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375 lines
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375 lines
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<!-- 最新资讯开始--> |
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fontSize:'28rpx' |
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title="会员等级" |
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:isLink="true" |
url="/pages/News/index" |
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最新资讯 |
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<view class="cell-title-desc"> |
暖新人平台正式上线啦! |
</view> |
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<!-- 最新资讯结束--> |
<!-- 五个按钮组开始--> |
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<view class="index-ad-img"> |
<view class="index-ad-desc"> |
温馨提示:请丰行侠在本月25日之前进行暖新币兑换哟! |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- 广告图结束--> |
<!-- 关于我们开始--> |
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marginTop:'48rpx' |
}"> |
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fontSize:'28rpx' |
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关于我们 |
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<u-col :span="12"> |
<view class="about-us-content"> |
欢迎来到新都区暖新人平台!打造新都人民共建共护之家,这里是摘要。 |
</view> |
</u-col> |
</u-row> |
<!--关于我们结束--> |
<!--暖新行动开始--> |
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marginTop:'48rpx' |
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fontSize:'28rpx' |
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暖新行动 |
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<view class="img-title"> |
<u-text :lines="1" text="社区活动 | 大丰街道大运会志愿活动报名啦!" size="28" color="#FFFFFF" class="img-title"></u-text> |
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<u-text :lines="1" text="社区活动 | 大丰街道大运会志愿活动报名啦!" size="28" color="#FFFFFF" class="img-title"></u-text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</u-col> |
</u-row> |
<!-- 暖新行动结束--> |
<!-- 暖新项目开始--> |
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marginTop:'48rpx' |
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fontSize:'28rpx' |
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暖新项目 |
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<u-text :lines="1" text="社区活动 | 大丰街道大运会志愿活动报名啦!" size="28" color="#FFFFFF" class="img-title"></u-text> |
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<u-text :lines="1" text="社区活动 | 大丰街道大运会志愿活动报名啦!" size="28" color="#FFFFFF" class="img-title"></u-text> |
</view> |
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</u-col> |
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<!-- 暖新项目结束--> |
<!-- 最新兑换开始--> |
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marginTop:'48rpx' |
}"> |
<u-cell |
:rightIconStyle="{ |
fontSize:'28rpx' |
}" |
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title="会员等级" |
value="查看更多" |
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:isLink="true" |
> |
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最新兑换 |
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<u-col :span="6" v-for="(item,index) in goodsList" :custom-style="{marginBottom:'20rpx'}" @click="navTo('/pages/Goods/index?id='"> |
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:ext="item.coin_number+'币'" |
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<!-- 最新兑换结束--> |
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<script> |
import { |
imghost |
} from '@/config/host.js' |
import api from '@/utils/functions.js'; |
import MzCard from "@/components/MzCard/index.vue"; |
import {banner, indexGoods} from "@/api"; |
export default { |
components:{ |
MzCard |
}, |
data: { |
list1: [ |
'', |
'', |
'', |
], |
title: '暖新人', |
loading: true, |
staticImage: { |
hiImage: imghost + '/static/image/index-user-title-hi.png', |
dogImage: imghost + '/static/image/index-user-title-dog.png', |
couponsImage: imghost + '/static/image/index-user-coupons-background.png', |
indexButtonGroup: [{ |
image: imghost + '/static/image/index-five-1.png', |
url: '/pages/Authentication/index', |
title:'丰行侠认证' |
},{ |
image: imghost + '/static/image/index-five-2.png', |
url: '/pages/Index/index', |
title:'顾问认证' |
},{ |
image: imghost + '/static/image/index-five-3.png', |
url: '/pages/Line/index', |
title:'线索上传' |
},{ |
image: imghost + '/static/image/index-five-4.png', |
url: '/pages/Index/index', |
title:'社区顾问库' |
},{ |
image: imghost + '/static/image/index-five-5.png', |
url: '/pages/Index/index', |
title:'暖新服务' |
}, |
], |
wallpaperBgImage: '', |
bg: imghost + '/static/image/BG.png', |
}, |
indexBanner: [], |
goodsList: [], |
user: { |
avatar: imghost + '/static/image/banner.png', |
nickname: '清晨的风', |
coupons: 221, |
id: 88685 |
}, |
isTop: false, |
pagePadding: 100, |
userInfo: {}, |
userExtends: {}, |
}, |
onLoad() { |
}, |
methods: { |
userCouponsPage() { |
wx.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/UserCoupons/index' |
}) |
}, |
navTo(url) { |
wx.navigateTo({ |
url: url |
}) |
}, |
updateUserInfo() { |
if (this.userInfo) { |
| = |
this.user.nickname = |
this.user.avatar = this.userInfo.avatar |
} |
if (this.userExtends) { |
| = this.userExtends.coupon_count |
} |
}, |
getBanner(){ |
banner({}).then(res => { |
this.indexBanner =; |
}) |
}, |
getGoods(){ |
indexGoods({ |
page:1, |
limit:4 |
}).then(res => { |
this.goodsList =; |
}) |
}, |
}, |
onPageScroll(res) { |
if (res.scrollTop <= 20) { |
uni.$emit('isTop', true); |
} else { |
uni.$emit('isTop', false); |
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}, |
created() { |
this.pagePadding = (api.navHeight().navPaddingTop + |
api.navHeight().navHeight + (api.navHeight().headerPadding * 2)) |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.getBanner(); |
this.getGoods(); |
}, |
updated() { |
}, |
watch: { |
"$store.state.userInfo": { |
handler(newVal, oldVal) { |
this.userInfo = newVal; |
this.updateUserInfo(); |
} |
}, |
"$store.state.userExtends": { |
handler(newVal, oldVal) { |
this.userExtends = newVal; |
this.updateUserInfo(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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