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274 lines
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274 lines
8.9 KiB
<template> |
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{{ item.title }} |
</view> |
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<view v-for="item in couponsList" class="coupons-item-container" :style="{ |
backgroundImage:'url('+((item.status > 0)?staticImage.couponsGrayBackground:staticImage.couponsBackground)+')' |
}"> |
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<view class="coupons-big-title-group row"> |
<view class="coupons-big-title">{{item.price}}</view> |
<view class="coupons-big-desc">元</view> |
</view> |
<view class="coupons-cause"> |
{{item.type_name}} |
</view> |
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<view class=" "> |
<view class="coupons-title col-12">{{item.title}}</view> |
<view class="coupons-desc col-12"> |
<text v-if="item.number !== 0 && item.number !== -1">剩余:</text> |
<text v-if="item.number === 0">不限数量</text> |
<text v-if="item.number !== 0 && item.number !== -1">{{item.number}}</text> |
<text v-if="item.number === -1">已领取完</text> |
<text v-if="item.number !== 0 && item.number !== -1">张</text> |
</view> |
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<view class="coupons-rule row col" @click="showCoupons(item)">查看使用规则 <u-icon class="arrow-right" size="24rpx" color="#999999" name="arrow-right"></u-icon></view> |
<view class="coupons-button"> |
<MzButton |
title="立即领取" |
@click="clickCoupons(item)" |
button-width="145rpx" |
:button-color="(item.status > 0 || item.number === -1)?'#CACACA':'#4DC3B8'" |
font-color="#fff" |
font-size="26rpx" |
:is-background="false" |
padding-tb="2rpx" |
:btn-style="{ |
boxShadow:((item.status > 0 || item.number === -1)?'2rpx -5rpx 0rpx 0rpx rgba(199,199,199,0.35)':'2rpx -5rpx 0rpx 0rpx rgba(77,195,184,0.35)') |
}"></MzButton> |
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</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
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<u-loadmore v-if="type === 'lists'" |
:status="status" fontSize="28" |
color="#ACB4B6" |
line |
line-color="#ACB4B6" |
marginBottom="30" marginTop="30" @loadmore="getCouponsList("/> |
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<!-- <u-text text="协议内容" size="38" color="#191919"></u-text>--> |
<view class="" style="position: relative;display:inline-block;"> |
<view style="color:#191919;font-size:38rpx;display:inline-block;position: relative;z-index: 2;">使用说明</view> |
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</view> |
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<u-parse :content="couponsContent"></u-parse> |
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<!-- <RightNav></RightNav> --> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
imghost |
} from '@/config/host.js' |
import HeaderNav from '@/components/HeaderNav/Index.vue'; |
import FooterNav from '@/components/FooterNav/Index.vue'; |
import RightNav from '@/components/RightNav/Index.vue'; |
import MzButton from '@/components/MzButton/Index.vue'; |
import Draw from '@/pages/Draw/index.vue'; |
import {userCoupons, userDetail, userExtends} from "../../api/user"; |
import {getConfig} from "@/api/other"; |
import {couponsList, obtainCoupons} from "@/api/coupons"; |
import {drawList} from "@/api/draw"; |
import {error} from "@/uni_modules/uv-ui-tools/libs/function"; |
import api from "@/utils/functions"; |
import {UserCache} from "@/config/config"; |
export default { |
components: { |
HeaderNav, |
FooterNav, |
RightNav, |
MzButton, |
Draw |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
title: 'Hello', |
loading: true, |
staticImage: { |
screenActiveImg: imghost + '/order-screen-active.png', |
orderCardBackground: imghost + '/order-card-background.png', |
wallpaperBgImage: imghost + '/background.png', |
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couponsGrayBackground: imghost + '/coupons-gray-bg.png', |
couponsGQ: imghost + '/coupons-gq.png', |
couponsUse: imghost + '/coupons-use.png', |
}, |
indexBanner: [{ |
image: imghost + '/banner.png', |
url: '', |
}], |
user: { |
avatar: imghost + '/banner.png', |
nickname: '清晨的风', |
coupons: 221, |
id: 88685 |
}, |
isTop: false, |
petImage: imghost + '/pet_avatar1.jpeg', |
couponsList: [ ], |
type:'lists', |
couponType:2, |
types:[ |
{title:'省点银子', value: 2}, |
], |
page:1, |
status:'loadmore', |
navToUrl:'', |
couponsContent:'', |
} |
}, |
onLoad(option) { |
this.type = option.type||'lists' |
console.log(this.type) |
this.navToUrl = option.url || '' |
}, |
methods: { |
getDrawList(){ |
drawList().then(data => { |
if( > 0){ |
this.types = [ |
{title:'省点银子', value: 2}, |
{title:'宝藏挖掘机', value: 1}, |
]; |
} |
}); |
}, |
showCoupons(item){ |
console.log(item) |
console.log(item.use_info) |
this.couponsContent = item.use_info; |
this.$; |
}, |
clickCoupons(item){ |
if(item.number !== -1){ |
obtainCoupons({ |
|, |
number:1 |
}).then(res => { |
api.success('领取成功') |
userExtends().then(res => { |
this.$store.commit('userExtends', UserCache.extSetAndReturn(; |
}) |
}).catch(err => { |
api.error(err.msg) |
}) |
} |
}, |
navTo(url){ |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url:url |
}) |
}, |
getCouponsList(page = 1){ |
if (this.status === 'nomore'){ |
return; |
}else{ |
this.status = 'loading'; |
} |
couponsList({ |
page:page, |
limit:10, |
is_buy:this.couponType |
}).then((res) => { |
let couponsList = => { |
let type_name; |
switch (row.type){ |
case 1: |
type_name = '满减券'; |
break; |
case 2: |
type_name = '折扣券'; |
break; |
case 3: |
type_name = '抵扣券'; |
break; |
} |
return { |
|, |
price:parseFloat(row.deduction), |
title:row.title, |
type_name: type_name, |
number: row.number, |
cause:'满'+parseFloat(row.min_price)+'使用', |
status: row.status, |
use_info: row.use_info, |
} |
}); |
this.status = couponsList.length < 10 ? 'nomore' : 'loadmore'; |
if (page === 1) { |
this.couponsList = couponsList; |
return; |
} |
this.couponsList.push(...couponsList); |
}) |
}, |
couponTypeToggle(item){ |
this.couponType = item.value; |
| = 1; |
this.status = 'loadmore'; |
if(item.value === 1){ |
this.type = 'draw'; |
return; |
}else{ |
this.type = 'lists'; |
} |
this.getCouponsList(); |
} |
}, |
onPageScroll(res) { |
if (res.scrollTop <= 20) { |
uni.$emit('isTop', true); |
} else { |
uni.$emit('isTop', false); |
} |
}, |
onReachBottom() { |
this.getCouponsList(; |
}, |
created() { |
// this.pagePadding = (api.navHeight().navPaddingTop + |
// api.navHeight().navHeight + (api.navHeight().headerPadding * 2)) |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.getCouponsList(); |
this.getDrawList(); |
} |
} |
</script> |
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</style> |