You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
816 lines
21 KiB
816 lines
21 KiB
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<view id="map" class="map" v-if="tabCheck === 'room'"> |
<MzMap ref="mzMap" :coordinates="roomCoordinate" @markerTap="markerTap" @tap="mapTap" ></MzMap> |
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<view class="title row" style="margin-bottom:32rpx;"> |
<view class="title-item"> |
<u-text :text="item.jurisdiction" color="#AFB5BE" size="28"></u-text> |
</view> |
<view class="title-item"> |
<u-text :text="'|'" color="#AFB5BE" size="28"></u-text> |
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</view> |
<view class="value col " @click="callLocal(,item.lng)"> |
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<view class="" style="margin-right:10rpx;"> |
<u-text :text="item.connect_name" color="#AFB5BE" size="28"></u-text> |
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<view class=""> |
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marginBottom="30" marginTop="30" @loadmore="getServiceList()" v-if="(tabCheck === 'room')"/> |
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ref="streetPicker" |
:show="streetShow" |
:columns="[serviceList]" |
keyName="name" |
@close="streetShow = false" |
@cancel="streetShow = false" |
@confirm="selectStreet"></uv-picker> |
<uv-picker |
ref="rentPicker" |
:show="rentShow" |
:columns="[jurisdictionList]" |
keyName="name" |
@close="rentShow = false" |
@cancel="rentShow = false" |
@confirm="selectRent"></uv-picker> |
</template> |
<script> |
import api from "@/utils/functions.js"; |
import {goodsList, goodsType, roomList, streetList} from "@/api/shop"; |
import MzCard from "@/components/MzCard/index.vue"; |
import {imghost} from "@/config/host"; |
import shop from "@/pages/Shop/index.vue"; |
import {getServiceStreet, serviceStreet, systemConfig} from "@/api/other"; |
import MzMap from "@/components/MzMap/index.vue"; |
const img = ''; |
export default { |
computed: {}, |
components: { |
MzMap, |
MzCard, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
mapShow:true, |
listWater: [], |
list1: [], |
list2: [], |
listWaterItem: [], |
list1Item: [], |
list2Item: [], |
list: [{ |
name: '公寓出租', |
id: 'room' |
}, { |
name: '商品兑换', |
id: 'item' |
},], |
listItem: [{ |
name: '全部', |
id: '' |
}, { |
name: '驿站展示', |
id: 1 |
}, { |
name: '爱心商家', |
id: 2 |
},], |
tabCheck: 'room', |
current: 0, |
show: false, |
title: '暖新服务', |
size: { |
height: 0 |
}, |
pages: { |
page: 1, |
limit: 10, |
category : '', |
jurisdiction : '', |
type : '', |
name : '', |
lng: '', |
lat: '', |
}, |
pagesItem: { |
page: 1, |
limit: 10, |
keyword: '', |
goods_type: '' |
}, |
status: 'loadmore', |
statusItem: 'loadmore', |
streetShow: false, |
rentShow: false, |
houseShow: false, |
priceShow: false, |
columns: [], |
streetColumns: [], |
rentColumns: [ |
{ |
name: '合租', |
value: 1, |
}, |
{ |
name: '整租', |
value: 2 |
} |
], |
houseColumns: [], |
priceColumns: [], |
serviceList:[], |
jurisdictionList:[], |
lng: 113.324520, |
lat: 23.099994, |
mapContext: {}, |
popMapShow: false, |
isGetLocal:false, |
roomCoordinate:[ |
// { |
// latitude:30.810122, |
// longitude:104.194078, |
// },{ |
// latitude:30.57447, |
// longitude:103.92377, |
// }, |
], |
mapIcon1:imghost+'/map-icon1.png', |
mapIcon2:imghost+'/map-icon2.png', |
staticImage:{ |
position:imghost+'/map-position.png', |
mapClose:imghost+'/map-close.png', |
listPosition:imghost+'/service-position.png', |
listPhone:imghost+'/service-phone.png', |
}, |
mapData:{}, |
} |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
console.log('shop', option) |
if (option.tabCheck) { |
this.tabCheck = option.tabCheck; |
if(this.tabCheck === 'item'){ |
this.current = 1; |
} |
} |
console.log('shopPage123') |
// this.getStreet(); |
}, |
onReady() { |
this.size.height = api.navHeight().navigationBar + api.navHeight().systemBar |
}, |
onReachBottom() { |
this.getServiceList(); |
}, |
methods: { |
getConfig(){ |
systemConfig({type:'service_type'}).then(res => { |
let data = [{name:'全部'}]; |
| => { |
data.push( {name:item}); |
}); |
this.jurisdictionList = data; |
}); |
systemConfig({type:'jurisdiction'}).then(res => { |
let data = [{name:'全部'}]; |
| => { |
data.push( {name:item}); |
}); |
this.serviceList = data; |
}); |
}, |
showStreetPicker(){ |
this.$; |
}, |
showRentPicker(){ |
this.$; |
}, |
tabsChange(e) { |
this.tabCheck = |
if(this.tabCheck === 'room'){ |
this.getServiceList(true); |
}else{ |
this.getItemList(true); |
} |
if(this.tabCheck === 'room' && !this.isGetLocal){ |
this.getLocal(); |
} |
}, |
getServiceList(clear = false) { |
if (clear) { |
this.status = 'loadmore' |
| = 1; |
this.listWater = []; |
// this.$refs.waterfall.clear(); |
this.list1 = []; |
this.list2 = []; |
this.roomCoordinate = []; |
} |
if (this.status === 'nomore') { |
return false; |
} |
this.status = 'loading' |
if(! || !this.pages.lng){ |
this.getLocal().then(res1 => { |
serviceStreet(this.pages).then(res => { |
let data = []; |
| => { |
data.push({ |
latitude:parseFloat(, |
longitude:parseFloat(item.lng), |
iconPath:(item.category === 1)?this.mapIcon1:this.mapIcon2, |
// width:'48rpx', |
// height:'48rpx' |
}); |
return item; |
}); |
this.roomCoordinate = this.roomCoordinate.concat(this.roomCoordinate,data) |
this.listWater.push.apply(this.listWater,; |
if ( === 0) { |
this.status = 'nomore' |
}else{ |
this.status = 'loadmore' |
} |
|; |
}); |
}); |
}else{ |
serviceStreet(this.pages).then(res => { |
let data = []; |
| => { |
data.push({ |
latitude:parseFloat(, |
longitude:parseFloat(item.lng), |
iconPath:(item.category === 1)?this.mapIcon1:this.mapIcon2, |
// width:'48rpx', |
// height:'48rpx' |
}); |
return item; |
}); |
this.roomCoordinate = this.roomCoordinate.concat(this.roomCoordinate,data) |
this.listWater.push.apply(this.listWater,; |
if ( === 0) { |
this.status = 'nomore' |
}else{ |
this.status = 'loadmore' |
} |
|; |
}); |
} |
}, |
getItemList(clear = false) { |
if (clear) { |
this.statusItem = 'loadmore' |
| = 1; |
this.listWaterItem = []; |
this.$refs.waterfallItem.clear(); |
this.list1Item = []; |
this.list2Item = []; |
} |
if (this.statusItem === 'nomore') { |
return false; |
} |
goodsList(this.pagesItem).then(res => { |
this.listWaterItem.push.apply(this.listWaterItem,; |
if ( === 0) { |
this.statusItem = 'nomore' |
} |
}) |
|; |
}, |
changeList(e) { |
this[].push(e.value) |
}, |
changeListItem(e) { |
this[ + 'Item'].push(e.value) |
}, |
selectType() { |
}, |
getStreet() { |
streetList({}).then(res => { |
this.streetColumns =; |
}); |
}, |
getGoodsType() { |
// goodsType({}).then(res => { |
// this.listItem = => { |
// return { |
// name: item |
// } |
// }); |
// }); |
}, |
selectRent(e) { |
if(e.value[0].name === '全部') { |
this.pages.type = ''; |
}else{ |
this.pages.type = e.value[0].name; |
} |
this.getServiceList(true); |
this.rentShow = false; |
}, |
selectHouse() { |
this.getServiceList(true); |
this.houseShow = false; |
}, |
selectPrice() { |
this.getServiceList(true); |
this.priceShow = false; |
}, |
selectStreet(e) { |
if(e.value[0].name === '全部'){ |
this.pages.jurisdiction = ''; |
}else{ |
this.pages.jurisdiction = e.value[0].name; |
} |
this.getServiceList(true); |
this.streetShow = false; |
}, |
tabsChangeItem(e) { |
console.log(e) |
this.pages.category = |
this.getServiceList(true) |
}, |
navTo(url) { |
wx.navigateTo({ |
url: url |
}) |
}, |
markerTap(e) { |
let that = this |
let id = e.markerId; |
this.mapData = that.listWater[id]; |
console.log('mapData',this.mapData) |
this.popMapShow = true; |
}, |
mapTap() { |
this.popMapShow = false; |
}, |
afterCreateMap(){ |
this.getServiceList(true); |
}, |
callPostion(){ |
const latitude=parseFloat(; |
const longitude=parseFloat(this.mapData.lng); |
uni.openLocation({ |
latitude:latitude, |
longitude:longitude, |
|, |
}) |
}, |
callLocal(lat,lng){ |
const latitude=parseFloat(lat); |
const longitude=parseFloat(lng); |
uni.openLocation({ |
latitude:latitude, |
longitude:longitude, |
|, |
}) |
}, |
callPhone(phone){ |
uni.makePhoneCall({ |
phoneNumber: phone?.toString() |
}); |
}, |
getLocal() { |
let that = this; |
return new Promise((relove, reject) => { |
uni.getLocation({ |
type: 'wgs84', |
success: function (res) { |
that.pages.lng = res.longitude; |
| = res.latitude; |
relove(res) |
}, |
}) |
}) |
}, |
}, |
onPageScroll(res) { |
}, |
created() { |
}, |
mounted() { |
let shopMore = uni.getStorageSync('shopMore'); |
if(shopMore){ |
this.current = 1; |
this.tabCheck = 'item'; |
uni.setStorageSync('shopMore',false); |
} |
this.getItemList(); |
this.getStreet(); |
this.getGoodsType(); |
this.getConfig(); |
this.getServiceList(); |
}, |
} |
</script> |
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