You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
204 lines
7.0 KiB
204 lines
7.0 KiB
"use strict"; |
const common_vendor = require("../../common/vendor.js"); |
const config_host = require("../../config/host.js"); |
const utils_functions = require("../../utils/functions.js"); |
const utils_log = require("../../utils/log.js"); |
const api_user = require("../../api/user.js"); |
const config_UserCache = require("../../config/UserCache.js"); |
require("../../utils/qqmap-wx-jssdk.min.js"); |
require("../../api/other.js"); |
require("../../utils/request.js"); |
const HeaderNav = () => "../../components/HeaderNav/Index.js"; |
const _sfc_main = { |
components: { |
HeaderNav |
}, |
data: { |
sexChecked: 0, |
sexTitle: "", |
birthday: "", |
show: false, |
sexShow: false, |
sexs: [[{ title: "男", value: 1 }, { title: "女", value: 2 }]], |
staticImage: { |
wallpaperBgImage: config_host.imghost + "/static/image/background.png" |
}, |
user: { |
avatar: config_host.imghost + "/static/image/banner.png", |
name: "清晨的风", |
background_image: config_host.imghost + "/static/image/banner.png", |
sex: 1, |
phone: "15012345678", |
coupons: 221, |
id: 88685, |
birthday: "2002-05-11" |
}, |
writeWaitTime: 1e3, |
writeHandler: null, |
background: [] |
}, |
onLoad() { |
this.setSexTitle(); |
this.getUserDetail(); |
}, |
watch: { |
user: { |
handler(value) { |
this.writeHandler && clearTimeout(this.writeHandler); |
this.writeHandler = setTimeout(() => { |
this.submit(); |
}, this.writeWaitTime); |
}, |
deep: true |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
getUserDetail() { |
api_user.userDetail().then(({ data }) => { |
this.user = data; |
this.birthday = this.user.birthday ? this.user.birthday : "2000-01-01"; |
this.background = [{ url: this.user.background_image }]; |
this.user.birthday = this.birthday; |
| = === 1 ? 1 : 2; |
this.setSexTitle(; |
}); |
}, |
sexConfirm(v) { |
utils_log.log(v); |
| = v.value[0].value; |
this.setSexTitle(v.value[0].value); |
}, |
birthdayConfirm(v) { |
this.birthday = common_vendor.index.$u.timeFormat(v.value, "yyyy-mm-dd"); |
}, |
submit() { |
if (this.user.birthday) { |
this.user.birthday = common_vendor.index.$u.timeFormat(this.user.birthday, "yyyy-mm-dd"); |
} |
api_user.updateUserDetail(this.user).then((data) => { |
config_UserCache.UserCache.set(; |
}); |
}, |
setSexTitle(v) { |
utils_log.log(v); |
this.sexTitle = [0, "男", "女"][v ? v :]; |
utils_log.log(this.sexTitle); |
}, |
chooseAvatar(v) { |
utils_functions.api.uploadOssFile(v.detail.avatarUrl).then((res) => { |
this.user.avatar = res.show_path; |
}); |
}, |
backgroundRead(file, lists, name) { |
utils_functions.api.uploadOssFile(file.file.url).then((res) => { |
this.background = [{ url: res.show_path }]; |
this.user.background_image = res.show_path; |
}); |
}, |
backgroundDel(index, file, name) { |
this.background = []; |
this.user.background = ""; |
}, |
loginout() { |
common_vendor.index.clearStorageSync(); |
this.$store.commit("userInfo", {}); |
this.$store.commit("userExtends", {}); |
common_vendor.index.reLaunch({ url: "/pages/Index/index" }); |
} |
}, |
onPageScroll(res) { |
}, |
created() { |
} |
}; |
if (!Array) { |
const _component_HeaderNav = common_vendor.resolveComponent("HeaderNav"); |
const _easycom_u_input2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("u-input"); |
const _easycom_u_icon2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("u-icon"); |
const _easycom_u_text2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("u-text"); |
const _easycom_uv_datetime_picker2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("uv-datetime-picker"); |
const _easycom_uv_picker2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("uv-picker"); |
const _easycom_u_upload2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("u-upload"); |
(_component_HeaderNav + _easycom_u_input2 + _easycom_u_icon2 + _easycom_u_text2 + _easycom_uv_datetime_picker2 + _easycom_uv_picker2 + _easycom_u_upload2)(); |
} |
const _easycom_u_input = () => "../../uni_modules/uview-plus/components/u-input/u-input.js"; |
const _easycom_u_icon = () => "../../uni_modules/uview-plus/components/u-icon/u-icon.js"; |
const _easycom_u_text = () => "../../uni_modules/uview-plus/components/u-text/u-text.js"; |
const _easycom_uv_datetime_picker = () => "../../uni_modules/uv-datetime-picker/components/uv-datetime-picker/uv-datetime-picker.js"; |
const _easycom_uv_picker = () => "../../uni_modules/uv-picker/components/uv-picker/uv-picker.js"; |
const _easycom_u_upload = () => "../../uni_modules/uview-plus/components/u-upload/u-upload.js"; |
if (!Math) { |
(_easycom_u_input + _easycom_u_icon + _easycom_u_text + _easycom_uv_datetime_picker + _easycom_uv_picker + _easycom_u_upload)(); |
} |
function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { |
return { |
a: common_vendor.p({ |
title: "个人信息", |
["is-back"]: true |
}), |
b: _ctx.user.avatar, |
c: common_vendor.o((...args) => $options.chooseAvatar && $options.chooseAvatar(...args)), |
d: common_vendor.o(($event) => = $event), |
e: common_vendor.p({ |
inputAlign: "right", |
modelValue: |
}), |
f: common_vendor.p({ |
name: "arrow-right" |
}), |
g: common_vendor.p({ |
text: _ctx.birthday, |
size: "28", |
color: "#636363" |
}), |
h:"datetimepicker", "eb116cca-4"), |
i: common_vendor.o($options.birthdayConfirm), |
j: common_vendor.o(($event) => _ctx.user.birthday = $event), |
k: common_vendor.p({ |
mode: "date", |
minDate: "1900-01-01", |
modelValue: _ctx.user.birthday |
}), |
l: common_vendor.p({ |
name: "arrow-right" |
}), |
m: common_vendor.o(($event) => _ctx.$, |
n: common_vendor.o(($event) => = $event), |
o: common_vendor.p({ |
inputAlign: "right", |
modelValue: |
}), |
p: common_vendor.p({ |
name: "arrow-right" |
}), |
q: common_vendor.p({ |
text: _ctx.sexTitle, |
size: "28", |
color: "#636363" |
}), |
r:"sexPicker", "eb116cca-9"), |
s: common_vendor.o($options.sexConfirm), |
t: common_vendor.o(($event) => = $event), |
v: common_vendor.p({ |
["default-index"]: [_ctx.sexChecked], |
["key-name"]: "title", |
columns: _ctx.sexs, |
modelValue: |
}), |
w: common_vendor.p({ |
name: "arrow-right" |
}), |
x: common_vendor.o(($event) => _ctx.$, |
y: common_vendor.o($options.backgroundDel), |
z: common_vendor.o($options.backgroundRead), |
A: common_vendor.p({ |
["file-list"]: _ctx.background, |
maxCount: 1 |
}), |
B: common_vendor.o((...args) => $options.loginout && $options.loginout(...args)), |
C: "url(" + _ctx.staticImage.wallpaperBgImage + ")" |
}; |
} |
const MiniProgramPage = /* @__PURE__ */ common_vendor._export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["render", _sfc_render], ["__file", "E:/Project/pet_uni/pages/UserDetail/index.vue"]]); |
_sfc_main.__runtimeHooks = 1; |