You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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'uv-col-' + span
import mpMixin from '@/uni_modules/uv-ui-tools/libs/mixin/mpMixin.js'
import mixin from '@/uni_modules/uv-ui-tools/libs/mixin/mixin.js'
import props from './props.js';
* CodeInput 栅格系统的列
* @description 该组件一般用于Layout 布局 通过基础的 12 分栏,迅速简便地创建布局
* @tutorial https://www.uvui.cn/components/Layout.html
* @property {String | Number} span 栅格占据的列数,总12等份 (默认 12 )
* @property {String | Number} offset 分栏左边偏移,计算方式与span相同 (默认 0 )
* @property {String} justify 水平排列方式,可选值为`start`(或`flex-start`)、`end`(或`flex-end`)、`center`、`around`(或`space-around`)、`between`(或`space-between`) (默认 'start' )
* @property {String} align 垂直对齐方式,可选值为top、center、bottom、stretch (默认 'stretch' )
* @property {String} textAlign 文字水平对齐方式 (默认 'left' )
* @property {Object} customStyle 定义需要用到的外部样式
* @event {Function} click col被点击,会阻止事件冒泡到row
* @example <uv-col span="3" offset="3" > <view class="demo-layout bg-purple"></view> </uv-col>
export default {
name: 'uv-col',
emits: ['click'],
mixins: [mpMixin, mixin, props],
data() {
return {
width: 0,
parentData: {
gutter: 0
gridNum: 12
computed: {
uJustify() {
if (this.justify == 'end' || this.justify == 'start') return 'flex-' + this.justify
else if (this.justify == 'around' || this.justify == 'between') return 'space-' + this.justify
else return this.justify
uAlignItem() {
if (this.align == 'top') return 'flex-start'
if (this.align == 'bottom') return 'flex-end'
else return this.align
colStyle() {
const style = {
// 这里写成"padding: 0 10px"的形式是因为nvue的需要
paddingLeft: this.$uv.addUnit(this.$uv.getPx(this.parentData.gutter)/2),
paddingRight: this.$uv.addUnit(this.$uv.getPx(this.parentData.gutter)/2),
alignItems: this.uAlignItem,
justifyContent: this.uJustify,
textAlign: this.textAlign,
// #ifndef APP-NVUE
// 在非nvue上,使用百分比形式
flex: `0 0 ${100 / this.gridNum * this.span}%`,
marginLeft: 100 / 12 * this.offset + '%',
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
// 在nvue上,由于无法使用百分比单位,这里需要获取父组件的宽度,再计算得出该有对应的百分比尺寸
width: this.$uv.addUnit(Math.floor(this.width / this.gridNum * Number(this.span))),
marginLeft: this.$uv.addUnit(Math.floor(this.width / this.gridNum * Number(this.offset))),
// #endif
return this.$uv.deepMerge(style, this.$uv.addStyle(this.customStyle))
mounted() {
methods: {
async init() {
// 支付宝小程序不支持provide/inject,所以使用这个方法获取整个父组件,在created定义,避免循环引用
this.width = await this.parent.getComponentWidth()
updateParentData() {
clickHandler(e) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '@/uni_modules/uv-ui-tools/libs/css/components.scss';
.uv-col {
padding: 0;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef MP */
display: block;
/* #endif */
// nvue下百分比无效
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
.uv-col-0 {
width: 0;
.uv-col-1 {
width: calc(100%/12);
.uv-col-2 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 2);
.uv-col-3 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 3);
.uv-col-4 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 4);
.uv-col-5 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 5);
.uv-col-6 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 6);
.uv-col-7 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 7);
.uv-col-8 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 8);
.uv-col-9 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 9);
.uv-col-10 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 10);
.uv-col-11 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 11);
.uv-col-12 {
width: calc(100%/12 * 12);
/* #endif */