You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
2.0 KiB

"use strict";
const config_host = require("../../config/host.js");
const utils_functions = require("../../utils/functions.js");
const common_vendor = require("../../common/vendor.js");
const HeaderNav = () => "../../components/HeaderNav/Index.js";
const MzButton = () => "../../components/MzButton/Index.js";
const _sfc_main = {
components: {
data: {
windowHeihgt: 1e3,
staticImage: {
wallpaperBgImage: config_host.imghost + "/static/image/background.png"
user: {
avatar: config_host.imghost + "/static/image/banner.png",
nickname: "清晨的风",
background: config_host.imghost + "/static/image/banner.png",
sex: "女",
phone: "15012345678",
coupons: 221,
id: 88685,
birthday: "2002-05-11"
onLoad() {
methods: {},
onPageScroll(res) {
created() {
this.windowHeihgt = utils_functions.api.navHeight().windowHeihgt;
if (!Array) {
const _component_HeaderNav = common_vendor.resolveComponent("HeaderNav");
const _component_MzButton = common_vendor.resolveComponent("MzButton");
(_component_HeaderNav + _component_MzButton)();
function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
return {
a: common_vendor.p({
title: "2023.5.3订单",
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b: "url(" + _ctx.staticImage.wallpaperBgImage + ")",
c: _ctx.user.avatar,
d: _ctx.user.avatar,
e: _ctx.user.avatar,
f: _ctx.user.avatar,
g: common_vendor.p({
title: "发送",
["font-color"]: "#fff",
["button-color"]: "#4DC3B8",
["button-width"]: "auto"
h: _ctx.windowHeihgt - 40 + "px"
const MiniProgramPage = /* @__PURE__ */ common_vendor._export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["render", _sfc_render], ["__file", "D:/phpstudy_pro/WEB/pet_uni/pages/ChatDetail/index.vue"]]);
_sfc_main.__runtimeHooks = 1;