"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getPluginOption = getPluginOption; exports.hasPlugin = hasPlugin; exports.mixinPlugins = exports.mixinPluginNames = void 0; exports.validatePlugins = validatePlugins; var _estree = require("./plugins/estree"); var _flow = require("./plugins/flow"); var _jsx = require("./plugins/jsx"); var _typescript = require("./plugins/typescript"); var _placeholders = require("./plugins/placeholders"); var _v8intrinsic = require("./plugins/v8intrinsic"); function hasPlugin(plugins, expectedConfig) { const [expectedName, expectedOptions] = typeof expectedConfig === "string" ? [expectedConfig, {}] : expectedConfig; const expectedKeys = Object.keys(expectedOptions); const expectedOptionsIsEmpty = expectedKeys.length === 0; return plugins.some(p => { if (typeof p === "string") { return expectedOptionsIsEmpty && p === expectedName; } else { const [pluginName, pluginOptions] = p; if (pluginName !== expectedName) { return false; } for (const key of expectedKeys) { if (pluginOptions[key] !== expectedOptions[key]) { return false; } } return true; } }); } function getPluginOption(plugins, name, option) { const plugin = plugins.find(plugin => { if (Array.isArray(plugin)) { return plugin[0] === name; } else { return plugin === name; } }); if (plugin && Array.isArray(plugin) && plugin.length > 1) { return plugin[1][option]; } return null; } const PIPELINE_PROPOSALS = ["minimal", "fsharp", "hack", "smart"]; const TOPIC_TOKENS = ["^^", "@@", "^", "%", "#"]; const RECORD_AND_TUPLE_SYNTAX_TYPES = ["hash", "bar"]; function validatePlugins(plugins) { if (hasPlugin(plugins, "decorators")) { if (hasPlugin(plugins, "decorators-legacy")) { throw new Error("Cannot use the decorators and decorators-legacy plugin together"); } const decoratorsBeforeExport = getPluginOption(plugins, "decorators", "decoratorsBeforeExport"); if (decoratorsBeforeExport != null && typeof decoratorsBeforeExport !== "boolean") { throw new Error("'decoratorsBeforeExport' must be a boolean, if specified."); } const allowCallParenthesized = getPluginOption(plugins, "decorators", "allowCallParenthesized"); if (allowCallParenthesized != null && typeof allowCallParenthesized !== "boolean") { throw new Error("'allowCallParenthesized' must be a boolean."); } } if (hasPlugin(plugins, "flow") && hasPlugin(plugins, "typescript")) { throw new Error("Cannot combine flow and typescript plugins."); } if (hasPlugin(plugins, "placeholders") && hasPlugin(plugins, "v8intrinsic")) { throw new Error("Cannot combine placeholders and v8intrinsic plugins."); } if (hasPlugin(plugins, "pipelineOperator")) { const proposal = getPluginOption(plugins, "pipelineOperator", "proposal"); if (!PIPELINE_PROPOSALS.includes(proposal)) { const proposalList = PIPELINE_PROPOSALS.map(p => `"${p}"`).join(", "); throw new Error(`"pipelineOperator" requires "proposal" option whose value must be one of: ${proposalList}.`); } const tupleSyntaxIsHash = hasPlugin(plugins, ["recordAndTuple", { syntaxType: "hash" }]); if (proposal === "hack") { if (hasPlugin(plugins, "placeholders")) { throw new Error("Cannot combine placeholders plugin and Hack-style pipes."); } if (hasPlugin(plugins, "v8intrinsic")) { throw new Error("Cannot combine v8intrinsic plugin and Hack-style pipes."); } const topicToken = getPluginOption(plugins, "pipelineOperator", "topicToken"); if (!TOPIC_TOKENS.includes(topicToken)) { const tokenList = TOPIC_TOKENS.map(t => `"${t}"`).join(", "); throw new Error(`"pipelineOperator" in "proposal": "hack" mode also requires a "topicToken" option whose value must be one of: ${tokenList}.`); } if (topicToken === "#" && tupleSyntaxIsHash) { throw new Error('Plugin conflict between `["pipelineOperator", { proposal: "hack", topicToken: "#" }]` and `["recordAndtuple", { syntaxType: "hash"}]`.'); } } else if (proposal === "smart" && tupleSyntaxIsHash) { throw new Error('Plugin conflict between `["pipelineOperator", { proposal: "smart" }]` and `["recordAndtuple", { syntaxType: "hash"}]`.'); } } if (hasPlugin(plugins, "moduleAttributes")) { { if (hasPlugin(plugins, "importAssertions") || hasPlugin(plugins, "importAttributes")) { throw new Error("Cannot combine importAssertions, importAttributes and moduleAttributes plugins."); } const moduleAttributesVersionPluginOption = getPluginOption(plugins, "moduleAttributes", "version"); if (moduleAttributesVersionPluginOption !== "may-2020") { throw new Error("The 'moduleAttributes' plugin requires a 'version' option," + " representing the last proposal update. Currently, the" + " only supported value is 'may-2020'."); } } } if (hasPlugin(plugins, "importAssertions") && hasPlugin(plugins, "importAttributes")) { throw new Error("Cannot combine importAssertions and importAttributes plugins."); } if (hasPlugin(plugins, "recordAndTuple") && getPluginOption(plugins, "recordAndTuple", "syntaxType") != null && !RECORD_AND_TUPLE_SYNTAX_TYPES.includes(getPluginOption(plugins, "recordAndTuple", "syntaxType"))) { throw new Error("The 'syntaxType' option of the 'recordAndTuple' plugin must be one of: " + RECORD_AND_TUPLE_SYNTAX_TYPES.map(p => `'${p}'`).join(", ")); } if (hasPlugin(plugins, "asyncDoExpressions") && !hasPlugin(plugins, "doExpressions")) { const error = new Error("'asyncDoExpressions' requires 'doExpressions', please add 'doExpressions' to parser plugins."); error.missingPlugins = "doExpressions"; throw error; } } const mixinPlugins = { estree: _estree.default, jsx: _jsx.default, flow: _flow.default, typescript: _typescript.default, v8intrinsic: _v8intrinsic.default, placeholders: _placeholders.default }; exports.mixinPlugins = mixinPlugins; const mixinPluginNames = Object.keys(mixinPlugins); exports.mixinPluginNames = mixinPluginNames; //# sourceMappingURL=plugin-utils.js.map