You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
496 lines
14 KiB
496 lines
14 KiB
<template> |
<view class="body-background"></view> |
<u-navbar |
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:scrollable="false" |
@change="tabsChange" |
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<u-tabs |
v-if="(tabCheck === 'room')" |
:list="listGy" |
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:custom-style="{margin:'auto'}" |
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v-if="(tabCheck === 'shop')" |
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@change="tabsScChange" |
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<view class="lists-group row"> |
<view class="lists-container row" v-if="tabCheck === 'shop'"> |
<view class="item" v-for="(item,index) in listsSc"> |
<view class="item-header row"> |
<view class="title">{{ item.create_time }}</view> |
<view class="status" :class="getScStatus(item.status).color">{{getScStatus(item.status).name}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item-body row"> |
<view class="body-main row"> |
<view class="thumb"> |
<u-image :src="item.goods_cover" :lazy-load="true" radius="24" width="176" height="176" mode="aspectFill"></u-image> |
</view> |
<view class="info row col"> |
<view class="info-left"> |
<view class="info-title">{{item.goods_name}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="info-right"> |
<view class="info-price">¥{{item.coin_number}}</view> |
<view class="info-number">x{{item.goods_number}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="info-ext row"> |
<view class="label">暖新币</view> |
<view class="price">{{item.coin_number}}币</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item-footer row"> |
<view class="phone-button" @click="callPhone(item.take_phone)"> |
<view class="button phone col"> |
<u-icon name="phone-fill" size="32" color="#000" custom-style="margin-right:10rpx;"></u-icon> |
<u-text size="32" color="#020B18" text="售后"></u-text> |
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<view class="button"> |
<u-button @click="navTo('/pages/Order/info')" text="查看详情" shape="circle" custom-style="height:64rpx;border: 2rpx solid #AFB5BE;padding:0rpx 42rpx;"></u-button> |
</view> |
<view class="button"> |
<u-button @click="openLogistics(item)" text="查看物流" shape="circle" custom-style="height:64rpx;border: 2rpx solid #AFB5BE;padding:0rpx 42rpx;"></u-button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="lists-container row" v-if="tabCheck === 'room'"> |
<view class="item" v-for="(item,index) in listsGy"> |
<view class="item-header row"> |
<view class="title">{{item.create_time}}</view> |
<view class="status" :class="getGyStatus(item.status).color">{{getGyStatus(item.status).name}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item-body room row"> |
<view class="body-main row"> |
<view class="thumb"> |
<u-image :src="item.cover" :lazy-load="true" radius="24" width="176" height="176" mode="aspectFill"></u-image> |
</view> |
<view class="info row col"> |
<view class="info-left"> |
<view class="info-title">{{}}</view> |
<view class="info-desc">{{ item.street }} {{ item.area }}㎡ | 朝{{item.toward}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="info-ext row"> |
<view class="label">租期{{item.month}}个月</view> |
<view class="price">{{item.price}}元/月</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item-footer row"> |
<view class="phone"> |
</view> |
<view class="button-group row col"> |
<view class="button" v-if="item.status !== 3"> |
<u-button |
@click="navTo('/pages/Order/detail?id=''&type=detail')" |
text="租房详情" |
shape="circle" |
custom-style="height:64rpx;border: 2rpx solid #AFB5BE;padding:0rpx 42rpx;"></u-button> |
</view> |
<view class="button" v-else> |
<u-button |
@click="navTo('/pages/Order/detail?id=''&type=edit')" |
text="重新审核" |
shape="circle" |
custom-style="height:64rpx;border: 2rpx solid #AFB5BE;padding:0rpx 42rpx;"></u-button> |
</view> |
<view class="button"> |
<u-button |
@click="navTo('/pages/Order/exchange?id=''&type=detail')" |
text="兑换详情" |
shape="circle" |
custom-style="height:64rpx;border: 2rpx solid #AFB5BE;padding:0rpx 42rpx;"></u-button> |
<!-- <u-button text="我要兑换" shape="circle" custom-style="height:64rpx;border: 2rpx solid #FF9545;padding:0rpx 42rpx; color:#FF9545;"></u-button>--> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<uv-popup ref="logistics" closeOnClickOverlay :show="logisticsShow" @close="closeLogistics" @open="open" mode="center" closeable custom-style="width:80%;padding:30rpx;border-radius:20rpx;"> |
<u-cell :title="checkInfo.goods_name"> |
<template #icon> |
<u-image custom-style="margin-right:30rpx;" width="100" height="100" lazy-load :src="checkInfo.goods_cover"></u-image> |
</template> |
<template #label> |
<u-text |
:text="'快递单号:'" |
@click="copyNu(" |
size="28" |
color="#AFB5BE" |
custom-style="margin-top:30rpx;" |
></u-text> |
</template> |
</u-cell> |
<uv-steps :current="logisticsList.length" direction="column" dot custom-style="max-height:500rpx;overflow-y:auto;"> |
<uv-steps-item |
custom-style="padding-bottom:30rpx;" |
:desc="logItem.time" |
v-for="logItem in logisticsList"> |
<template #title> |
<u-text |
:text="logItem.context" |
size="28" |
color="#020b18" |
custom-style="margin-top:20rpx;margin-bottom:20rpx;" |
line-height="40" |
></u-text> |
</template> |
</uv-steps-item> |
</uv-steps> |
</uv-popup> |
<u-loadmore v-if="(tabCheck==='room')" :status="statusGy" fontSize="28" marginBottom="50" marginTop="30" @loadmore="getRoomOrderList()"/> |
<u-loadmore v-if="(tabCheck==='shop')" :status="statusSc" fontSize="28" marginBottom="50" marginTop="30" @loadmore="getGoodsOrderList()"/> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
imghost |
} from '@/config/host.js' |
import MzSubsection from '@/components/MzSubsection/Index.vue'; |
import api from '@/utils/functions.js'; |
import {goodsOrder, orderLogistics, roomOrder, tabCount} from "@/api/user"; |
export default { |
components: { |
MzSubsection |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
list: [{ |
name: '公寓订单', |
id:'room' |
}, { |
name: '商城订单', |
id:'shop' |
}], |
listGy: [{ |
name: '全部', |
status:'' |
}, { |
name: '租赁中', |
status:2, |
}, { |
name: '已完成', |
status:4 |
} |
], |
listSc: [{ |
name: '全部', |
status:'' |
}, { |
name: '待发货', |
status:1, |
}, { |
name: '待收货', |
status:2, |
}, { |
name: '已完成', |
status:3 |
} |
], |
tabCheck:'room', |
tabGyCheck:'', |
tabScCheck:'', |
current: 1, |
title: '我的订单', |
loading: true, |
staticImage: { |
bg: imghost + '/BG.png', |
newIcon: imghost + '/new-icon.png', |
shopThumb: imghost + '/new-1.png', |
}, |
isTop: false, |
listsGy: [], |
listsSc: [], |
size: { |
height: 500, |
}, |
pagesGy:{ |
page:1, |
limit:10, |
}, |
statusGy:'loadmore', |
pagesSc:{ |
page:1, |
limit:10, |
}, |
statusSc:'loadmore', |
logisticsShow:false, |
logisticsInfo:{}, |
logisticsList:[], |
checkInfo:{} |
} |
}, |
onLoad() { |
}, |
onReady() { |
let that = this; |
let height = api.wxSystemInfo().system.windowHeight |
let headerHeight = uni.$u.getPx(44) + uni.$u.sys().statusBarHeight |
let info = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('.foot-button'); |
info.boundingClientRect(function (data) { |
that.size.height = that.size.height = height - headerHeight - data.height - uni.$u.getPx('32rpx'); |
}).exec(function (res) { |
}); |
}, |
computed: { |
api() { |
return api |
}, |
sectionStyle() { |
const style = {}; |
style.padding = '0 26rpx'; |
style.position = 'sticky'; |
style.zIndex = '9999'; |
| = api.navHeight().systemBarHeight + 'px' |
return style; |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
openLogistics(item){ |
this.checkInfo = item; |
orderLogistics({goods_order_id :23}).then(res => { |
this.logisticsList =; |
let info =; |
delete; |
this.logisticsInfo = info; |
this.logisticsShow = true; |
this.$; |
}) |
}, |
closeLogistics(){ |
this.logisticsShow = false; |
}, |
getGyStatus(status){ |
switch(status){ |
case 1: |
return {name:'待审核',color:'orange'} |
case 2: |
return {name:'租赁中',color:'blue'} |
case 3: |
return {name:'审核失败',color:'red'} |
case 4: |
return {name:'已完成',color:'green'} |
} |
}, |
getScStatus(status){ |
switch(status){ |
case 1: |
return {name:'待发货',color:'orange'} |
case 2: |
return {name:'待收货',color:'blue'} |
case 3: |
return {name:'已完成',color:'green'} |
} |
}, |
chatDetail(item) { |
wx.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/ChatDetail/index?id=' + |
}); |
}, |
checkSection(index) { |
this.current = edit; |
}, |
scrollToLower() { |
}, |
tabsChange(e){ |
this.tabCheck = |
}, |
tabsGyChange(e){ |
this.tabGyCheck = e.status |
this.getRoomOrderList(true); |
}, |
tabsScChange(e){ |
this.tabScCheck = e.status |
this.getGoodsOrderList(true); |
}, |
callPhone(phone){ |
uni.makePhoneCall({ |
phoneNumber: phone.toString() |
}); |
}, |
getRoomOrderList(clear = false){ |
if(clear){ |
this.statusGy = 'loadmore' |
this.pagesGy = { |
page:1, |
limit:10 |
} |
this.listsGy = []; |
} |
if(this.statusGy === 'nomore'){ |
return false; |
} |
this.statusGy = 'loading'; |
let data = this.pagesGy; |
if(this.tabGyCheck){ |
data.status = this.tabGyCheck; |
} |
roomOrder(data).then(res => { |
if( === 0){ |
this.statusGy = 'nomore'; |
}else{ |
this.statusGy = 'loadmore'; |
} |
this.listsGy = this.listsGy.concat(; |
}); |
|; |
}, |
getGoodsOrderList(clear = false){ |
if(clear){ |
this.statusSc = 'loadmore' |
this.pagesSc = { |
page:1, |
limit:10 |
} |
this.listsSc = []; |
} |
if(this.statusSc === 'nomore'){ |
return false; |
} |
this.statusSc = 'loading'; |
let data = this.pagesSc; |
if(this.tabScCheck){ |
data.status = this.tabScCheck; |
} |
goodsOrder(data).then(res => { |
if( === 0){ |
this.statusSc = 'nomore'; |
}else{ |
this.statusSc = 'loadmore'; |
} |
this.listsSc = this.listsSc.concat(; |
}); |
|; |
}, |
getTabCount(){ |
tabCount({type:'house'}).then(res => { |
this.listGy.forEach(item => { |
| => { |
if(item.status === row.type){ |
item.badge = { |
bgColor:'#FF9545', |
color:'#3D3D3D', |
} |
item.badge.value = row.count; |
} |
}) |
}) |
}) |
tabCount({type:'goods'}).then(res => { |
this.listSc.forEach(item => { |
| => { |
if(item.status === row.type){ |
item.badge = { |
bgColor:'#FF9545', |
color:'#3D3D3D', |
} |
item.badge.value = row.count; |
} |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}, |
navTo(url){ |
wx.navigateTo({ |
url:url |
}) |
}, |
copyNu(content) { |
uni.setClipboardData({ |
data: content, |
success: function () { |
//调用方法成功 |
} |
}) |
}, |
}, |
onReachBottom() { |
if(this.tabCheck === 'room'){ |
this.getRoomOrderList(); |
}else{ |
this.getGoodsOrderList(); |
} |
}, |
onPageScroll(res) { |
if (res.scrollTop <= 20) { |
uni.$emit('isTop', true); |
} else { |
uni.$emit('isTop', false); |
} |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.getRoomOrderList(); |
this.getGoodsOrderList(); |
this.getTabCount(); |
}, |
created() { |
// this.pagePadding = (api.navHeight().navPaddingTop + |
// api.navHeight().navHeight + (api.navHeight().headerPadding * 2)) |
} |
} |
</script> |
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