343 lines
8.5 KiB
343 lines
8.5 KiB
<template> |
<view class="body-background"></view> |
<u-navbar |
:title="title" |
:auto-back="true" |
left-icon-size="40rpx" |
:safe-area-inset-top="true" |
:placeholder="true" |
bgColor="#ffffff" |
></u-navbar> |
<view class="app-wallpaper"> |
<u-row :custom-style="{ |
backgroundColor:'#fff', |
borderRadius:'10rpx', |
alignItems:'flex-start' |
}"> |
<u-col :custom-style="{padding:'30rpx 40rpx',height:size.height+'px'}"> |
<u-form |
errorType="toast" |
labelPosition="left" |
:model="model" |
:rules="rules" |
ref="userInfo" |
labelWidth="200rpx" |
> |
<u-form-item |
:custom-style="{ |
padding:'34rpx 0' |
}" |
label="姓名" |
prop="userInfo.name" |
borderBottom |
> |
<u-input |
fontSize="28" |
placeholder="请填写您的真实姓名" |
v-model="model.userInfo.name" |
border="none" |
></u-input> |
</u-form-item> |
<u-form-item |
:custom-style="{ |
padding:'34rpx 0' |
}" |
label="手机号码" |
prop="userInfo.phone" |
borderBottom |
> |
<u-input |
fontSize="28" |
placeholder="请输入" |
v-model="model.userInfo.phone" |
border="none" |
></u-input> |
</u-form-item> |
<u-form-item |
:custom-style="{ |
padding:'34rpx 0' |
}" |
label="所属街道" |
prop="userInfo.street" |
borderBottom |
> |
<u-input |
fontSize="28" |
placeholder="请选择" |
v-model="model.userInfo.street" |
border="none" |
></u-input> |
</u-form-item> |
<u-form-item |
:custom-style="{ |
padding:'34rpx 0' |
}" |
label="所属社区" |
prop="userInfo.community" |
borderBottom |
> |
<u-input |
fontSize="28" |
placeholder="请选择" |
v-model="model.userInfo.community" |
border="none" |
></u-input> |
</u-form-item> |
<u-form-item |
:custom-style="{ |
padding:'34rpx 0' |
}" |
label="公司全称" |
prop="userInfo.company" |
borderBottom |
> |
<u-input |
fontSize="28" |
placeholder="请输入" |
v-model="model.userInfo.company" |
border="none" |
></u-input> |
</u-form-item> |
<u-form-item |
:custom-style="{ |
padding:'34rpx 0' |
}" |
label="职业分类" |
prop="userInfo.position" |
borderBottom |
> |
<u-input |
fontSize="28" |
placeholder="请选择" |
v-model="model.userInfo.position" |
border="none" |
></u-input> |
</u-form-item> |
<u-form-item |
:custom-style="{ |
padding:'34rpx 0' |
}" |
label="身份证号码" |
prop="userInfo.id_card" |
> |
<u-input |
fontSize="28" |
placeholder="请输入" |
v-model="model.userInfo.id_card" |
border="none" |
></u-input> |
</u-form-item> |
</u-form> |
</u-col> |
</u-row> |
</view> |
<view class="foot-button border-box"> |
<u-button |
type="primary" |
text="保存" |
shape="circle" |
:custom-style="{ |
color:'#020B18', |
backgroundColor:'#FF9545', |
border:'none', |
fontSize:'36', |
fontWeight:'400', |
height:'80rpx' |
}" |
@click="submit" |
></u-button> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
imghost |
} from '@/config/host.js' |
import MzSubsection from '@/components/MzSubsection/Index.vue'; |
import api from '@/utils/functions.js'; |
import {userDetail, userEdit} from "@/api/user"; |
export default { |
components: { |
MzSubsection |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
model: { |
userInfo: { |
name:'', |
phone:'', |
street:'', |
community:'', |
company:'', |
position:'', |
id_card:'', |
}, |
}, |
rules: { |
'userInfo.name': { |
type: 'string', |
required: true, |
message: '请填写姓名', |
trigger: ['blur', 'change'] |
}, |
'userInfo.phone': { |
type: 'string', |
required: true, |
message: '请填写手机号码', |
trigger: ['blur', 'change'] |
}, |
'userInfo.street': { |
type: 'string', |
required: true, |
message: '请填写所属街道', |
trigger: ['blur', 'change'] |
}, |
'userInfo.community': { |
type: 'string', |
required: true, |
message: '请填写所属社区', |
trigger: ['blur', 'change'] |
}, |
'userInfo.company': { |
type: 'string', |
required: true, |
message: '请填写公司全称', |
trigger: ['blur', 'change'] |
}, |
'userInfo.id_card': { |
type: 'string', |
required: true, |
message: '请填写身份证号码', |
trigger: ['blur', 'change'] |
}, |
'userInfo.position': { |
type: 'string', |
required: true, |
message: '请填写职业分类', |
trigger: ['blur', 'change'] |
}, |
}, |
sexList:[ |
{ |
id:1, |
name: '男', |
disabled: false, |
}, |
{ |
i:2, |
name: '女', |
disabled: false, |
}, |
], |
current: 1, |
title: '编辑资料', |
loading: true, |
staticImage: { |
bg: imghost + '/static/image/BG.png', |
newIcon: imghost + '/static/image/new-icon.png', |
}, |
size: { |
height: 500, |
} |
} |
}, |
onLoad() { |
}, |
onReady() { |
let that = this; |
let height = api.wxSystemInfo().system.windowHeight |
let headerHeight = uni.$u.getPx(44) + uni.$u.sys().statusBarHeight |
let info = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('.foot-button'); |
info.boundingClientRect(function (data) { |
that.size.height = that.size.height = height - headerHeight - data.height - uni.$u.getPx('32rpx'); |
}).exec(function (res) { |
}); |
}, |
computed: { |
api() { |
return api |
}, |
sectionStyle() { |
const style = {}; |
style.padding = '0 26rpx'; |
style.position = 'sticky'; |
style.zIndex = '9999'; |
style.top = api.navHeight().systemBarHeight + 'px' |
return style; |
}, |
listHeight() { |
let that = this; |
let height; |
let info = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('.subsection'); |
info.boundingClientRect(function (data) { |
that.size.height = data.height; |
}).exec(function (res) { |
}); |
// that.size.height = (api.navHeight().windowHeight - height); |
} |
}, |
mounted() { |
userDetail().then((res)=>{ |
console.log(res) |
}) |
this.model.userInfo = uni.getStorageSync('user'); |
}, |
methods: { |
chatDetail(item) { |
wx.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/ChatDetail/index?id=' + item.id |
}); |
}, |
checkSection(index) { |
this.current = edit; |
}, |
scrollToLower() { |
}, |
submit(){ |
this.$refs.userInfo.validate().then(res => { |
userEdit(this.model.userInfo).then((res) => { |
if(res.code === '200'){ |
uni.$u.toast('修改成功') |
userDetail().then((res) => { |
uni.setStorageSync('user',res.data); |
this.$store.emit('userInfo',res.data); |
}); |
} |
}) |
}).catch(errors => { |
uni.$u.toast(errors[0].message) |
}) |
} |
}, |
onPageScroll(res) { |
if (res.scrollTop <= 20) { |
uni.$emit('isTop', true); |
} else { |
uni.$emit('isTop', false); |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.listHeight(); |
// this.pagePadding = (api.navHeight().navPaddingTop + |
// api.navHeight().navHeight + (api.navHeight().headerPadding * 2)) |
} |
} |
</script> |
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