
return scope.flags;
treatFunctionsAsVarInScope(scope) {
return !!(scope.flags & (_scopeflags.SCOPE_FUNCTION | _scopeflags.SCOPE_STATIC_BLOCK) || !this.parser.inModule && scope.flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_PROGRAM);
declareName(name, bindingType, loc) {
let scope = this.currentScope();
if (bindingType & _scopeflags.BIND_SCOPE_LEXICAL || bindingType & _scopeflags.BIND_SCOPE_FUNCTION) {
this.checkRedeclarationInScope(scope, name, bindingType, loc);
if (bindingType & _scopeflags.BIND_SCOPE_FUNCTION) {
} else {
if (bindingType & _scopeflags.BIND_SCOPE_LEXICAL) {
this.maybeExportDefined(scope, name);
} else if (bindingType & _scopeflags.BIND_SCOPE_VAR) {
for (let i = this.scopeStack.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
scope = this.scopeStack[i];
this.checkRedeclarationInScope(scope, name, bindingType, loc);
this.maybeExportDefined(scope, name);
if (scope.flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_VAR) break;
if (this.parser.inModule && scope.flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_PROGRAM) {
maybeExportDefined(scope, name) {
if (this.parser.inModule && scope.flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_PROGRAM) {
checkRedeclarationInScope(scope, name, bindingType, loc) {
if (this.isRedeclaredInScope(scope, name, bindingType)) {
this.parser.raise(_parseError.Errors.VarRedeclaration, {
at: loc,
identifierName: name
isRedeclaredInScope(scope, name, bindingType) {
if (!(bindingType & _scopeflags.BIND_KIND_VALUE)) return false;
if (bindingType & _scopeflags.BIND_SCOPE_LEXICAL) {
return scope.lexical.has(name) || scope.functions.has(name) || scope.var.has(name);
if (bindingType & _scopeflags.BIND_SCOPE_FUNCTION) {
return scope.lexical.has(name) || !this.treatFunctionsAsVarInScope(scope) && scope.var.has(name);
return scope.lexical.has(name) && !(scope.flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_SIMPLE_CATCH && scope.lexical.values().next().value === name) || !this.treatFunctionsAsVarInScope(scope) && scope.functions.has(name);
checkLocalExport(id) {
const {
} = id;
const topLevelScope = this.scopeStack[0];
if (!topLevelScope.lexical.has(name) && !topLevelScope.var.has(name) && !topLevelScope.functions.has(name)) {
this.undefinedExports.set(name, id.loc.start);
currentScope() {
return this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1];
currentVarScopeFlags() {
for (let i = this.scopeStack.length - 1;; i--) {
const {
} = this.scopeStack[i];
if (flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_VAR) {
return flags;
currentThisScopeFlags() {
for (let i = this.scopeStack.length - 1;; i--) {
const {
} = this.scopeStack[i];
if (flags & (_scopeflags.SCOPE_VAR | _scopeflags.SCOPE_CLASS) && !(flags & _scopeflags.SCOPE_ARROW)) {
return flags;
exports.default = ScopeHandler;
//# sourceMappingURL=scope.js.map